I've always wanted to live in a highly evolved society. Where our work, the way we live, our ideas, philosophies and our money is used to benefit all. No competition. Just an intuitive understanding that all we do is for the betterment of all humans and all species on the planet earth. For me, the world as it is, is a great disappointment.Thoughtless consumption backed by mindless materialism. At a young age I couldn't believe how shallow most people were and are. It deeply troubled me that status and power were more important than the well being of others and our planet.
A simple example for me is how ridiculous the idea of ownership.
- Yes. <3I think as a child my intuition was quite strong....
- That is my husband to a T.The older I got the more troubled I became. It seems that we as the human race are headed toward the 6th extinction and there is nothing we can do to stop it.
Now everything that can be owned has somehow been taken over.
I think about this too.
I think as a child my intuition was quite strong. I had a sense of the cyclical nature of things (time) and the dynamics underlying relationships. My connection to nature and some experiences also felt quite heightened and in retrospect, profound. I think I had a rich imaginary world, which was a good thing as I was an only child. I felt alone a lot of the time, but connected to things at the same time. Also I was fascinated about things like out of body experiences and everything esoteric like that from a young age. I asked a lot of questions about everything, but was withdrawn at school.
Thoughtless consumption backed by mindless materialism
How have you not been as others were...and not seen as others saw?
A simple example for me is how ridiculous the idea of ownership. If you think in terms of land as an example, that has always seemed a bit ridiculous to me. The idea that some one could go along somewhere and then 'discover' something that is already there,- and then stick a stake in the ground and claim it, so to speak. Now everything that can be owned has somehow been taken over. Whether it's an actual physical thing or access to that thing or idea.
I've liked to think that the only thing that I "own" is my life.