INFJ vs INFP privacy

Mary Shelley

Fearless & Powerful
INFJ and INFP are both said to value privacy.

Do you find this to be true?
Is one generally more private than the other?
For the same reason or different reasons?
In the same way or in different ways?
About the same things or different things?
Around the same people or different people?
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Don't know.

Personally I value space more than privacy.

It's kind of like having a secret box. The contents may not really be that special or important enough to keep secret. It's that space of not having people pry it open out of curiosity that is important to me. I'm not protecting what's in it, I'm protecting my right to keep it shut if I want to.
I can't speak for INFP, but I will say that I agree with [MENTION=6917]sprinkles[/MENTION]. It's keeping who you are somewhat of a mystery to people that I like. Most people think I'm in ENFJ. But then they get to know me and they understand that if they want to hang out, I'm just going to want to talk deep with them while eating delicious food. Also, I tend to use my personality type to flirt with people. I'm more into the chase than anything else. So I'll open up just a little to peak a person's curiosity, and then when they get too close, I run away. That's probably not very good of me to do...
I can't speak for INFP, but I will say that I agree with [MENTION=6917]sprinkles[/MENTION]. It's keeping who you are somewhat of a mystery to people that I like. Most people think I'm in ENFJ. But then they get to know me and they understand that if they want to hang out, I'm just going to want to talk deep with them while eating delicious food. Also, I tend to use my personality type to flirt with people. I'm more into the chase than anything else. So I'll open up just a little to peak a person's curiosity, and then when they get too close, I run away. That's probably not very good of me to do...

That's not actually what sprinkles said at all. Whereas by your account you've described being an enigmatic tease, sprinkles basically described existing in a state which allows one to have expectations about what one might share with other people - as a principle. As he said, the contents of the box aren't so important as the option to leave it shut if he chooses. I largely agree with him, too. I don't have or do anything that would terribly wound my pride if it were to be public knowledge, but I would rather keep it to myself on principle.
You're right. I did misinterpret what he said. I still agree with sprinkles, but my comments don't match like I thought. Estupido (directed at myself).
INFJ and INFP are both said to value privacy.

Do you find this to be true?
I would say yes, given that I'm pretty private person >.< and I’ve found INFJs to act similarly (depending on the circumstance/situation ofc).

Is one generally more private than the other?
I've only known a few INFJs and I feel like I’m a bit more private then all of them (but this is likely too small of a sample size to make “accurate assumptions” about)

For the same reason or different reasons?

I guess both.. I feel like intuition.. especially when it applies to creative endeavors, is usually a private sort of process.

I think INFJs feel more at home socializing, sharing, and deliberating than INFPs ( I think INFPs can more easily become defensive, illogical, and ranty if something of personal value is attacked). I suppose the Ni of INFPs feels more uncertain, less concrete than that of INFJs (and more withheld/emotion based) – but we feel more emotionally aware (and defensive) of own values/ideals and their implications.

That said, I think both value private avenues for self-expression – discussion is secondary to this.

I also think that INFJs and INFPs can be pretty private in regards to their social regulatory needs (in that they both require privacy at times just to maintain a sort of normal social “homeostasis”.. perhaps akin to "needing space")

Most of this is just guessing/estimation - What I can say with certainty is that (as an INFP) I am a pretty private person in most situations.. (as such) my “real” opinions/feels tend to only surface when I feel very strongly about a subject..

tbc maybe ~ I'm getting sreepy and stupids z.z
Don't know.

Personally I value space more than privacy.

It's kind of like having a secret box. The contents may not really be that special or important enough to keep secret. It's that space of not having people pry it open out of curiosity that is important to me. I'm not protecting what's in it, I'm protecting my right to keep it shut if I want to.


I think INFJs feel more at home socializing, sharing, and deliberating than INFPs ( I think INFPs can more easily become defensive, illogical, and ranty if something of personal value is attacked). I suppose the Ni of INFPs feels more uncertain, less concrete than that of INFJs (and more withheld/emotion based) — but we feel more emotionally aware (and defensive) of own values/ideals and their implications.


Most of this is just guessing/estimation - What I can say with certainty is that (as an INFP) I am a pretty private person in most situations.. (as such) my “real” opinions/feels tend to only surface when I feel very strongly about a subject..

yep, yep, yep. Pretty much the same for me. Similar to what @sprinkles said, I don't like to share personal things about myself. And also, I only share when I feel comfortable with someone and know there is trust there. While someone may look on and think of it as an attempt to keep mystery, for me, it's more about being cautious. But I am more open about my feelings on things but I'm more likely to share stronger feelings with people I know well.
I value my privacy, but I don't necessarily desire to keep everything a secret. I'm willing to share it with people who are willing to listen. It takes a long time to develop true trust, trust where I can feel free to expose my vulnerabilities with another without fear of reprisal, which may include them not wanting to relate to me anymore. Privacy is something I build in the absence of feeling completely open with someone. The less I know you, the more private I may come across. But, even if I trust someone with my life, there will just be some things I will forever be private about; some things are forever just for me. When I want to be alone, I often desire both my own personal space and privacy, to better explore my own thoughts, ideas, and feelings. I can't do this around others, I need to be alone to do this. If I don't get this time, I will slowly become more stressed over time, making me moodier, and this often has a negative effect on my relationships.