
Spiritual Leo

On Holiday
Just to inform you all, I haven't slept in 24 hours, so I apologize if this is unclear or sloppy, but I feel the need to write this down. My point in the following writing is about the inner being of our example.

Let us begin with an example of a recent tragedy that influenced people who were there to come together as one:

On September 11th, 2001, two suicide bombers crashed their planes into the Twin Towers in New York City. In the moment, people were stuck by fear and were captured in a moment of stillness where time seemed to have no existence. In the video, people on ground zero we buried in ashes; people were jumping out of the buildings; fire-fighters and police were everywhere trying to save all the people that they could, but pedestrians were also helping save the lives of others. In the video, you will see innocent civilians running up and helping the fire-fighters and police pull people out of the ashes.

Now New York is filled with gangs and gangs are constantly fighting amongst each-other for territory, but in the video that I witnessed, I seen a gang member grab the arm of a rival gang member, and then they ran down the street together, staying side by side, and wholeheartedly looking out for each-other. On any other day, this would not have occurred because I am sure that rival gang members can
They couldn't let it happen because their pursuit in life is for power... The pursuit of pure power is the path of the fool-- they are the living proof

In one of my sociology classes it was put forth that inequalitiy has it's roots when man created the Means of Production. Contrary to subsistance living (hunting/gathering/living off the land), now one man could control say a boat and then hire someone else to harvest food for them. The owning and control of the Means of Production created a power dynamic. It is one of the reasons I love economics. Not for the math but for the strong socio-economic influences at play in all societies.
They couldn't let it happen because their pursuit in life is for power... The pursuit of pure power is the path of the fool-- they are the living proof

In one of my sociology classes it was put forth that inequalitiy has it's roots when man created the Means of Production. Contrary to subsistance living (hunting/gathering/living off the land), now one man could control say a boat and then hire someone else to harvest food for them. The owning and control of the Means of Production created a power dynamic. It is one of the reasons I love economics. Not for the math but for the strong socio-economic influences at play in all societies.

That's really interesting and I completely agree with you... Good reply....

Being deprived of sleep seems to make me think a-lot sometimes..

Take Care
In a certain moment, people can work together. It is natural. You forgot to mention thieves that prey on those that have left natural disaster areas. In a moment, a hurricane or earthquake can also bring out the worst in people. We all might be capable to live in peace together, but it only takes one bad apple to ruin the entire bunch.

I would postulate most people cannot live together in peace. Being able to do something does not mean people actually can implement it. Too many flaws exist. It would take something pretty extraordinary spiritually to bring the highminded and selfish to their knees. jmo
In a certain moment, people can work together. It is natural. You forgot to mention thieves that prey on those that have left natural disaster areas. In a moment, a hurricane or earthquake can also bring out the worst in people. We all might be capable to live in peace together, but it only takes one bad apple to ruin the entire bunch.

I would postulate most people cannot live together in peace. Being able to do something does not mean people actually can implement it. Too many flaws exist. It would take something pretty extraordinary spiritually to bring the highminded and selfish to their knees. jmo

Yea I wrote this about a year ago and was going through my threads, so I brought it back to life. I also forgot to mention the people on the trains in New York on Semptember 11th, 2001. They were shoving eachother, fighting; it was basically dog eat dog because of their fear. However, on ground zero, people did come together well.
They say the two most motivating human characteristics are love and self-preservation. I have noticed fear, harnessed by love, to produce some of the most astounding reactions. So many human traits we have, and so many ways to combine them. An explosion at a ballgame can cause death by trampling. It only takes one, though, to reach out and help an elderly person about to be trampled to death; who can stop the crowd?

Lots of folk out there with insight.
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