INTJ with enneagram 4

4w5 so
I wonder how can an INTJ with enneagram 4 look like? As I have seen, lot of them are either enneagram 1,3,5 or 8. What about 4? Look at this difference: Fours are very emotional and INTJs prefer rationalizing over emotions. How would they deal with this? Thank you for your replies.
My sympathies. Type 1 here. Are you sure you are an INTJ and not an F??
You could also be an INTJ with a low Te or a high Fi from my understanding of how the cognitive functions work.

Yes, it is possible. What confuses me is my sensitiveness (inner though, it is not much obvious). Don't get me wrong I do not wanna say that INTJs are not sensitive. I just think that I am sometimes too much sensitive to be an INTJ.
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It is possible, it's just rare. Any Enneagram can be any MBTI-it just depends on what defines you, or what your core motivations are. A four is an individualist and a creative, highly self-aware type, ad every MBTI type can be individualist and creative. You just have to match what you know and compare it to the core motivations of E4.

If it helps, here's a nice little page with charts and everything that gives a small study sample of MBTI and Enneagram types. The only Enneagram NOT listed for INTJ was E2. So no, I don't think INTJ E4s are impossible at all.
I wonder how can an INTJ with enneagram 4 look like? As I have seen, lot of them are either enneagram 1,3,5 or 8. What about 4? Look at this difference: Fours are very emotional and INTJs prefer rationalizing over emotions. How would they deal with this? Thank you for your replies.

Hello! I havent written much on this forum. Mostly I have just read and observed. I might be close to what you are describing. I see myself as an INFJ, but I often come about as an INTJ as well. And I am more a 4 than anything else I think. The way I see it, the T or F part are often a matter of choice. I know that I had a much more Feeling twist to it as a child. When i grew older, and in particular after entering the sphere of academics, I got more rationalizing. And hence closer to a T. But I am much too sensitive to fully describe myself as a T i would say. Although I dislike subjective mumbo jumbo about the physical world, still I always add a personal touch to it.

Would you care to share experiences? I would be really interested in conversing with someone who shares my traits like this.

Can enneagrams be swayed by your emotional well being?

I went through a period where I was under enormous strain and couldn't see a way to relieve it. The result was hypersensitivity, jumping to unreasonable conclusions about things people said, weeping at the drop of a pin, that sort of thing. However, it wasn't so much that I was making value based choices but more that my intuition was failing to guide my thinking. It was far from normal behaviour for me. However, this was all on the pessimistic side of things and [MENTION=3780]tragically comedial[/MENTION] could have been describing a healthy range of emotions. The reason I bring this up is the phrase "too sensitive". As an intj myself I don't think I'm less sensitive than others so I'm wondering if the test result could be skewed somehow. I'm not denying the possibility of an Enneagram 4 intj.
I dont know if you are referring to my "too sensitive" or someone elses, alienspectator. There is alot of complexity and subtlety between the feeling/thinking terminology. But since I sort of am in the middle of the two I definitly feel the difference. I dont think that Ts are unsensitive, in the sense unsympathetic or heartless or something like that. The difference is probably more the way you place your focus. On say how a certain situation makes you feel, or on the facts and reasoning between different alternatives. Needless to say being an F does make you less of a thinker either. I admire the Ts ability to stay cool, at the same time a feeling based perception of the world can make pretty interesting reasoning as well...
I assume Type 4 INTJs would be something like Type 5 INFJs; relying heavily on their tertiary function.
It wouldn't be too uncommon, but perhaps they are being mistyped as another type (INFP?), given the apparent lack of Type 4 INTJs.
Sorry that I didn't answer. I wasn't on this forum for a longer time. Thank you all for your replies :smile:

During my absense I went deeper into enneagram and cognitive functions. I again did a self-analysis and I came to the conclusion, that I am probably more of 5 with very very heavy 4 wing. It was said that 4s are much more comfortable with their emotions than 5s... and I don't think that a 4 would trying to "push away" his/her emotions as hard as me.

I also tried to observe my behavior and thoughts from detachment and I found out that almost everything what I did was a common trait of 5s. That was really interesting experience.

As for INTJ/INFJ thing: now I know where was the problem. I was completely mistyped and a few day ago I find out that I am probably after all an INTP and my sensitiveness is caused 1) by my youth 2) by my hard 4 wing. I know that it's very big misidentification, but INTP is really a type which I can almost perfectly relate to.

So I am very sorry for wasting your time :smile:
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