I believe in Angels


5, sp/so/sx
I know angels are real, the fact you can't see them, doesn't mean they are not real.
I never saw and angel, but I felt and heard not just one, but many.
One day, I tried to comuniacte with angels, to make sure they are real, so I wrote an intuative letter,
with words that just doesn't make sense.
And one name poped out- Suriel.
I just couldn't believe it, I was sure I invented it, and ask for a proof, when I looked at the hour I saw it was 11:11.
I searched the name Suriel, and it is real, it's name in the bible.
They've sent me a date(it's an hebrew date with letter, so I checked what the christian date), and it was 1 in November 2010, 01/11/10.
I started to believe completly in angels, since that day, and every day, they remind me, but a pure white feather, that they are with me.

I would love to hear angels experiences here, if someone had one or more.
And all comments are welcomed.
I believe in angels, too (as well as a lot of other things one cannot see), but I have not have any tangible interaction with them. I'm fine with that.

I have had many occurances in life in which something difficult or challenging happened, followed (at some point) by a nearly invisible peripheral event that spoke quietly to the first. It would have been easy to miss and/or overlook, but this small event gave me hope, helped me to know that all would be okay, gave me a bit of courage to face things. I don't know what was behind all that, but I would not be surprised if an angel was involved. I'll never know nor do I need to...but I am grateful for this grace.
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Sounds really awesome idan...would love to hear more of what you experience.
[MENTION=1098]randomsomeone[/MENTION] That's really swesome that you fully belive in angels :)

[MENTION=2398]middle1[/MENTION] I can tell you that listeninig carefully to your thoughts, can reveal angels messages, you just know it!
You just feel love and nothing else :)
You just feel love and nothing else :)
I would say this is very much a part of all experiences I have had with the world of the Divine......pure love: uplifting, understanding, welcoming, ennobling, potently silent, overwhelming and palpable. There is communication, but quite unlike what we are used to. People often worry about judgement, or wrath, or harshness, or vindictiveness, but to me it's always been quite the opposite in extreme measure.

I also might observe that this is no game. Angels meet life in the most raw, difficult circumstances one can imagine, places where a little light is desperately needed. From what I can tell they do not fix things, remove consequences, or bail us out....it is something else altogether and it is respectful of our freedom. I have seen this many times. Situations are not necessarily changed, but they are transformed.

I think the Divine world, the reality of it, is that we are meant to carry out our existance in partnership, in relationship with, in connection with the Divine, and this dynamic is what it is really all about. Our egos, while useful in many ways, often drive us to control things, and preside at the center of things, and have everything agree with us. That is a mode we have to move aways from to enter into this other realm.
Lovley post you wrote.
Angels really do help people who are really depressed and at real danger.
But worries won't bring them, just love :m032:
I most definitely believe angels exist. I could relate a story where (we believe) angels helped out. That's cool. But I get really leery about it when it turns into a religion. Angels are predominantly messengers. What is their message? And, more importantly, who are they messengers for? I think those questions are more important than a hyperfocus on angels.
Angels are messengers of God, they have been sent to guise us through our life, and to bring a trasnformation to the earth.
Angels have many messages to many people and many missions too.
Angels are messengers of God, they have been sent to guise us through our life, and to bring a trasnformation to the earth.
Angels have many messages to many people and many missions too.
I agree that they're messengers of God. I'm just saying I get uncomfortable when we put all the focus on the angels. Why not put the focus on God? He's the one who's trying to reach us, afterall. And if angels have missions on Earth, it's because God directed them. I don't really think it's up to the angels to transform Earth, however. That's between us and God.

EDIT - I'm not trying to give you a hard time; I'm just trying to explain my position.
All because of you, I believe in angels.
Not the kind with wings. No, not the kind
with halos. The kind that bring you home
when home becomes a strange place.
I received a call when I was somewhere around 8 years old from someone claiming to be my guardian angel, they said they were dying and begged for help. It was a rather unusual and cruel prank to play on a kid.

That is my only experience with angels one way or another.
I received a call when I was somewhere around 8 years old from someone claiming to be my guardian angel, they said they were dying and begged for help. It was a rather unusual and cruel prank to play on a kid.

That is my only experience with angels one way or another.
Wow, that really sucks. :( Who would do that?
I have always felt the presence of my guiardian angel. Usually comes to me when I call him. He has always been with me. The first time I saw him in my meditative state it was hard to look at him directly, as they are not in the same energy vibration as humans. He has very dark hair and fair skin. I have also communicated with im to send good wishes and love to my family memebers abroad and ironically they always call me the next day to ask if everything is ok and I always know they recieved good eenrgy i sent forth. In any case; he is always there and gives me great comfort when I ask for it. And also the numbers also speak to me, i constantly see 11:11, 222, and many odd combinations and it is only a sign of acknowledgement that they are there and ready to help if asked.
I'm so loving this thread.

I have had really amazing experiences but have always considered them from the Holy Spirit, not angels, although I love angels.

I'm afraid my heart has been a little hardened and I've become bitter and I'm sure that wards off some love.
I have had really amazing experiences but have always considered them from the Holy Spirit, not angels, although I love angels.
I think you are quite right to make this assumption and I know of no angel that would argue. Deference to the Divine Life seems a matter of simple reality in the spiritual world. It is a world that appears to be very different from our own....things are murky, and finite, and limited here, but there is clarity, and fullness, and infinity at work in the other realm. Both our material world and the spiritual world share amazing and beautiful complexity, and our attempts to describe the other realm always fall short and vastly over-simplify primarily because we just don't know too much...we only perceive glimpses. This is why angel stories are too often relegated to kiddie status, I guess, but the reality sure isn't so.

In light of the Christmas celebration around the corner, I love the angelic announcement "Glory to God in the Highest, and Peace to His People on the Earth." Is there any salutation that best speaks to the deepest aspirations and desires of humanity, even 2000 years later? It's so sad that it becomes trite in it's repetition through the ages, but to have heard this announcement for the very first time??? Wow.
I have always felt the presence of my guiardian angel. Usually comes to me when I call him. He has always been with me. The first time I saw him in my meditative state it was hard to look at him directly, as they are not in the same energy vibration as humans. He has very dark hair and fair skin. I have also communicated with im to send good wishes and love to my family memebers abroad and ironically they always call me the next day to ask if everything is ok and I always know they recieved good eenrgy i sent forth. In any case; he is always there and gives me great comfort when I ask for it. And also the numbers also speak to me, i constantly see 11:11, 222, and many odd combinations and it is only a sign of acknowledgement that they are there and ready to help if asked.
Lovley :)
send good wishes and love to my family members

You know, this reminds me of something I totally forgot about! When my kids were little I used to do this on their behalf all the time. I never had any concrete evidence that my angels were working (with their angels) on their behalf, but it was one of those strong urges/feelings/senses that you just can't ignore, you know?
[MENTION=1098]randomsomeone[/MENTION] The kids' guardian angels are so protective of them, that you can't ignore that :)
@randomsomeone The kids' guardian angels are so protective of them, that you can't ignore that :)
Yes, very true. I dunno, it was strange...I felt somehow that as their dad (also protector, but of an earthly sort) that there was some sort of agreement/unity of purpose between me and those angels, almost as if I could cooperate with them in their mission and help them be more effective by moving in the same direction. I also felt that my prayers and deep yearnings on their behalf empowered the angels as in a combined action, as if a circle was more complete by adding my own cooperation and actions.

By the same token, I felt this "protective authority" wane somehow as they entered into adulthood (all are in their 20s now). Still, I'm now pretty sure that this is not altogether so, in similar fashion to what Solongotgon was talking about.
You know, this reminds me of something I totally forgot about! When my kids were little I used to do this on their behalf all the time. I never had any concrete evidence that my angels were working (with their angels) on their behalf, but it was one of those strong urges/feelings/senses that you just can't ignore, you know?

Yea I know what you mean.Kids are even better at picking up spiritual energies since they are more intuitive than adults. Some family members do share same guardian angels according to many mediums that had angelic experiences. But the strong gut instinct is a sign of clairsentience and it is a intuitive channel that you receive information that you could not have created by your conscious mind and the urge to protect can be felt very strongly to create more protection for your kids :):m032: