I hypothesize that those who are self professed introverts are generally more cynical and less trust


Hey guys, I have a interview/survey assignment in one class and we got to choose our topics so I decided to come up with a theory surrounding our personality styles having influence on our political views.

I have a theory that introverts tend to be more 'cynical' per say than extroverts? I think this may be specifically for INFJS who tend to be reserved and slowly open up to people once they find they are trustworthy whereas extroverts are open with people regardless.

I just have a few questions for those who would be willing to participate in testing my hypothesis.

  1. Do you think how people portray themselves is accurate to who they really are? (YES/NO)
  2. Do you think there are more insincere politicians than sincere ones? (YES/NO)
  3. Do you think politicians core values are for the people or based on self interest? (YES/NO)
  4. Would you say you trust the government? (YES/NO)
  5. Would you say your personality is more cynical than optimistic? (YES/NO)
I just realized you can’t answer question #3 with yes or no I apologize! Also I’m open to any suggestions for questions to add/remove to better test my hypothesis
I have a theory that introverts tend to be more 'cynical' per say than extroverts?

I don't think that's the case, though there may be something to be said about the type of cynicism in introverts vs extroverts

1. No
2. Yes
3. Self Interest
4. Somewhat
5. No
Hey guys, I have a interview/survey assignment in one class and we got to choose our topics so I decided to come up with a theory surrounding our personality styles having influence on our political views.

I have a theory that introverts tend to be more 'cynical' per say than extroverts? I think this may be specifically for INFJS who tend to be reserved and slowly open up to people once they find they are trustworthy whereas extroverts are open with people regardless.

I just have a few questions for those who would be willing to participate in testing my hypothesis.

  1. Do you think how people portray themselves is accurate to who they really are? (YES/NO) No All of us are brainwashed in one way or the other.
  2. Do you think there are more insincere politicians than sincere ones? (YES/NO) No They sincerely desire power.
  3. Do you think politicians core values are for the people or based on self interest? (YES/NO) I think their core values change over time.
  4. Would you say you trust the government? (YES/NO) No
  5. Would you say your personality is more cynical than optimistic? (YES/NO) Yes and No I see the lies perpetrated around me here in the US....and I am deeply cynical when it comes to the establishment. But I am very optimistic about the people at large and know in their hearts they just want the peace to have ease in their lives. We'll get there one day...

    Interesting assignment.

    I decided to look up the meaning of the word Cynical and found this:

    1. Believing or showing the belief that people are motivated chiefly by base or selfish concerns; skeptical of the motives of others: a cynical dismissal of the politician's promise to reform the campaign finance system.
    2. Selfishly or callously calculating: showed a cynical disregard for the safety of his troops in his efforts to advance his reputation.
    3. Negative or pessimistic, as from world-weariness: a cynical view of the average voter's intelligence.
    4. Expressing jaded or scornful skepticism or negativity: cynical laughter.

    Though I am "world weary" and highly skeptical I do not consider myself nor any of my INFJ friends to be negative, pessimistic, selfish, callous, etc.
    Seeing through people's lies whether they're obvious to them or not can make us INFJs very skeptical of what a person is presenting in front of us. Perhaps that makes us cynical.
Hey guys, I have a interview/survey assignment in one class and we got to choose our topics so I decided to come up with a theory surrounding our personality styles having influence on our political views.

I have a theory that introverts tend to be more 'cynical' per say than extroverts? I think this may be specifically for INFJS who tend to be reserved and slowly open up to people once they find they are trustworthy whereas extroverts are open with people regardless.

I just have a few questions for those who would be willing to participate in testing my hypothesis.

  1. Do you think how people portray themselves is accurate to who they really are? (YES/NO)
  2. Do you think there are more insincere politicians than sincere ones? (YES/NO)
  3. Do you think politicians core values are for the people or based on self interest? (YES/NO)
  4. Would you say you trust the government? (YES/NO)
  5. Would you say your personality is more cynical than optimistic? (YES/NO)
1..Most people have no idea who they really are
2. yep. .
3. most are for sale, like nascar drivers, and if would be nice it they wore sponsor's jackets
4. nope
5. yes/no
Hard to answer yes/no for these but I'll try to be concise.

1.) People wear different "masks" around different people: family, friends, co-workers, constituents etc.

2.) Probably more insincere or in it for themselves. But there are sincere ones.

3.) It varies

4.) Not at the moment. But I think we should be able to trust the government by electing people who represent us. The people should be the government.

5.) Cynical optimist. Someone recently mentioned my optimism being short lived in conversation. I can't help but see things unfolding in a dozen different ways. Some bleak, some promising.

This is just an anecdote but I was talking politics with my brother the other day. He is an ENFJ and libertarian (though leans very right). He's very cynical consistently. He has no faith in the government and thinks it is corrupt and inefficient no matter who is running it.

I can see how it can be that way but I'm still optimistic that we can elect people who will make a difference and actually represent their constituents. I know that progress tends to happen at a snail's pace in the US because of the partisan gridlock but I still see progress nonetheless.
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  1. Do you think how people portray themselves is accurate to who they really are?

    Yes, because how you consistently behave becomes who you are whether you are being authentic or not.

  2. Do you think there are more insincere politicians than sincere ones?

    Yes. I can only think of one who may be sincere.

  3. Do you think politicians' core values are for the people or based on self-interest?

  4. Would you say you trust the government?

    No. hahahahahaha. No.
  5. Would you say your personality is more cynical than optimistic?

    Not necessarily, but you're asking a lot of questions about a topic I'm cynical (realistic) about.
1) No, but not necessarily to be deceptive. Essentially, Jung's idea of persona. In more intimate relationships, yes, that's them.

2) At the national level, insincere. I reckon there are probably lots of sincere local politicians.

3) Again, at the local level I would assume there is more altruism. It depends how much they want it.

4) No. But also yes. I trust them to keep us relatively shielded from the reality of what it takes to sustain our way of life and the consequences of those actions.

5) More cynical these days. I am pessimistic about the future of humanity. I think a crapsack world is the best we can hope for at this point but I can live with that as long as I remain part of the sedated and distracted classes.
  1. Do you think how people portray themselves is accurate to who they really are? No. I think it is normal to adapt your behavior to the people you're interacting with.
  2. Do you think there are more insincere politicians than sincere ones? Yes, when you're in politics, you'll have to sit on many fences no matter what.
  3. Do you think politicians core values are for the people or based on self interest? For the people and the big picture. I feel like the private sector is just better to fulfill your own needs, whatever those are.
  4. Would you say you trust the government? Yes.
  5. Would you say your personality is more cynical than optimistic? Optimistic.
I just have a few questions for those who would be willing to participate in testing my hypothesis.
  1. Do you think how people portray themselves is accurate to who they really are? NO
  2. Do you think there are more insincere politicians than sincere ones? YES - Currently
  3. Do you think politicians core values are for the people or based on self interest? Self Interest, Party policy is more people oriented
  4. Would you say you trust the government? YES, but I don't trust their competence
  5. Would you say your personality is more cynical than optimistic? Optimistically Cynical

You'll have the test it out on an extravert forum as well though.
  1. Do you think how people portray themselves is accurate to who they really are? No
  2. Do you think there are more insincere politicians than sincere ones? Yes, a lot of them.
  3. Do you think politicians' core values are for the people or based on self-interest? Self-interest
  4. Would you say you trust the government? Depends
  5. Would you say your personality is more cynical than optimistic? Both
  1. Do you think how people portray themselves is accurate to who they really are? No, I think they often portray themselves how they wish to be.
  2. Do you think there are more insincere politicians than sincere ones? Yes, but for the majority of them not in a way that's particularly unique compared to any other given person.
  3. Do you think politicians core values are for the people or based on self interest? A certain amount of self interest and their special interests. (Self interest)
  4. Would you say you trust the government? I wouldn't say anymore or less than any other institution. (I can't say yes or no, probably yes.)
  5. Would you say your personality is more cynical than optimistic? It's hard for me to decide; I think overall I'm mostly neutral to things with optimism in certain areas.
I wouldn't mind hearing your thoughts on what you consider introversion/extroversion. I think most people are ambiverts and pretty situational in how they act.
  1. Do you think how people portray themselves is accurate to who they really are? Kinda. People downplay negative aspects and inflate what they are good at.
  2. Do you think there are more insincere politicians than sincere ones? Yes, but I don't know many personally.
  3. Do you think politicians core values are for the people or based on self interest? Career politicians have to be focused on self interest to maintain a job.
  4. Would you say you trust the government? No.
  5. Would you say your personality is more cynical than optimistic? Cynical optimist. I really hope we make it as a species. Not filled with confidence but there are moments of joy.
  • Do you think how people portray themselves is accurate to who they really are? No
  • Do you think there are more insincere politicians than sincere ones? Yes
  • Do you think politicians core values are for the people or based on self interest? Self-interest
  • Would you say you trust the government? Somewhat
  • Would you say your personality is more cynical than optimistic? No

The idea of the State is a compromise anyway—we know it's not ideal but we decide that we're better off with one.
Maybe it's a bit of a paradox but as an INFJ I don't like stereotyping. It's one of humankind's biggest obstacles to becoming completely self-aware and independent thinkers. Buying into types not only sells yourself short but leaves the door wide open for manipulation and exploitation. As J. Krishnamurti said "be a light unto yourself" and don't let anyone convince you you're this or that because you have no loyalties to any of the above.