[INFJ] infj vs infp.


Regular Poster
hey infjs, im an infp. and i just wanted to compare who is more of a dreamer.
so basicaly both infjs and infps are idealists, and dreamers, but i think infps tend to live more in an imaginary world than infj....
so infjs
1) are you prone to fantasy duing day dreaming,if so what do you usualy fantasize about
2)do you often day dream?
3)do you ever try to turn your fantasies into reality?
This is the DrEaMEr Superbowl.
Who will win, who will die lose?
This is the DrEaMEr Superbowl.
Who will win, who will die lose?
Fantasy Superbowl
Wow this is the worst internet ad I've seen since the 90s
Haha. Not everyone can choose GIFs as greatly as you, Mr. Wyote. Lol
Haha. Not everyone can choose GIFs as greatly as you, Mr. Wyote. Lol

I didn't mean it as a bad thing, at least not entirely lol ;)
1) are you prone to fantasy duing day dreaming,if so what do you usualy fantasize about

My daydreaming usually consists of overanalyzation of....anything, really. I play out different scenes of what I think someone meant by what they said or what I think is going through their mind, or the tone in which they implied, and a million other things. My mind just starts spiraling over the most insignificant things. Does that make sense?

I don't sit around wishing I was a mermaid or fairy riding a unicorn. But, I can say I did that often as a kid. Haha. But, isn't that just a kid thing anyway?

2)do you often day dream?
By my definition above, yes. All. The. Damn. Time.

3)do you ever try to turn your fantasies into reality?
Well, in the flesh: often the way I perceive things in another's mind comes to light in one way or another. Like, I'll consider as many possibilities I can think of. I'll dwell most on the one is most likely, and most often it is. Online though, it's harder to tell.

Does all this make sense? Perhaps another member can elaborate a little better?
I didn't mean it as a bad thing, at least not entirely lol ;)

I didn't think you did. I was laughing at myself, silly. While also complimenting you! :)
I didn't think you did. I was laughing at myself, silly. While also complimenting you! :)

I figured, just makin sure
isn't that just a kid thing anyway?

How dare you! :P

My daydreaming usually consists of overanalyzation of....anything, really. I play out different scenes of what I think someone meant by what they said or what I think is going through their mind, or the tone in which they implied, and a million other things. My mind just starts spiraling over the most insignificant things. Does that make sense?

I'm definitely in the same boat. I'm not nearly as "creatively dreamy" as infps generally are.

Perhaps another member can elaborate a little better?

The difference is generally what you described. An INFJs imagination is more purpose/action driven while an INFPs is more divergent/emotion driven.