If You're Psychic And you Know it Cash in Now!


Really peculiar that they use the same interface and business model as the nude camgirl websites.

Or you could use your cold read abilities to scam the fuck out of people, like most psychics do.

You magical motherfuckers get on it.
Name of the third one down on the left I misread. I thought it said Astroerotica instead of Astroerica, lol.
I was like, I'll bet that's the one the Princess creeps, lol.
Yes [MENTION=3817]dream echo[/MENTION]

I admit I misread some of those names in the same fashion. LOL

Ah Princess? I don't see how I could do that - I don't have a catchy name. hahahahahahahhaaha
You misread the names because you expect the name to be dirty. Likely due to porn site browsing.
I just like channelling energy.

I like feeling the tingles when I've "seen" something...Or when I realize that a person's situation has suddenly changed.
Guess it never occured to you magical energy channellers to cash in.
There is very little magic involved. It would be awesome for science to start allowing multidimensional reality into being for it is us. Much like mapping the depths of the ocean or space, the junction between human interpretation is re-directional. Much of what goes on today is missed, its all an illusion. Since science and religion are two sides of the same coin of juvenile development, like babies falling off a crib into deep water before knowing how to walk. Embracing spirituality, is a simple yet often times challenging road, for earths density happens to be by in large absent from any other. And then spirituality is miss-directional as much, too few genuinely understand the convergence, the homeostasis set point, the anchoring in this time reality that helps define them, us. It is easy to assume that much of the programming in our conditional lives is reality and much of anything beyond is magical. shrugs.

It really is like riding a bicycle, when your on it, sweet. When your off it, sweeter. However the sweetness comes not in cash but in knowing abundance flows once in alignment to being. Most manifestations, charges, realities, mirrors, indeed intellectual, emotional and spiritual values and perceptions change with.
damn, i was trying to be one, and they were like pass the test and it said "whats your mbti type' and so i put enfj and they were like 'denied.'

also, however, i encourage everyone to indulge in a free chat for only $2.60 a minute.
There is very little magic involved. It would be awesome for science to start allowing multidimensional reality into being for it is us. Much like mapping the depths of the ocean or space, the junction between human interpretation is re-directional. Much of what goes on today is missed, its all an illusion. Since science and religion are two sides of the same coin of juvenile development, like babies falling off a crib into deep water before knowing how to walk. Embracing spirituality, is a simple yet often times challenging road, for earths density happens to be by in large absent from any other. And then spirituality is miss-directional as much, too few genuinely understand the convergence, the homeostasis set point, the anchoring in this time reality that helps define them, us. It is easy to assume that much of the programming in our conditional lives is reality and much of anything beyond is magical. shrugs.

It really is like riding a bicycle, when your on it, sweet. When your off it, sweeter. However the sweetness comes not in cash but in knowing abundance flows once in alignment to being. Most manifestations, charges, realities, mirrors, indeed intellectual, emotional and spiritual values and perceptions change with.
because fabrications of your mind are more real than something directly observable. sorry reality is so daunting that u have to make shit up to make sense of it

dude every thought you have has a physical basis in your brain
This site is crap and scam. :| If you wanna go into business for your guide work, I suggest doing it the old fashion way and networking. That always works for me. I always do readings for my mum's friends and then they recommend me to other people. I'm thinking about making business cards and spreading them around campus or around my neighbor. It also helps to befriend a local esoteric shop and maybe ask to do readings there.