
A Permanent Fixture
I've been reading up on the difference between infj and intj and not exactly sure which one I am.

One article I read, infj put people first, logic second. intj's logic, people.

For me, often the most logical choice is to put people first. But often weigh both emotions and logic in reaching a common goal, what's the best way to get there, but at the same time making mostly everyone happy. It always seems like win win to obtain your goal without pissing people off. I often ask myself the same question when it comes to myself. How stressed will I become in completing this task, what type of mood will I be in. If this gets me stressed, how am I going to deal with it? Basically, I use logic and planning, but yet I anticipate my mood, and feelings of others and weigh pros and cons while reaching my objective.

I'm also sensitive to people's moods and can be empathetic at times. But often I take a whole bunch of variables into consideration, how are my energy levels, how are their energy levels. Is it worth listening?

So would you classify me as an infj? Or intj? I've taken several put me at infj, but I've also tested as intj. What do you think?
Sounds like you use Fe quite a bit so I say infj but I don't know very much about you so it's hard to be conclusive.
The difference is between the Fe-Ti and Te-Fi.

The simple and stereotypical way to determine is that if someone close to you calls you a jerk, does it deeply upset you? Of course, that is a dumb way.

With Fe-Ti, the structure of interacting with others caters to others, and it can tolerate external chaos (with internal order, the order being pleasant interactions between persons, as the INFJ acts as a catalyst). With Te-Fi, the structure of interacting with others caters to ones internal preferences, and it can tolerate internal chaos, but it desires external order.

Maybe this is too abstract. If your Fe and Fi and Te and Ti are close to each other, then it can be hard to tell which you are. But what to do is to try and figure out if you are really strong in any of these, and if you are, then that can help you figure out what you are.
For me, often the most logical choice is to put people first. But often weigh both emotions and logic in reaching a common goal, what's the best way to get there, but at the same time making mostly everyone happy. It always seems like win win to obtain your goal without pissing people off...

Sounds like infj. infjs can be logical, as all types can but, you mention the importance of a win/win situation. I'm intj and though a win/win situation is good, my greatest concern is achieving my objective efficiently, even if that puts me and others through some amount of discomfort. I'm always trying to cut the straightest path. I will really only consider the effect of decisions on emotions if I think those emotions pose a serious risk of plan failure.
Sounds like infj. infjs can be logical, as all types can but, you mention the importance of a win/win situation. I'm intj and though a win/win situation is good, my greatest concern is achieving my objective efficiently, even if that puts me and others through some amount of discomfort. I'm always trying to cut the straightest path. I will really only consider the effect of decisions on emotions if I think those emotions pose a serious risk of plan failure.

I have a question for you as an INTJ.
Do you ever take risks for the hell of it? I've been wondering if that's an INTJ trait or not. Can you take a risk based on emotions?
You've touched on a sensitive subject. I would really like to say, "Yes" but it wouldn't be true. It's extremely rare to take an uncalculated risk and I can't think of an example where it worked out. I seem to lack that sense of luck that others have. I can't ride the wave.
The difference is between the Fe-Ti and Te-Fi.

The simple and stereotypical way to determine is that if someone close to you calls you a jerk, does it deeply upset you? Of course, that is a dumb way.

With Fe-Ti, the structure of interacting with others caters to others, and it can tolerate external chaos (with internal order, the order being pleasant interactions between persons, as the INFJ acts as a catalyst). With Te-Fi, the structure of interacting with others caters to ones internal preferences, and it can tolerate internal chaos, but it desires external order.

Maybe this is too abstract. If your Fe and Fi and Te and Ti are close to each other, then it can be hard to tell which you are. But what to do is to try and figure out if you are really strong in any of these, and if you are, then that can help you figure out what you are.

If someone calls me a jerk, it really doesn't bother me, especially if I don't know the person. Often, I like being a catalyst, and look at things in the present and future. I think intj's are more practical problem solvers, but I look at the task, and take the future into consideration.

Sounds like infj. infjs can be logical, as all types can but, you mention the importance of a win/win situation. I'm intj and though a win/win situation is good, my greatest concern is achieving my objective efficiently, even if that puts me and others through some amount of discomfort. I'm always trying to cut the straightest path. I will really only consider the effect of decisions on emotions if I think those emotions pose a serious risk of plan failure.

For me, people aren't unbreakable machines. Also, I don't think people are babies, and can handle some level of discomfort, but I like weighing the two and find a solution based on what's least stressful and tying it into an efficient manner. People's emotions are part of the process.

Question. Say you had a efficient system going. Hypothetically, it took 30 days to complete, and there was some discomfort, nothing bad, but discomfort nonetheless in the process. And you had system B. Which had 0 level of discomfort, but the catch is it took 32 days to complete. Which one would you choose?

For me, I'm picking B over A. A reminds me of carpooling with someone who annoys the hell out of you, but is a fantastic driver. B is like being with a driver who you enjoy spending time with, yet is a normal driver. Though A would be the most logical if you were running late.
For me, people aren't unbreakable machines. Also, I don't think people are babies, and can handle some level of discomfort, but I like weighing the two and find a solution based on what's least stressful and tying it into an efficient manner. People's emotions are part of the process.

Question. Say you had a efficient system going. Hypothetically, it took 30 days to complete, and there was some discomfort, nothing bad, but discomfort nonetheless in the process. And you had system B. Which had 0 level of discomfort, but the catch is it took 32 days to complete. Which one would you choose?

For me, I'm picking B over A. A reminds me of carpooling with someone who annoys the hell out of you, but is a fantastic driver. B is like being with a driver who you enjoy spending time with, yet is a normal driver. Though A would be the most logical if you were running late.

Yes. I do know people are not unbreakable. However, I can handle a great deal of punishment and tend to assume, sometimes incorrectly, that others can too. It is not that I do not consider emotions it is just that I give them much less weight than others do. I tend to think that the most efficient path reduces risk of failure. I know this is a blind spot for me and I tend to prefer working under someone more gifted in that area. It's the main reason I shy away from leadership.
You've touched on a sensitive subject. I would really like to say, "Yes" but it wouldn't be true. It's extremely rare to take an uncalculated risk and I can't think of an example where it worked out. I seem to lack that sense of luck that others have. I can't ride the wave.

Thank you. I have noticed this in INTJs. I find them to be a lovely personality that fits me except for in one regard: Feelings. To me, it seems like not only can they not take a risk based on emotion, they also fail to see how others might and how it might be a good idea sometimes. And they will tell me I am an overly emotional risk-taker who doesn't know what rationality is. They think people like me are too optimisitic, and they think they themselves are realists. But the reality is that they are pessimists to the core.

I'm basing all of this off of one INTJ that I know, so take my assumptions with a grain of salt.
Thank you. I have noticed this in INTJs. I find them to be a lovely personality that fits me except for in one regard: Feelings. To me, it seems like not only can they not take a risk based on emotion, they also fail to see how others might and how it might be a good idea sometimes. And they will tell me I am an overly emotional risk-taker who doesn't know what rationality is. They think people like me are too optimisitic, and they think they themselves are realists. But the reality is that they are pessimists to the core.

I'm basing all of this off of one INTJ that I know, so take my assumptions with a grain of salt.

I can't tell you how much I relate to this post.
Thank you. I have noticed this in INTJs. I find them to be a lovely personality that fits me except for in one regard: Feelings. To me, it seems like not only can they not take a risk based on emotion, they also fail to see how others might and how it might be a good idea sometimes. And they will tell me I am an overly emotional risk-taker who doesn't know what rationality is. They think people like me are too optimisitic, and they think they themselves are realists. But the reality is that they are pessimists to the core.

I'm basing all of this off of one INTJ that I know, so take my assumptions with a grain of salt.

You are welcome.

I wouldn't agree that we are pessimists (even though I sometimes say I am one). I do wish that people sometimes exercised a bit more patience with me. This is an area where there is a genuine struggle. As I said elsewhere on this forum, some people bring out sides of me that are otherwise hidden.

I would also like to add, that I don't have any intentions to be disrespectful towards anyone here so, if I do anything that makes you uncomfortable please let me know so that I can set it right. Also, do not read too deeply into my writing. I try as much as I can to say exactly what I mean.
You are welcome.

I wouldn't agree that we are pessimists (even though I sometimes say I am one). I do wish that people sometimes exercised a bit more patience with me. This is an area where there is a genuine struggle. As I said elsewhere on this forum, some people bring out sides of me that are otherwise hidden.

I would also like to add, that I don't have any intentions to be disrespectful towards anyone here so, if I do anything that makes you uncomfortable please let me know so that I can set it right. Also, do not read too deeply into my writing. I try as much as I can to say exactly what I mean.

First: sorry donkeybals if I'm hi-jacking this thread...

Could you tell me more about your want for people to be more patient of you?

I've noticed a struggle in him, and especially when it comes to expressing emotions. It's a "want to, but can't" type of thing. INTJs are probably regarded as cold, but I think it's just inability. The INTJ I know cares a lot, but he just does not know how to show it and is also oblivious to people's feelings sometimes.

Nothing you've said up until this point has been disrespectful, so no worries.

You do know you're talking to a forum of INFJs right? :p

Haha. : )
First: sorry donkeybals if I'm hi-jacking this thread...

Could you tell me more about your want for people to be more patient of you?

I've noticed a struggle in him, and especially when it comes to expressing emotions. It's a "want to, but can't" type of thing. INTJs are probably regarded as cold, but I think it's just inability. The INTJ I know cares a lot, but he just does not know how to show it and is also oblivious to people's feelings sometimes.

Nothing you've said up until this point has been disrespectful, so no worries.

Haha. : )

Well there is a tendency for people to assume my motives are hostile. They are usually not. I just would prefer people not to jump to conclusions. Ask me. I'll answer as truthfully as I can. I know that I lack tact but what is not understood is that it does not sound tactless to me. Sometimes, if what I've said is repeated to me I will recognize that is sounds mean. I've had situations where I've mulled things over and over and then finally delivered what I think is a statement that cannot possibly hurt anyone only to see them react as if I slapped their face. I am defeated and it makes me want to withdraw and avoid.

Expressing emotions

I have emotions. I have no doubt but it's as if the part of my brain that handles vocabulary has no communication with the part that handles emotion. I literally cannot find the words to describe any kind of complex emotion. All words seem inadequate. If I can't name it, I cannot compute it. This is how I express I care. I listen. I solve and I sit.

Does that make sense to you?
Well there is a tendency for people to assume my motives are hostile. They are usually not. I just would prefer people not to jump to conclusions. Ask me. I'll answer as truthfully as I can. I know that I lack tact but what is not understood is that it does not sound tactless to me. Sometimes, if what I've said is repeated to me I will recognize that is sounds mean. I've had situations where I've mulled things over and over and then finally delivered what I think is a statement that cannot possibly hurt anyone only to see them react as if I slapped their face. I am defeated and it makes me want to withdraw and avoid.

Expressing emotions

I have emotions. I have no doubt but it's as if the part of my brain that handles vocabulary has no communication with the part that handles emotion. I literally cannot find the words to describe any kind of complex emotion. All words seem inadequate. If I can't name it, I cannot compute it. This is how I express I care. I listen. I solve and I sit.

Does that make sense to you?

Yes. The part about emotions is a very good description of how you INTJs seem to handle it.
If inability to express emotion is a requisite for an intj, it isn't me. I don't like talking about feelings, but I definitely have the ability to express them.

First: sorry donkeybals if I'm hi-jacking this thread...

Damn you, damn you.
If inability to express emotion is a requisite for an intj, it isn't me. I don't like talking about feelings, but I definitely have the ability to express them.

Damn you, damn you.

Yes, I think you're INFJ.

Haha, damn me. I sorry =/