Hey back

This sounds really great!!
The link wants some kind of permission and doesn't simply open tho..?
Crap...probably because I copied the link from my one drive, let me see if I can snag the authors info...
Whew, It's Susan Storm at PsychologyJunkie
Here's her latest bloggy-blurb too
Now that's funny! It's just the header

One more time...
Here's the whole dang email, lol...
"Dear Sandie,
Welcome to day 1 of understanding yourself as an INFJ!
Did you know that you think and process information differently than 98.5% of the rest of the US population? As the rarest Myers-Briggs® personality type, you may have struggled with feeling like the definitive square peg forced into a round hole (I know I've felt this way!). Once you understand how you process information and make decisions you'll be able to take greater steps towards reaching your goals and playing to your strengths! One of your greatest strengths is your dominant function. Carl Jung, the founder of typology, would have called this the "Hero" function.
As an INFJ, your "Hero" function is Introverted Intuition.
"Hmm....what does that even mean?"
Introverted Intuition (Ni) is a mental process that scans through conscious and unconscious material to find hidden meanings, possibilities, and inspiration. Ni is focused on the theoretical, abstract, or metaphysical. As an INFJ you are less concerned with what something "is" and more concerned with what it "will be". You are less focused on the present or past and more focused on the future, even decades and centuries into the future. In fact, many typologists call INJs the "ultimate big picture thinkers".
Introverted Intuition wants to know why we are here, what the overall meaning of our lives is, and how our lives are meant to play out in the big picture of eternity.
Isabel Briggs-Myers said that Introverted Intuitives
"Are gifted, at their best, with a fine insight into the deeper meanings of things and with a great deal of drive."
The way Introverted Intuitives understand the world is fundamentally different from the way most other people understand the world. Sensing types tend to focus on the concrete data around them and attempt to understand how to manipulate it or use it. Introverted Intuitives try to understand the abstract meanings of things around them to figure out the importance, meaning, and symbolism behind it.
Introverted Intuition in Conversation
When INFJs speak they use a lot of metaphor and symbolism in their speech. You may have found yourself bored to tears in conversations that revolved around day-to-day details and plans. You are programmed to think about the future, to think about the tough questions like
"why are we here?", "what is the nature of reality?", "what gives our lives purpose?". Talking about the weather, the newest fashions, or the latest celebrity gossip might make you feel like banging your head against a wall. But as an extraverted feeling type (which we'll discuss tomorrow!) you'll find yourself smiling and nodding and politely engaging in this conversation, still hoping that somehow you can veer into deeper waters.
Introverted Intuition and "Flow"
Individuals everywhere are looking to reach a "flow" state. This is an incredibly enjoyable place to be mentally, it's a state of complete immersion in something you're good at. The ego falls away. Time races by. Your whole being is at peace and involved.
As an INFJ you can enter this state by closing your eyes and just envisioning the future.
"Envisioning the future? This sounds kinda crazy!"
Alright, you don't have to buy a crystal ball or anything. Just try to imagine your hopes and dreams for 5 or 10 years from now. Where do you see yourself in your ideal world? How can you get there? What is going to give your life meaning? Every personality type enters a flow state in a different way, but for INFJs imagining or envisioning the future is what does it!
Are you feeling like you understand yourself better yet? Here are some more articles that can give you more understanding of how your mind works!
Here are some articles you might also enjoy!
10 Things You'll Relate to If You're an INFJ
Why INFJs and INTJs Get Overstimulated
The 5 Biggest Misconceptions About INFJs
I hope you've enjoyed day 1 of your INFJ course! Let me know if you have any further questions!
Susan Storm