INFPish INFJs: MBTI INFJ, socionics INFp

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I have noticed that there are many INFJs like myself that have many P traits, but are still INFJ and not INFP, as I have substantially predominant Ni.
I'm interested in personality tests so I took the socionics test and came out as an INTp. Apparently the two systems are not interchangeable in any straightforward way for introverts but I actually found that the socionics profile was very complementary in finding a better, more holistic view of myself.
In socionics an uncertainty about T and F experienced by tested indicated p, uncertainty between N or S as j. My N is always strong but T and F almost tied, with F being slightly more pronounced and J and P somwhat tied too.
Anyway for all you INFJs with P tendensies...this extraxt may ring a bell. It certainly did for me.

The INFp is perpetually caught within that
I've tested INFj in socionics but I can relate to much of this. So, not sure how to compare the two. It's difficult to determine which is a more natural preference INFp or INFj. Some of the INFp descriptions feel opposite, almost contradictory, to how I feel. But there are aspects which reflect aspects of my personality pretty strongly.

Interesting stuff.

I'll probably retake the socionics type test again, just to see.
Yeah I actually much prefer the MBTI INFJ as far as far as a truly accurate description. I am interested in finding out more about socionics but I don't identify as much with it. It seems more superficial and partly innacurate. There is another thread on this forum that does explain why an INFJ might feel like they are a "perceiver"
Apparently Ni is a perceiving function for the left brain hemisphere and the J only describes the outer behaviour. I thought that may be key... :)
Good post. Although for some extroverts, there's no simple conversion between MBTI and Socionics as well. For instance, in MBTI I'm an ENFJ male (although I test xNTJ often due to being comfortable with logic and reason) and for Socionics I'm likely an ESFj (gender make a difference in how types manifest themselves...stating the obvious here ;) ).

Also, the INFp is the 'supervisor' to the ESFj, meaning the ESFj's psychological weak-spot is the INFp's most well-versed cognitive function.

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INFPs make up around 4 to 5% of the population, whereas INFJs make up 1 to 2%. It's not uncommon for INFPs to mistype themselves for INFJs. After reading more about INFPs, I've concluded it's probably the best fit. For a long time, I mistook Fi for Ni for the dominant function.
Lenore Thompson says of INFJs: "They're particularly sensitive to others' feelings of exclusion, and they may address or try to rectify inequities of status or opportunity within the context of their profession." I find INFPs also sensitive to other's feelings of exclusion, but seem to help everyone in sight on a broader scale, while I prefer and do best when helping only a few specific individuals in any given context and preferrably the same individuals over a long period of time... although I also have a tendency to befriend new strangers (with a look of being excluded from social life) whom I feel I can bond with and help. Preferably everyone I help is also someone I can be a compatible friend to. And of course, I tend to reach out to people in whom I see long-term compatibility possible.
INFPs make up around 4 to 5% of the population, whereas INFJs make up 1 to 2%. It's not uncommon for INFPs to mistype themselves for INFJs. After reading more about INFPs, I've concluded it's probably the best fit. For a long time, I mistook Fi for Ni for the dominant function.
I actually think it's very difficult to mistaken an INFP for an INFJ. The INFPs I know tend to be unscheduled and "unreliable" when I make most appointments with them. A time commitment is just an approximate place-holder for them. I have some P tendencies, so I don't always make appointments/commitments, but when I do, I tend not to waiver from them. (For this reason, I don't always plan too far ahead because of indecisiveness and not wanting to tie myself down to time commitments.) I have historically had a difficult time with the idea of "maybe" when it comes to social schedules, unless it's an activity I don't care about. INFPs also tend to be very simplified in their categorizations. They're not very patient with multiple conjectures and seem to come to very quick conclusions without much patience for nuance or factual uncertainty. One of my INFP friends is very technical and shares similar topics of interest with me and will entertain all exchanges of facts and observations, but when it comes to conjectures, he tends to be disinterested. (This trait is indicated by Keirsey, but I find that it is usually true.)
INFPs make up around 4 to 5% of the population, whereas INFJs make up 1 to 2%. It's not uncommon for INFPs to mistype themselves for INFJs. After reading more about INFPs, I've concluded it's probably the best fit. For a long time, I mistook Fi for Ni for the dominant function.

I mistyped myself as an INFP. :) I had to read all the way through the's informative yet sprawling articles before I figured out how the cognitive functions work and after that it's been pretty clear cut. I also found the individuation to coincide with my life events. That said there is no mistaking Ni...or Fe for that matter if you have it. It's a strange beast but familiar to me, as it is how my mind actually works and I have many of the "left lobe" talents (anything too numeral excluded) like languages, success with "universal" IQ tests, finding patterns and reframing concepts and have no problem with "outlandish" ideas...very outlandish. ;) My INFP friend growing up also did accuse me of being "fake" because I act different in social situations. She considered that fake. I don't. What started as survival has it's uses as a motivational tool too. I'm often the invisible glue that sticks all types of people together. Not in the obvious ESFP socialite kind of way, which I can now actually appreciate, but in a "How did all these people who are so different ever finish this project without strangling eachother?" kind of a sneaky secret way. All for the common good though. ;D

Lenore Thompson says of INFJs: "They're particularly sensitive to others' feelings of exclusion, and they may address or try to rectify inequities of status or opportunity within the context of their profession." I find INFPs also sensitive to other's feelings of exclusion, but seem to help everyone in sight on a broader scale, while I prefer and do best when helping only a few specific individuals in any given context and preferrably the same individuals over a long period of time... although I also have a tendency to befriend new strangers (with a look of being excluded from social life) whom I feel I can bond with and help. Preferably everyone I help is also someone I can be a compatible friend to. And of course, I tend to reach out to people in whom I see long-term compatibility possible.

I know what you mean. I do tend to focus my resources on a few really promising (though to most people they seem unpromising, but I know better in these cases) people who just need a little help to flourish and unlock their potential. I genuinely feel we can all be very useful in society once we stop resisting for one or another reason and make intersting things happen. I am resisting myself at the moment so I also know how difficult it is to just let go of fear and do your dance you were born to dance well. I do feel I'm good at spotting hidden development worthy talent, but also potentials in other areas...I've done some successful matchmaking too. :)
Omg... this description actually fit me to a T, more than any socionics ENFp description I've ever read has done, or many MBTI descriptions for ENFP. @Reverie , would you have an ENFp description from the same source for me to compare the two?

edit: fail, i just realized i need to switch p/j with socionics... ENFj description fits me a lot too, perhaps just as much as the INFp one...
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Omg... this description actually fit me to a T, more than any socionics ENFp description I've ever read has done, or many MBTI descriptions for ENFP. @Reverie , would you have an ENFp description from the same source for me to compare the two?

edit: fail, i just realized i need to switch p/j with socionics... ENFj description fits me a lot too, perhaps just as much as the INFp one...

I am actully still figuring out the socionics.
...and as I gathered you switch the last letter to p if your F and T scores are a close call and the as j if the S and N scores are close.
I am having a hard time with the whole concept. I did the test and the score was close on INFj (90%) ENFj and dear...
I am like the INFj but then Funnily enough I am friends with bohemians and the like and dress slightly fashionably and definitely LOOK like the INTp and am a romantic...and a lyricist actually...;D know
But I don't have a problem with logical concepts and have done very well in sciences, IQ tests and such. I have mainly problems of self-motivation, but when I do get going I am a bit of a shark and pretty unrelentless to see it through.

I suppose these systems are just not compatable. They are just so close in the names of the functions, but they seem to mean different things. It's a little bit irritating to be honest.
What started as survival has it's uses as a motivational tool too. I'm often the invisible glue that sticks all types of people together. Not in the obvious ESFP socialite kind of way, which I can now actually appreciate, but in a "How did all these people who are so different ever finish this project without strangling eachother?" kind of a sneaky secret way. All for the common good though. ;D

I think this is a healthy thing to do, but be careful, because this can portray an unnatural self to others, which means people don't get to know your real mood. I have noticed myself developing into a healthier (less stressful) person as I began to be my quiet, unassuming self. There is a shyness to this, but the difference is that I'm not erratically trying to control a social situation.

I admit there are times when INFJs are good peacemakers, but rarely is this worth the cost of having to listen to everyone else's opinions and ignoring the expression of your own. Oftentimes I try to fit into a group of people who I do not expect to accept me based on my own attitudes and opinions. Only after being there for months or years - albeit enjoying many people in the process - do I realize how much emotional investment I've made toward a social group that I don't even know on a deep personal level.

I know what you mean. I do tend to focus my resources on a few really promising (though to most people they seem unpromising, but I know better in these cases) people who just need a little help to flourish and unlock their potential. I genuinely feel we can all be very useful in society once we stop resisting for one or another reason and make intersting things happen. I am resisting myself at the moment so I also know how difficult it is to just let go of fear and do your dance you were born to dance well. I do feel I'm good at spotting hidden development worthy talent, but also potentials in other areas...I've done some successful matchmaking too. :)

I think the "unpromising" ventures are often the things that propel us to INFJ-styled enthusiasm and action. (<--- spoken like an almost INTJ? :w: )
I think this is a healthy thing to do, but be careful, because this can portray an unnatural self to others, which means people don't get to know your real mood. I have noticed myself developing into a healthier (less stressful) person as I began to be my quiet, unassuming self. There is a shyness to this, but the difference is that I'm not erratically trying to control a social situation.
Well it's not Unnatural per se. I'm quite naturally bubbly when I'm self confident and when I was really shy it was a lack of self-confidence in my case. :)

I admit there are times when INFJs are good peacemakers, but rarely is this worth the cost of having to listen to everyone else's opinions and ignoring the expression of your own. Oftentimes I try to fit into a group of people who I do not expect to accept me based on my own attitudes and opinions. Only after being there for months or years - albeit enjoying many people in the process - do I realize how much emotional investment I've made toward a social group that I don't even know on a deep personal level.
Sometimes this has been a problem at work. I've done the old quit my job thing at that point...

I think the "unpromising" ventures are often the things that propel us to INFJ-styled enthusiasm and action. (<--- spoken like an almost INTJ? :w: )
Haha. Yes. I was actually referring to "promising" in my eyes which often looks like "disastrous" in other's eyes ;)
"Probably the most interesting INFp's ability is their ability to learn. Having natural difficulties with their understanding, INFps tend to compensate for this with an impressive amount of reading, watching and listening. The more you know the more you'll be able to understand, right? But what if you can't connect the dots? Then someone will do it for you. That's why INFps are quite easy to brainwash. Whether it is a commercial or political bullshit, INFps often go around repeating it using exact words and phrases like brainless zombies, making them perfect puppets in the hands of a skilful puppeteer.

As far as other people are concerned, INFps can be very productive, making them good social workers, musicians, entertainers, media, etc. In contrast, INFp's ability to think logically is circumstantial and limited to memorised examples, which makes them poor experts in technological fields, especially when the situation requires non-ordinary solutions. This, however, does not stop INFps from becoming sloppy engineers, sloppy mechanics, sloppy programmers, sloppy you name it.
I guess INFJs and INFps in socionics can be a bit different.
Just to clarify for anyone who read this: INFP in MBTI functionally corresponds to INFj in Socionics, and INFJ in MBTI functionally corresponds to INFp in Socionics. They are describing the same thing in each system, just with a different approach.
Just to clarify for anyone who read this: INFP in MBTI functionally corresponds to INFj in Socionics, and INFJ in MBTI functionally corresponds to INFp in Socionics. They are describing the same thing in each system, just with a different approach.

Yes, that's why I'm so puzzled by the description I posted. It makes INFJs look dumb as a brick. Usually in MBTI INFJs are not described as dumb.

"Probably the most interesting INFp's ability is their ability to learn. Having natural difficulties with their understanding, INFps tend to compensate for this with an impressive amount of reading, watching and listening. The more you know the more you'll be able to understand, right? But what if you can't connect the dots? Then someone will do it for you. That's why INFps are quite easy to brainwash. Whether it is a commercial or political bullshit, INFps often go around repeating it using exact words and phrases like brainless zombies, making them perfect puppets in the hands of a skilful puppeteer. "
I've said before and will say again, I don't believe in introverted and extroverted traits.
I have both NI and Ne, also Fi and Fe.
They manifest differently.
Ni is about insights, the inner, the unknown, spirituality etc.
Ne is about surrealism, observations, expression, art, music, jokes.
Fi is about how I feel inside, my principles, my morals and self.
Fe is how I outwardly express these emotions.
Yes, that's why I'm so puzzled by the description I posted. It makes INFJs look dumb as a brick. Usually in MBTI INFJs are not described as dumb.

"Probably the most interesting INFp's ability is their ability to learn. Having natural difficulties with their understanding, INFps tend to compensate for this with an impressive amount of reading, watching and listening. The more you know the more you'll be able to understand, right? But what if you can't connect the dots? Then someone will do it for you. That's why INFps are quite easy to brainwash. Whether it is a commercial or political bullshit, INFps often go around repeating it using exact words and phrases like brainless zombies, making them perfect puppets in the hands of a skilful puppeteer. "

Very, very wrong. David Icke is an INFP.
My biggest issue with socionics is the idea that people who look the same are the same.
How does visual identification work?
Many of the celebrities on the site they have mistyped because of this dumb idea!
Yes, that's why I'm so puzzled by the description I posted. It makes INFJs look dumb as a brick. Usually in MBTI INFJs are not described as dumb.

"Probably the most interesting INFp's ability is their ability to learn. Having natural difficulties with their understanding, INFps tend to compensate for this with an impressive amount of reading, watching and listening. The more you know the more you'll be able to understand, right? But what if you can't connect the dots? Then someone will do it for you. That's why INFps are quite easy to brainwash. Whether it is a commercial or political bullshit, INFps often go around repeating it using exact words and phrases like brainless zombies, making them perfect puppets in the hands of a skilful puppeteer. "

Lol, this is one of the worst Socionics INFp articles I've read. The original ones translated from Russian are good, as are the ones that follow the original descriptions more closely. I think these "best description ever" type guides were written by some random ENTP internet forum member.