[INTJ] If the cosmos was a beach


101 messages, so time to be a bit more loopy.

If the cosmos was a beech,
conscious or drowsy;
reacting in their own to a large sudden wave.

For the subconscious perhaps,
similar shared physical event;
indistriciminate, sudden and global.

Gravitional waves and other things,
perhaps the voice in the dark;
we share an objective world affecting all.

If all life is an island, the cosmos is ocean.
How lucky are we to have this nice calming beach.

Not to argue the faint as noticeable.
There is noise, but also signal in the physical world.
Analogue biological being on the same beach in the same region of the ocean.

Not sufficent for allusion to quantum electrodynamics and the electric and chemical information processing in living things?

Not so much that the earth us a blue dot, but a living things in a indifferent and cast cosmos.

There is this thing about the smallest thing, and certain fields and effects working at infinite distance, until it is irrelevant even for the smallest.
There is this thing about the smallest thing, and certain fields and effects working at infinite distance, until it is irrelevant even for the smallest.

Go on


This "below" allows one to argue about noise in the Universe.
It relates to to these fundamental forces as well:

Electromagnetic and Gravitation as you notice has infinite range, but the planck unit is also the "smallest value with physical consequences".

Brain waves and other things when one aren't careful stop being cogent in respect to physics, but nothing wrong with the noise and energy in cosmos affecting consciousness as a spiritual attitude.

Planck constant is an incredibly small value, now purists in QM have little problem with virtual particles that pop in and out of excistence, but may philosophically claim that it is unrelated to below planck noise and might get angry -- does not imply however that it's metaphysical or spiritual nonsense. But there is nothing practical about talking about virtual particles and background radiation in the context gravitational waves as measured by LIGO for example.
energy in cosmos affecting consciousness as a spiritual attitude.


Yes, it implies some such, and agrees with statements like "calm your mind to follow ebs and flows of the sun and moon".
And disagrees with quantum mechanical brain waves and those talking with confidence about personal convictions, thoughts and perception.

This is where I go LOLOL, he may be the figure head a large community that does Yoga.
This explanation actually takes away from both meditation and physics at the same time.
And exemplifies the image above as a charming and goofy spiritual leader.

Please hold my Sari while I talk about modern science and physics.
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