INFJ, e3 and introversion

Andy Quellenlicht

Regular Poster
3w4 sp

how does (infj-) introversion (Ni) work with your e3 and the correlating dependency on positive mirroring by the eye of the beholder?

to me, it's quite a conflict. when in outer-mode (Fe), I deliver what I think is wanted in order to be perceived in a positive way.

but since I'm a very introverted person, most of the time, I'm in the inner mode, Ni, and here, I don't really care about the impression I make; here I'm longing to explore all the unknown inner worlds, especially the ones of the human psyche.

now, would the e3 only have some feature-intersection with my secondary function (Fe), but not with primary one (Ni)?

what's your experience and your opinion on this? especially you infj and e3 (if you're sure about your type). infj-e2s and infj-e4s ("heart" types) may have similar conflicts....
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To me, I don't like looking 'good' so much as the e3 type says, but productive. Ni to me is just like a crazy streamline of thoughts, while my e3 behavior just motivates me to always do something. Just being isn't enough.