INFJ and creativity


Hi everyone! I read a quite peculiar discussion a few days ago, from this forum, that left me puzzled and a bit uncomfortable even. It's about INFJ types and creativity/creating art projects.

A quick search online will reveal that many INFJ tend to have an artistic/creative side to them. Most conclusions agree on that. Yet, other sources - evidently - claims that creating physical art might actually be an unhealthy activity for INFJs because we, by doing that, are trying to "indulge in Se", which is our inferior function, to use the MBTI-terms. And even more harsh, some sites state that wanting to "change the world by adding beauty to" could be a sign of being in"the grip" (or moving towards it).

That's just a very quick summary of this discussion. I know there’s already a thread on the matter, but I couldn’t reply, so I thought I would bring it up again, as it seems as relevant as back then:

In 2011 I started DJing ans shortly thereafter have been flirting with the thought of producing my own music. Though I've started working on a few projects here and there, there have been long periods where procrastinations and resistance for some reason has left me pretty non-productive.

My original goal was then to find a way to get more discipline in that regard, but the discussion I linked to have left me in doubt. Could it be that this pursue has been an ”unhealthy” one from the get go, that isn’t ”in tune” with my real person/potential?

There must be thousands of INFJ artists out there, quite a few authors actually if you google, and I can't possibly imagine all of them being unhappy/miserable/out of emotional balance or "in the grip". That seems bonkers. It’s seems impossible for INFJs to create physical art in a way that is in-tune with their main-functions if one listen to the theoretical arguments, yet they are said to be creative. I feel it’s a bit of a clash, cause most art will involve some form of Se sooner or later – even writing an article.

What are your thoughts on this? Should I worry less about all of this theory, and just do what feels right at the time?
Follow your gut.

I was always naturally mediocre (IMO) at fine art but was pushed by art teachers and my parents to pursue it further. This created a lot of reluctancy in me because I felt like art should have been an organic outlet of emotions in visual form. Eventually, the pursuit of art as a career (for others and for my own ease/familiarity) ended up being a bad choice. I am now a graphic designer and have actually worked on some respectable projects throughout my professional career but HATE my job. I design art for others. For money. It feels so restricting to be told you have to creatively come up with a solution based on the confines of a single subject or palette.

I have become so burnt out creatively that it's hard for me to even sit down and draw for the simple pleasures of it. I have however found other creative outlets I enjoy like cake decorating, calligraphy and interior decorating. But I do those for me. I no longer try to make other creative interests a means for monetary gain. Art has to be done for yourself or it can become tiresome and lose its appeal.

Plus, I felt like my artwork never made a difference in the world. That bothered me. The closest it came to making any difference is when I volunteered as a layout designer for a non-profit publication that promoted animal welfare awareness in my state.

Plus, when you become a commercial artist, you have to deal with the criticism of others and sometimes have to sacrifice your own artistic integrity to meet the satisfaction of a client.

Needless to say - I'm on a path to change careers now.
Art is a primal form of self expression since the dawn of our currently evolved homosapien existence, likely found in homo erectus or prior. All art is a reflection of love, hate, anger, beauty, pain, and all other emotions that encompass our spiritual existence. It is one of the healthiest activities one can engage in, regardless of mode. It is necessary, and eternal. True art does not make money, and I admire those who are genuine in their craft and are lucky enough to be able to make ends meet with it. You are a privileged few. For those like me, who slave at an idea, and will always, even at the detriment of everything in our external lives, we must do it, because our path demands us to fulfill what we see.

I would have to read over the original thread to see where this was coming from, but on face value, art is never unhealthy, not in the slightest.
Should I worry less about all of this theory, and just do what feels right at the time?

Absolutely, fuck people. Do what you are urged to do. If not, the universe will slam you back into the ground repeatedly until you finally recognize your need to create.