I just saw...


Retired Staff
messed up
We went to the movies over the weekend with our daughter and Saw WALL-E I have to say this movie was the cutest, funniest and absolutely best pixar movie yet! Anyone else see it?
I just saw it too. I was so surprised that it was a romance. And it was incredibly cute. I already want to see it again.
My son and i saw it the first weekend he was here. We LOVED it!!!

You know the part where Eve shuts down and Wall-e is trying to get her back? I was alternately laughing and feeling bad for him because I could totally relate ... That's what it feels like for an ESTP when her INFJ shuts down. :roll:
ROFL Coke!! It was SOOOO cute! I would totaly pay to see it a second time too!
oh.. looking forward to this one.

I hope pixar can get up some good shit this time, and visually it looks very interesting. Its been some time since the incredibles, and everything theyve done after disney took over have been... erm.. well.. shit.
Well.....Thats because well Disney is well...as you said S*&t But this one was great....I do have to mention on the subject of disney has anyone seen the preview for the new disney movie??/

Boy they are REALLY reaching for this one This looks like the stupidest movie EVER!!!

http://www.slashfilm.com/2008/05/07/bev ... e-trailer/
I am now dumber for having seen that trailer.
The only way that movie can be saved is if Paris Hilton is eaten alive by her dog in it.
Satya said:
The only way that movie can be saved is if Paris Hilton is eaten alive by her dog in it.
ROFLMAO I think i might actually pay to see that! ;)
entyqua said:
We went to the movies over the weekend with our daughter and Saw WALL-E I have to say this movie was the cutest, funniest and absolutely best pixar movie yet! Anyone else see it?

Saw it when it first came out!! It was awesome!! WALL-E felt very INFP. Fantasy, imagination, ingenuity . . . roach as a friend . . . good movie.
entyqua said:
its hard to believe that real people actual sat down, on their chairs, in the meeting room, drank coffee, discussing it seriously, continuing to discuss it, developing it even further, hiring concept artist, write a script, hiring animal trainers, finding dogs, finding camera men, animators, casting Drew Barrymore (what the fuck was she on when she agreed on this?).... think of ALL the people that actual put all this fucking work on making something that is so completely worthless...

this is probably a movie, only people like Paris Hilton can enjoy... even if they kill her fucking dog in it.
ulan_bat0r said:
entyqua said:
its hard to believe that real people actual sat down, on their chairs, in the meeting room, drank coffee, discussing it seriously, continuing to discuss it, developing it even further, hiring concept artist, write a script, hiring animal trainers, finding dogs, finding camera men, animators, casting Drew Barrymore (what the fuck was she on when she agreed on this?).... think of ALL the people that actual put all this fucking work on making something that is so completely worthless...

this is probably a movie, only people like Paris Hilton can enjoy... even if they kill her fucking dog in it.

I know HOW did this get past ANYONE and ANY level with a brain or even HALF of one...Just further proof that disney is being ran by monkeys....
Now that I think it over, I'm actually kind of offended by this movie. Is this how low the intelligence of America is rated in the eyes of Disney?
America went to war in iraq because they were angry over the actions of people in saudi arabia... i think their view of the average american is justified. Doesn't mean that YOU are the average american.
ShaiGar said:
America went to war in iraq because they were angry over the actions of people in saudi arabia... i think their view of the average american is justified. Doesn't mean that YOU are the average american.

I think the average American knew that was BS, it's just the average American is apathetic.

And apathy doesn't buy movie tickets.
Satya said:
ShaiGar said:
America went to war in iraq because they were angry over the actions of people in saudi arabia... i think their view of the average american is justified. Doesn't mean that YOU are the average american.

I think the average American knew that was BS, it's just the average American is apathetic.

And apathy doesn't buy movie tickets.
yes it does, to alleviate the boredom.
ShaiGar said:
yes it does, to alleviate the boredom.

I hate to admit it but I think you are right. People will go see this movie if they are bored enough.
entyqua said:
Well.....Thats because well Disney is well...as you said S*&t But this one was great....I do have to mention on the subject of disney has anyone seen the preview for the new disney movie??/

Boy they are REALLY reaching for this one This looks like the stupidest movie EVER!!!

http://www.slashfilm.com/2008/05/07/bev ... e-trailer/

That website wont' connect to me is this the same trailer?

I never did like disney they seem to false.
I guess If walt disney was here it would be much better.
I like the classic mickey mouse tapes.
House of mouse really doesn't satisfy.