i met a celebrity at work


On Holiday
today at work i served a celebrity i really respected. she was a television journalist from some time ago. i was completely starstruck. she was very beautiful and charismatic, very eloquent and with a very clear and lovely voice, her eyes were sparkly, she was very very kind to me. it was fun and exciting, and kind of inspirational.

has anyone else got stories of unexpected celebrity encounters? how did it effect you?
When I worked in a Stage crew for the concerts we hosted at University I met a few celebrities.
I met people such as Jerry Jeff Walker and the lead singer from Blood Sweat and Tears. I was very young and naive and felt like I was in the presence of someone otherworldly...not in my category of species at all. LOL

Then we hosted Kiss right before they hit stardom and they were the tallest (7 feet with their high platform boots) assholes I'd ever encountered. This altered my view of celebrities quite considerably.

A few years ago unique circumstances came together such that I was able to see one of my all time favorite musicians, Jesse Cook, in a small town, small theater concert performance. He and the band were so lovely, open, and responsive to us, the audience, it felt like he was jamming in the living room for a group of friends. He noticed a bunch of us belly dancers standing and dancing to his music so he invited everyone to come up on stage with them and dance. What a synergistic experience! After the show he came out to sign stuff and interact with us. I got to visit with him.
I remember being enthralled with the idea of standing right next to him. He was so soft and gracious. His smile reached all the way up to his eyes. One could tell he appreciated his fans and the ability to make music for us. We were gifting him just as he was gifting us.

Sigh....he had beautiful hands with long elegant fingers.

In 1996, Keanu Reeves walked into the print shop I worked at in downtown Mpls when he was here filming Feeling Minnesota.
I waited on him. He wanted copies made, and while I recognized him, I didn't react like he was anyone special.
He's just another walk in that wants copies.
I walk back into the shop to were the the copiers were, and several of the other employees were about to lose it.
"You know who that is?"
"Yeah, Keanu Reeves. So what?" I said.

They ended up getting autographs and fawned all over him. I found it all embarrasing.
I made eye contact with him as I rang up his order and rolled my eyes and shook my head as I apologized.
"Sorry man!"
He was very cool about it.

I don't care how long ago it was he made the movie Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure, but he will forever be Ted in my mind.
I met Dee Snyder from Twisted Sister backstage and he signed 2 autographs for me to my brothers.He asked why I didnt bring them to the show and I said because I brought my chick at the time, at which point he leaned in close to my ear and said "well thats because you cant fuck you brothers" haha.