INFJ, INFP, ENFJ Difference Videos

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Variable Hybrid
Okay, let me try to clear this up with some videos, so you can see clear examples of each type. Notice the body language, facial expressions, tone of voice, mannerisms in each. I've done my best to find extreme examples of each type, so don't be worried if you're not exactly what is presented. These are to give a really clear idea of what each type is like.

These are very clear examples of INFJs. Notice the seeming uncertainty in how we talk, the way we are constantly pondering, and how we maintain a distant even keel that doesn't show our emotions very often.


Here are some classic INFPs. Notice how their disorganization is much more animated and engaging. Their pondering clearly moves outward toward possibilities, rather than inward toward the one answer. Their emotions are clearly exhibited and fluctuate rather quickly.


Here are some ENFJs. Aside from the terribly obvious difference in much higher emotional output levels (Fe dominant), also notice the lesser capacity for finer details (Ti inferior). But, at the same time, their motivations are very similar to our own.


I hope this helps clear up some confusion.
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THis is really interesting stuff VH. I have a request lol, would you mind analyzing my video that I did a while back. I'm curious on what type I appear to other, It's on youtube too, so I don't know if it is too much too ask :)

Here's the link:
THis is really interesting stuff VH. I have a request lol, would you mind analyzing my video that I did a while back. I'm curious on what type I appear to other, It's on youtube too, so I don't know if it is too much too ask :)

Here's the link:

I can't see you very well, but you do seem a lot like an INFJ from what I can.
THis is really interesting stuff VH. I have a request lol, would you mind analyzing my video that I did a while back. I'm curious on what type I appear to other, It's on youtube too, so I don't know if it is too much too ask :)

Here's the link:
Well, I don't have to make a video now. :) You pretty much described who I feel like inside my head. :) I'd say we should hang out, but that would be way too exhausting! :wink:
This is interesting. I was very convinced that I am an INFJ but after seeing the video of both INFJ and an INFP, I am now confused since I tend to act like both at times. :/
yeah, stoned that was the feeling I was trying to describe. INFJ's speak in a more flat tone

the INFP guy is interesting. I think I talk a lot like him. He talks really passionate. How to describe it, it is like he pushes the sentences out of his mouth, a faltering way of talking. Do INFP's stutter more than other types? I really stutter a lot! And he apologizes a lot, it is like he feels silly for making that video, for the things he is saying
I didn't think any of them seemed like me until this one:

Yeah, that guy is the closest to me of all the ones I found.

yeah, stoned that was the feeling I was trying to describe. INFJ's speak in a more flat tone

the INFP guy is interesting. I think I talk a lot like him. He talks really passionate. How to describe it, it is like he pushes the sentences out of his mouth, a faltering way of talking. Do INFP's stutter more than other types? I really stutter a lot! And he apologizes a lot, it is like he feels silly for making that video, for the things he is saying

He's got a strong Ne too, so he's leaning on the ENFP side.
I am posting up a video of my own. I am going to make an outline of traits of both INFJ and INFP and discuss those. Any other things that I could include in the outline that would be valuable for me to discuss?
I am posting up a video of my own. I am going to make an outline of traits of both INFJ and INFP and discuss those. Any other things that I could include in the outline that would be valuable for me to discuss?

Just be yourself and let the camera roll, that's the most insightful is seeing people at their most natural... which is hard to do when you know the video is expressly for the purpose of having people pay attention to those things.

I haven't been able to do it yet.
Yeah, Ni dominance can look REALLY spacey.



thanks again for the vids Von Hase. I'd love to post of a video of myself for you to examine...
I would trust your judgment over any test heh

Actually, though my functions follow your exact order...
It seems however that I switch between the usage of Ni and Fi a lot.. :/
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hm...I think I swing between INFJ and ENFJ
maybe an INFJ with an ENFJ shell? is that even possible? I don't know...