Not really sure why I'm posting, guess because I am an INFJ and tend to overanalyse everything and wondered if anyone had experienced similar or just had some feedback.
I went on a date with someone from Bumble last week, we matched and immediately started chatting - I have that I am an INFJ written in my profile and she picked up on it and said she was herself, a few back and forth messages, swapping numbers and we arranged to meet up the very next evening - pretty spontaneous.
Giving a bit of info about myself, I have just turned 40, male and a quietly confident person. She was 34 and seemed fairly similar. I wasn't always this way but maybe it has come with age or just from working on myself I have gotten over my shyness and do feel I am a good catch. I go on a fair few dates and have had a few short lived relationships but guess I am still looking for a soulmate (not that I believe in soulmates but hopefully you know what I mean). My main problem being particularly on first dates is when I actually meet someone I really like I tend to become passive and receive the 'No chemistry/spark' text either after the date or the next day.
Anyway I arrived at the train station where we arranged to meet and she was stunning, I literally melted when we greeted each other. In those first couple of minutes where you make smalltalk whilst walking to the bar I knew I was going to be in trouble and this was going to be one of those once a year (if that...) type dates where you just fall immediately for them.
We get to the bar and talk for a few hours about lots of things - work, travel, family, politics, values, psychology, etc. I opened up about a lot of things that I wouldn't talk to someone about on the first date and felt she did the same. The entire date I was passive though - no flirting, no attempting to kiss or anything like that - I was just too nervous and didn't want to put her off. The layout of the bar didn't help as we were seated opposite each other rather than next to each other. I know from experience that if you don't flirt or kiss then 99% of the time you won't get a second date.
After a couple of drinks we made our way back to the station and said our farewells, hugged and I said to text me when she got home. Again being so passive I didn't go for the kiss and immediately regretted not trying.
Anyway, sure enough I get home and a little while later she texts me to tell me that she got home safely and that she'd had a lovely time, I messaged her back and said thanks for letting me know and to let me know if she wanted to do it again sometime. A few moments later and as expected I got a reply saying 'It felt more like a friend vibe tonight than other chemistry', that I was a lovely guy and she'd be happy to stay as friends. I was gutted obviously and told her that I need to get better at reading chemistry as I did fancy her and really wanted to have kissed her but that I wasn't really looking for a friend and thanked her for her honesty. She replied saying that she wished me all the best and we kind of just left it there.
I just feel gutted with myself for not trying to build a bit of attraction, I am always a bit nervous before a first date but when I meet someone who I guess would tick all my boxes then I just withdraw a bit and become so passive. When I meet someone who I am ambivalent about I usually end up kissing them fairly quickly and usually end up going on more dates or even more. I know I shouldn't be this gutted after a first date as truth be told I don't know anything about her and we could be completely incompatible but once in a blue moon someone does this to me on a first date and leaves me feeling like I've just broken up from a long term relationship.
I know I be fine in a few more days and will eventually forget her and the date but I guess from peoples experiences of being INFJ's or having dated them, should I give up all hope of her changing her mind and/or getting back in touch with me?
Thanks for reading.
I went on a date with someone from Bumble last week, we matched and immediately started chatting - I have that I am an INFJ written in my profile and she picked up on it and said she was herself, a few back and forth messages, swapping numbers and we arranged to meet up the very next evening - pretty spontaneous.
Giving a bit of info about myself, I have just turned 40, male and a quietly confident person. She was 34 and seemed fairly similar. I wasn't always this way but maybe it has come with age or just from working on myself I have gotten over my shyness and do feel I am a good catch. I go on a fair few dates and have had a few short lived relationships but guess I am still looking for a soulmate (not that I believe in soulmates but hopefully you know what I mean). My main problem being particularly on first dates is when I actually meet someone I really like I tend to become passive and receive the 'No chemistry/spark' text either after the date or the next day.
Anyway I arrived at the train station where we arranged to meet and she was stunning, I literally melted when we greeted each other. In those first couple of minutes where you make smalltalk whilst walking to the bar I knew I was going to be in trouble and this was going to be one of those once a year (if that...) type dates where you just fall immediately for them.
We get to the bar and talk for a few hours about lots of things - work, travel, family, politics, values, psychology, etc. I opened up about a lot of things that I wouldn't talk to someone about on the first date and felt she did the same. The entire date I was passive though - no flirting, no attempting to kiss or anything like that - I was just too nervous and didn't want to put her off. The layout of the bar didn't help as we were seated opposite each other rather than next to each other. I know from experience that if you don't flirt or kiss then 99% of the time you won't get a second date.
After a couple of drinks we made our way back to the station and said our farewells, hugged and I said to text me when she got home. Again being so passive I didn't go for the kiss and immediately regretted not trying.
Anyway, sure enough I get home and a little while later she texts me to tell me that she got home safely and that she'd had a lovely time, I messaged her back and said thanks for letting me know and to let me know if she wanted to do it again sometime. A few moments later and as expected I got a reply saying 'It felt more like a friend vibe tonight than other chemistry', that I was a lovely guy and she'd be happy to stay as friends. I was gutted obviously and told her that I need to get better at reading chemistry as I did fancy her and really wanted to have kissed her but that I wasn't really looking for a friend and thanked her for her honesty. She replied saying that she wished me all the best and we kind of just left it there.
I just feel gutted with myself for not trying to build a bit of attraction, I am always a bit nervous before a first date but when I meet someone who I guess would tick all my boxes then I just withdraw a bit and become so passive. When I meet someone who I am ambivalent about I usually end up kissing them fairly quickly and usually end up going on more dates or even more. I know I shouldn't be this gutted after a first date as truth be told I don't know anything about her and we could be completely incompatible but once in a blue moon someone does this to me on a first date and leaves me feeling like I've just broken up from a long term relationship.
I know I be fine in a few more days and will eventually forget her and the date but I guess from peoples experiences of being INFJ's or having dated them, should I give up all hope of her changing her mind and/or getting back in touch with me?
Thanks for reading.