- Enneagram
- 4w5
What is really important in life? I thought this would be an easy question to answer, but when I tried to answer it thoroughly, it became extremely complicated. There seems to be two main answers: the social answer, and the existential answer. The social answer is basically that friends, family, etc. are what is really important- your human relationships are important. The existential answer is that nothing is important, so you have to create importance out of that nothingness.
I don't like either answer at all really, and I don't care for the hedonistic answer as well, which is basically that avoiding pain and attaining pleasure is important. I do that- everyone does that- but it doesn't help figure out what is important. Hedonism is about the same as saying "important things are important", unless you're debating an ascetic.
I'm constantly overcome with the feeling that the world is basically a terrible place. There are a lot of good reasons to think that. It seems like we're basically just surviving, as opposed to living, which is supposed to be more than just surviving. But what is that?
I don't like either answer at all really, and I don't care for the hedonistic answer as well, which is basically that avoiding pain and attaining pleasure is important. I do that- everyone does that- but it doesn't help figure out what is important. Hedonism is about the same as saying "important things are important", unless you're debating an ascetic.
I'm constantly overcome with the feeling that the world is basically a terrible place. There are a lot of good reasons to think that. It seems like we're basically just surviving, as opposed to living, which is supposed to be more than just surviving. But what is that?