
Into the White
Been trying to figure this out. I'm pretty sure I know where I stand now, but it would still be nice to have some outside opinions. Let me break it down:

Relationships are not my thing, especially of the romantic variety. I often feel like I don't connect with people, even among those who I've known for some time. I greatly dislike groups of people. I've been known to ditch both groups of friends and individuals for no apparent reason at all. They might not have understood, but for me, it was necessary to the eliminate the bias that came from being a part of these groups. My goal in letting them go was to discover myself, and my own perspective, based on my reasoning and reflection. I have never wanted to be defined by anything outside of me.

I do greatly value harmony and good relationships. I'm very nice to people, because I don't see the point in being mean. I do not like arguing, fighting, or bad feelings unless it is absolutely necessary. I avoid these things at all costs. I have and can make great sacrifices for those I care about. I find it pretty easy to be socially... proper, although if I have no interest in someone, I'll probably just ignore them. I do not like people wasting my time.

I'm still very sensitive, and can be very emotional, though I try to keep it under the reins as much as possible. I'm not one to cry in public, or to have fits of uncontrollable rage. That's just stupid to me-- animalistic.
I am not confrontational. I don't always say things directly, even though I should sometimes.
At times, people's feelings matter to me more than the logic of the situation. I don't like hurting others. I don't always exactly feel what other people are feeling, because at times it is impossible, but I want to help them as much I can.

I am partly motivated in life by the knowledge that I'm contributing to a greater good (making the world a better place), and partly by the satisfaction that comes from knowing I did my work for the day. The things that make me feel good, at peace, happy: knowing that I accomplished something that day, like homework; getting to spend a lot of time by myself, doing the things I like to do in a tranquil environment; spending time with the people I actually care about.

I thirst for meaning. I'm constantly looking for it in the things I do, but often cannot find it. This upsets me greatly, and I can sink to lowest lows at times. When I get sad, it's almost like reliving the bouts of major depression I've been through at least twice in my life. The only difference between then and now is that it goes away faster, and I don't feel quite as helpless.

I greatly enjoy my time alone, but at the same time, wish it was easier for me to connect with people. I get the "alone in a crowd" feeling fairly often. At these times, I wish I was like the friends I have for whom it is very easy to be social, and to find things they have in common with people. Feelings of being, not just lonely, but alone are present at times, despite the fact I know I am not.

I have not felt completely understood save but with less than a handful of people in my life. One of these people I was half in love with, but I fucked that up. I tend to fuck up the meaningful relationships I have with women I'm attracted to. I don't know why.

I'm very motivated to understand the way the world works through science. I'm very grateful I've found science because, where religion did nothing for me, science is showing me that there is order and balance to existence, to the universe, and that thought is one of great comfort for me. I cannot even express.

Well, that's it for now. You can cast your ballot. Just for fun, feel free to describe your existence from the perspective of your type, just to compare :P
I don't want to pass judgement yet. I don't have sufficient information.

I guess it doesn't really matter. I just really want to get to the bottom of it and move on.
I would say you are INFJ, but maybe borderline. You write like an INFJ. Look at your post - everything you've talked about was relationships with people, how you act in them, and how they act. At the very end you mention science, but I know many INFJs who feel a certain devotion to it. INTJs are much more unaware of their emotional states usually; are a lot less in touch with them. You definitely have a predominantly NF quality to you.
Hey, you're right. I've always been very aware of, and one with, my emotions. I'm so used to it, it feels normal to me now.
At the same time, I have no trouble putting them aside when the situation requires it. I have no trouble walking away from people and relationships because I feel no attachment to them. Strange contradiction, but isn't that what INFJs and INTJs are? A ball of contradictions.
Hmm..that's interesting what you brought up. I think since the F/T function is the second one for INFJs and INTJs it doesnt make much of a difference when a person is balanced.
ENfP... so your first is Fe? or possibly Te?
I was reading about the P types, and how the orders are reversed. Interesting to think about taking in information primarily through Fe or Te, and then backing it up with N. Can you perhaps offer some insight?
Uhm, actually ENxPs have Ne first, then Fi (or Ti, for ENTPs).

INxJs are...


ENxPs are..


(with X being the T or F that's present in ur mbti type and Y being the other one)

Where did you find your information? I think the difference is between ExxPs and IxxJs with ExxJs and IxxPs, what you're describing.
You are confused about Te-Fi or Fe-Ti.

Let us not deal with Ni-Se or Ne-Si or indeed how to determine which has priority until we have solve the original query boys and girls.
This might sound kind of vague, but what's your decision-making process like?
To be honest you strike me as an INFP.

The way you describe yourself isn't Ni dom like, it sounds like you value F more.
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INFJ or INFP. Definitely not INTJ.
"I have never wanted to be defined by anything outside of me."

if this is your reality, infp is closer (introverted judging). but it could be a wish, because your inner reality is - if you like it or not - indeed defined by something flowing thru you (unconscious perceiver), like a torrent. then infj would be closer . intx - forget it.
INFP is one I've considered. I ruled out it out for a few reasons: I'm pretty good with logic; I don't usually give up on things i've started (J likes closure and discipline); I appear organized; and most of the big decisions in my life have been made with the most regard to logic, save when I've been depressed.
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For some time now, I've been looking for a book on MBTI. I can't find one at any of the booksellers I frequent. I think an actual book would be more useful than websites of questionable legitimacy, where they don't bother to elaborate very much on the concepts.
How do you feel about art? Poetry?

Poetry is OK. Art is pretty cool, and something that comes very naturally to me. As a career choice, I wouldn't even consider it because I have a need for discipline and a need to apply logic that needs to be filled. This is why i enjoy math and sciences-- they're my favorite subjects.
"I have never wanted to be defined by anything outside of me."

if this is your reality, infp is closer (introverted judging). but it could be a wish, because your inner reality is - if you like it or not - indeed defined by something flowing thru you (unconscious perceiver), like a torrent. then infj would be closer . intx - forget it.

I understand it's impossible for a human being to exist in such a state. What I mean is that I don't like things like pop culture, social circles, social norms, or any kind of group mentality. I don't want other people dictating how it is I'm supposed to live my life.
For some time now, I've been looking for a book on MBTI. I can't find one at any of the booksellers I frequent. I think an actual book would be more useful than websites of questionable legitimacy, where they don't bother to elaborate very much on the concepts.

Try "Gifts Differing" or "Do What You Are." Those are the best in my opinion.

Poetry is OK. Art is pretty cool, and something that comes very naturally to me. As a career choice, I wouldn't even consider it because I have a need for discipline and a need to apply logic that needs to be filled. This is why i enjoy math and sciences-- they're my favorite subjects.

I'm not sure. You strike me as a P but I can't be sure of course. I suggest you spend some time with the books above. They'll probably help.

Thanks. I'll look into it.