Infj relationships


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I truly would love insight from you all who would feel comfortable providing a point of view...

What's been your experience in attempting to build what I would call heart soul bonded connected type of relationship?

Is there one honest openly communicative free spirited open minded ladies does this truly exist?
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Things to consider: How hard are you working for the relationship to work? If you are working too hard on it and it is stressing you, you may not be a good fit for each other. Is either party trying to change the other from being who they naturally are? Not a good fit either. In the relationship I am in (with a ENFP), it just clicked from the start, we have always been comfortable with each other and our quirks. After 16 years, we've never had a fight. We do not agree on everything, but we respect each others opinion. We balance each other. Communication is a big key, as well as compromising. We put each other first. Treat each other as you would like to be treated. My other relationships before this were nothing like the one I have now. You will find the right one, it just takes time.
I truly would love insight from you all who would feel comfortable providing a point of view...

What's been your experience in attempting to build what I would call heart soul bonded connected type of relationship?

Is there one honest openly communicative free spirited open minded ladies does this truly exist?
Yes, they do. But in my opinion its very rare. Even in our types! So if you find one, never let her go! ;)

Be mindful though, that there are several factors here that need to be in play. Even these types have issues they have to work through. If you find one, make sure they are something you can tolerate and even help her with. Also on her part, your issues need be tolerable for her as well. She will love you unconditionally if this is the case usually. <3 Just a few thoughts but there's more. Hope you find someone <3
Things to consider: How hard are you working for the relationship to work? If you are working too hard on it and it is stressing you, you may not be a good fit for each other. Is either party trying to change the other from being who they naturally are? Not a good fit either. In the relationship I am in (with a ENFP), it just clicked from the start, we have always been comfortable with each other and our quirks. After 16 years, we've never had a fight. We do not agree on everything, but we respect each others opinion. We balance each other. Communication is a big key, as well as compromising. We put each other first. Treat each other as you would like to be treated. My other relationships before this were nothing like the one I have now. You will find the right one, it just takes time.
Things to consider: How hard are you working for the relationship to work? If you are working too hard on it and it is stressing you, you may not be a good fit for each other. Is either party trying to change the other from being who they naturally are? Not a good fit either. In the relationship I am in (with a ENFP), it just clicked from the start, we have always been comfortable with each other and our quirks. After 16 years, we've never had a fight. We do not agree on everything, but we respect each others opinion. We balance each other. Communication is a big key, as well as compromising. We put each other first. Treat each other as you would like to be treated. My other relationships before this were nothing like the one I have now. You will find the right one, it just takes time.

So up front I was married for 22 years lost my wife could cancer 5 years ago...I add this only as a possibility of it being germaine to this discussion...

I'm going to be brutally frank here...but I usually always am lol...
I have found and it may be just who I've attracted who can be generally drawn to an Infj to begin with....I haven't found one person who in the end didn't make it about themselves becoming extremely self centered and almost always never started out that way in that I had numerous ladies tell me I want to be with you i
I love you I want to get married in some cases.
Now having just said this the speculation could be well what did I do what us wrong with me etc
I will say that I tell for those who I've been involved with up front this is who I am. I'm a different breed unlike most typical male you'd meet encounter find. I'm not into superficiality or shallowness. I'm into deep things of what this life has to offer. Whether this is poetry writing, novel reading, documentary watching, going doing things, living life etc.
I've done a lot of work on myself to correct things i didn't like about myself. I've also did a lot of work into studying relationships so that I could have the best opportunity at a relationship that was mutually wonderful beautiful and exciting.
In the end I found myself being used taken advantage of and then broken.
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I'm going to be brutally frank here...but I usually always am lol...
I have found and it may be just who I've attracted who can be generally drawn to an Infj to begin with....I haven't found one person who in the end didn't make it about themselves becoming extremely self centered and almost always never started out that way in that I had numerous ladies tell me I want to be with you i
I love you I want to get married in some cases.
Now having just said this the speculation could be well what did I do what us wrong with me etc
I will say that I tell for those who I've been involved with up front this is who I am. I'm a different breed unlike most typical male you'd meet encounter find. I'm not into superficiality or shallowness. I'm into deep things of what this life has to offer. Whether this is poetry writing, novel reading, documentary watching, going doing things, living life etc.
I've done a lot of work on myself to correct things i didn't like about myself. I've also did a lot of work into studying relationships so that I could have the best opportunity at a relationship that was mutually wonderful beautiful and exciting.
In the end I found myself being used taken advantage of and then broken.
Yes, they do. But in my opinion its very rare. Even in our types! So if you find one, never let her go! ;)

Be mindful though, that there are several factors here that need to be in play. Even these types have issues they have to work through. If you find one, make sure they are something you can tolerate and even help her with. Also on her part, your issues need be tolerable for her as well. She will love you unconditionally if this is the case usually. <3 Just a few thoughts but there's more. Hope you find someone <3

Am I being to idealistic?
Am I being to idealistic?
That's kinda hard to say since I don't know the details of your thought patterns towards this and also the details of what you desire and will tolerate etc...

But I will say that a lot of INFJs including me, can be idealistic to a fault. Just be mindful of that. Try to give yourself little reality checks and try to remember that nobody is perfect. But that doesn't mean you should tolerate so much as to break you. That's a problem I've had before, and giving excuses to them in the beginning is just a slippery slope. Trust me. If you see red flags, don't ignore them! :) Well this was very vague and unstructured advice but I hope you find it helpful hehe. Remember that this is just my opinion and how I see things. Take it with a grain of salt and just keep it in mind that you're YOU at the end of the day, you know what's best for you!
I haven't found one person who in the end didn't make it about themselves

That’s humanity, and not related to type. Only when both people are other-focused and direct all of their energy and love to their partner *AND* they are compatible in terms of understanding and appreciating each other’s expression of affection *AND* each person is meeting their own needs and having them met...only then can each engage without thinking about, or worrying about, themself.

It took me over 30 years to find that. I never gave up hope, but yes, it requires two very special people, or at least two that are special to each other. And that’s aside from many other considerations like goals, values, beliefs, sexual compatibility, domestic life, and so on.

Am I being to idealistic?

I don’t know. Only you can know that for sure. But I will say this...I think it better to be realistic, pragmatic, and rational in your life, and allow your ideals to inform the choices you make. Let your ideals guide you, but don’t try to be the embodiment of those ideals. That’s only suitable for people who devote their entire life to a perennial wisdom tradition.

It’s going to require directed effort and persistence on your part. Don’t think in terms of soulmates, or any other magical thinking. What do you need? What do you want? What can I offer a partner? You must know the answers to those questions, and be very clear about those answers.

Only then can you try to find a suitable partner with hope of actually finding her.

Enjoy the process, and never settle.

Am I being to idealistic?
I am with an ENTJ running 10 years strong.... got together right out of high school! We've fought many times.. shizz we fought today but come food time it was all gravy.. actually it was fries and redbull, is what it is. Anyways my only thing is, effort or not, be yourself and if she still loves you for it then keep it going. One thing we struggle with is being ourselves and battling our identity, sooooo as long as you feel yourself and they love it, then it is worth fighting for. If you find yourself having to walk on egg shells or changing your demeanor to keep them happy, it's a no bueno amigo.
I truly would love insight from you all who would feel comfortable providing a point of view...

What's been your experience in attempting to build what I would call heart soul bonded connected type of relationship?

Is there one honest openly communicative free spirited open minded ladies does this truly exist?
I'm not going to go into too much detail here. But yes it does.

You need to set your bar high.
Do not settle.

Honest and open communication without judgment is key.
Things to consider: How hard are you working for the relationship to work? If you are working too hard on it and it is stressing you, you may not be a good fit for each other. Is either party trying to change the other from being who they naturally are? Not a good fit either. In the relationship I am in (with a ENFP), it just clicked from the start, we have always been comfortable with each other and our quirks. After 16 years, we've never had a fight. We do not agree on everything, but we respect each others opinion. We balance each other. Communication is a big key, as well as compromising. We put each other first. Treat each other as you would like to be treated. My other relationships before this were nothing like the one I have now. You will find the right one, it just takes time.

I don't know how to answer this one....I think it's usually a case of being one sided unfortunately most of work done on my part. With the exception of one lady.

Anway I quit dating last October 2021 because I simply was tired and drained from all the drama, facades, the games etc...
That’s humanity, and not related to type. Only when both people are other-focused and direct all of their energy and love to their partner *AND* they are compatible in terms of understanding and appreciating each other’s expression of affection *AND* each person is meeting their own needs and having them met...only then can each engage without thinking about, or worrying about, themself.

It took me over 30 years to find that. I never gave up hope, but yes, it requires two very special people, or at least two that are special to each other. And that’s aside from many other considerations like goals, values, beliefs, sexual compatibility, domestic life, and so on.

I don’t know. Only you can know that for sure. But I will say this...I think it better to be realistic, pragmatic, and rational in your life, and allow your ideals to inform the choices you make. Let your ideals guide you, but don’t try to be the embodiment of those ideals. That’s only suitable for people who devote their entire life to a perennial wisdom tradition.

It’s going to require directed effort and persistence on your part. Don’t think in terms of soulmates, or any other magical thinking. What do you need? What do you want? What can I offer a partner? You must know the answers to those questions, and be very clear about those answers.

Only then can you try to find a suitable partner with hope of actually finding her.

Enjoy the process, and never settle.


Great's all about seeing and connecting to one's humanity it's this simple to me
That's kinda hard to say since I don't know the details of your thought patterns towards this and also the details of what you desire and will tolerate etc...

But I will say that a lot of INFJs including me, can be idealistic to a fault. Just be mindful of that. Try to give yourself little reality checks and try to remember that nobody is perfect. But that doesn't mean you should tolerate so much as to break you. That's a problem I've had before, and giving excuses to them in the beginning is just a slippery slope. Trust me. If you see red flags, don't ignore them! :) Well this was very vague and unstructured advice but I hope you find it helpful hehe. Remember that this is just my opinion and how I see things. Take it with a grain of salt and just keep it in mind that you're YOU at the end of the day, you know what's best for you!

Thank you April...great insight I really appreciate it
I truly would love insight from you all who would feel comfortable providing a point of view...

What's been your experience in attempting to build what I would call heart soul bonded connected type of relationship?

Is there one honest openly communicative free spirited open minded ladies does this truly exist?

This is a complicated matter that pulls at me. I feel compelled to chime in on it, despite not having the time to delve into its depths. So a couple things:

  1. In answer to your question, absolutely; I believe there are lots of women who have this sensibility.
  2. People have varrying levels of self-awareness. People have different definitions of closeness. Some people have a strong desire to “be close”, but there may still be a discrepancy between two well meaning people on what that looks like. Talking about it and expecting to settle the issue, presupposes that you and this person is completely self aware, (edit) not to mention impossibly adept at communication.
  3. In a long term relationship, your unconscious is interacting with the other persons unconscious, as well. You can’t see your shadow and she can’t see hers. But, you see each other’s. Push her buttons, (edit) as you will unintentionally and repeatedly do, and you’ll eventually be able to say, “she isn’t who I thought she was” — but, the same will be true of you!
  4. I strongly believe that we don’t actually pick our partner — our unconscious does (edit) despite the conviction that we are making a free, deliberate, and conscious decision. There is a sort of fate at play. So there’s that. You will fall in love with some version of the anima image you have in your unconscious. Become a healthier version of your conscious self and you will at least attract a healthier partner.
  5. I think basing a relationship on feeling in-love leads inevitably to break up or bitterness. Love is a choice, in my view. You gotta accept what you get and endure some things. (Edit) Love is accepting someone for all of who they are. It’s about being the partner you want and not getting hung up on compatibility. You will each change dramatically over time, which means that the type of partner that you would hypothetically be most compatable would change, too. This way of thinking can lead to serial relationships, ironically still based on the same inner image and the same type of projections.
This isn’t super well thought out, but it’s something. I imagine many will disagree with me. I’ll probably regret putting out some half-baked thoughts, but fear of making a mistake or realizing later that I want to modify my perspective has kept me from getting involved in real life — I don’t want to do that either. I also think I’ve got things some valid things to contribute on this topic, despite many many rough edges. Relationships and figuring out how you view and navigate dynamics is crazy complicated, I think. Especially when you become aware of the almost infinite layers at play. (Edit) It was for me, for some time.
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This is a complicated matter that pulls at me. I feel compelled to chime in on it, despite not having the time to delve into its depths. So a couple things:

  1. In answer to your question, absolutely; I believe there are lots of women who have this sensibility.
  2. People have varrying levels of self-awareness. People have different definitions of closeness. Some people have a strong desire to “be close”, but there may still be a discrepancy between two well meaning people on what that looks like. Talking about it and expecting to settle the issue, presupposes that you and this person is completely self aware.
  3. In a long term relationship, your unconscious is interacting with the other persons unconscious, as well. You can’t see your shadow and she can’t see hers. But, you see each other’s. Push her buttons, and you’ll eventually be able to say, “she isn’t who I thought she was” — but, the same will be true of you!
  4. I strongly believe that we don’t actually pick our partner — our unconscious does. So there’s that. You will fall in love with some version of the anima image you have in your unconscious. Become a healthier version of your conscious self and you will at least attract a healthier partner.
  5. I think basing a relationship on feeling in-love leads inevitably to break up or bitterness. Love is a choice, in my view. You gotta accept what you get and endure some things. It’s about being the partner you want and not getting hung up on compatibility. You will each change dramatically over time, which means that the type of partner that you would hypothetically be most compatable would change, too. This way of thinking can lead to serial relationships, ironically still based on the same inner image and the same type of projections.
This isn’t super well thought out, but it’s something. I imagine many will disagree with me. I’ll probably regret putting out some half-baked thoughts, but fear of making a mistake or realizing later that I want to modify my perspective has kept me from getting involved in real life — I don’t want to do that either. I also think I’ve got things some valid things to contribute on this topic, despite many many rough edges. Relationships and figuring out how you view and navigate dynamics is crazy complicated, I think. Especially when you become aware of the almost infinite layers at play.

I love this well thought out analogy and I'm hesitant to use word analogy here, yet it's so fitting, and germaine to me. Trying to gain understanding and depth I seek, is why I used the word analogy...feelings can be so fleeting, here today gone tomorrow...yet feelings connected, intertwined with one's my consciousness this is my exploration now.

thank you
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I believe there are lots of women who have this sensibility.


People have varrying levels of self-awareness. People have different definitions of closeness. Some people have a strong desire to “be close”, but there may still be a discrepancy between two well meaning people on what that looks like. Talking about it and expecting to settle the issue, presupposes that you and this person is completely self aware.

Agreed, and no one is completely self-aware. To that end, find someone with a similar degree of self-awareness, someone whose love languages are of like kind, and someone who has a matching libido and sexual interests. Tall ask? You bet—but it isn’t going to work any other way.

In a long term relationship, your unconscious is interacting with the other persons unconscious, as well. You can’t see your shadow and she can’t see hers. But, you see each other’s. Push her buttons, and you’ll eventually be able to say, “she isn’t who I thought she was” — but, the same will be true of you!

So one must do one of two things, or both of them—endeavor to bring one’s unconscious to awareness on the regular by whatever way or means of your liking, and/or partner yourself with someone who loves you enough to not push your buttons, and you not push theirs, even when aware of them.

I strongly believe that we don’t actually pick our partner — our unconscious does. So there’s that. You will fall in love with some version of the anima image you have in your unconscious. Become a healthier version of your conscious self and you will at least attract a healthier partner.

I agree with your last point, but the initial point I do not agree with. We may not choose who we are attracted to, but becoming partnered with someone is most certainly a choice. It results from a number of decisions and actions, all of which we are responsible for.

I think basing a relationship on feeling in-love leads inevitably to break up or bitterness. Love is a choice, in my view.


You gotta accept what you get and endure some things.

I disagree. You don’t have to do anything. You choose, and you have autonomy and agency here. That language sounds too much like settling to my ear.

It’s about being the partner you want and not getting hung up on compatibility.


You will each change dramatically over time, which means that the type of partner that you would hypothetically be most compatable would change, too.

One will perhaps grow, and become more of who they are, but I’m not so sure people will, with certainty, change dramatically, much less change much at all in any fundamental or substantive way over time.

Relationships and figuring out how you view and navigate dynamics is crazy complicated, I think. Especially when you become aware of the almost infinite layers at play.

Agreed, but my sense is that if you think or feel the need to do this, you likely aren’t in the right relationship, or you aren’t ready for a relationship.

I can hardly believe I’m saying this, but it is possible to just go about things and have it work, and not in a state of blissful ignorance either. Some people will oscillate at a given frequency, and when yours is in unison, or a perfect harmonic, it becomes very, very simple.

Yes, one still has to communicate—but it can be about they joys of what you are building, and not continual review of an imagined blueprint, or revision to a foundation that was poured and set long ago.


Agreed, and no one is completely self-aware. To that end, find someone with a similar degree of self-awareness, someone whose love languages are of like kind, and someone who has a matching libido and sexual interests. Tall ask? You bet—but it isn’t going to work any other way.

So one must do one of two things, or both of them—endeavor to bring one’s unconscious to awareness on the regular by whatever way or means of your liking, and/or partner yourself with someone who loves you enough to not push your buttons, and you not push theirs, even when aware of them.

I agree with your last point, but the initial point I do not agree with. We may not choose who we are attracted to, but becoming partnered with someone is most certainly a choice. It results from a number of decisions and actions, all of which we are responsible for.


I disagree. You don’t have to do anything. You choose, and you have autonomy and agency here. That language sounds too much like settling to my ear.


One will perhaps grow, and become more of who they are, but I’m not so sure people will, with certainty, change dramatically, much less change much at all in any fundamental or substantive way over time.

Agreed, but my sense is that if you think or feel the need to do this, you likely aren’t in the right relationship, or you aren’t ready for a relationship.

I can hardly believe I’m saying this, but it is possible to just go about things and have it work, and not in a state of blissful ignorance either. Some people will oscillate at a given frequency, and when yours is in unison, or a perfect harmonic, it becomes very, very simple.

Yes, one still has to communicate—but it can be about they joys of what you are building, and not continual review of an imagined blueprint, or revision to a foundation that was poured and set long ago.


Great analogy also....aspects that I found very insightful and will utilize incorporate into my own viewpoint