I have noticed that there are many INFJs like myself that have many P traits, but are still INFJ and not INFP, as I have substantially predominant Ni.
I'm interested in personality tests so I took the socionics test and came out as an INTp. Apparently the two systems are not interchangeable in any straightforward way for introverts http://www.socionics.com/articles/howto.html but I actually found that the socionics profile was very complementary in finding a better, more holistic view of myself.
In socionics an uncertainty about T and F experienced by tested indicated p, uncertainty between N or S as j. My N is always strong but T and F almost tied, with F being slightly more pronounced and J and P somwhat tied too.
Anyway for all you INFJs with P tendensies...this extraxt may ring a bell. It certainly did for me.
The INFp is perpetually caught within that
I'm interested in personality tests so I took the socionics test and came out as an INTp. Apparently the two systems are not interchangeable in any straightforward way for introverts http://www.socionics.com/articles/howto.html but I actually found that the socionics profile was very complementary in finding a better, more holistic view of myself.
In socionics an uncertainty about T and F experienced by tested indicated p, uncertainty between N or S as j. My N is always strong but T and F almost tied, with F being slightly more pronounced and J and P somwhat tied too.
Anyway for all you INFJs with P tendensies...this extraxt may ring a bell. It certainly did for me.
The INFp is perpetually caught within that