INTP with underdeveloped Ne


Community Member
So, when I was younger, I was diagnosed with ADHD and given this wonderful pill called Adderall XR. Now, this medcation is perfect for when I need to sit down, not feel, and do something. However, It's less effective for day to day encounters. This meant that I never really got out there much, remaining very Ti. Now I'm at a point where my Si and Ne are pretty much balanced. This isn't good. One of my besties is an INFJ, and she says she hasn't noticed much extroversion coming from me at all. So, my question for all your XNXPs out there is: How did you develop your extroversion?
I don't know actually~ Although.... Maybe it's not something you actually develop consciously? Maybe it's something that just happens because one feels the most comfortable engaging the world like that. Perhaps by stating that one develops something we're adopting a mentality that implies that it is done consciously~ Although it may be true maybe it's important to ponder the alternatives. I mean, you could never know right?
Well, one thing I've noticed in coming off my meds is that my head hurts more. I think things might be clicking, but it could just be that I was on meds 5 times a week for several years.

On a related note, I also tried Stratera, and Adderall + Stratera. It was lameish.
This isn't limited to XNXPs. If you have tips with breaking out of your shell, please share them (emphasis on Ne, of course).
I did theatre to develop my extroversion. I go thru cycles of being very extroverted and then so exhausted I need to hide. Most people who know me irl (but aren't good friends) are surprised to find out that I really don't like being around other people. Practice is a good idea. Not being afraid to speak up and out. Not being afraid to be the center of attention or have people looking at you. Realizing that most people aren't as harsh a judge about you and your actions as you are. I dunno. It is hard to explain. I can be super extroverted and it just sorta flows until I reach critical mass of "leave me alone now".
I did theatre to develop my extroversion. I go thru cycles of being very extroverted and then so exhausted I need to hide. Most people who know me irl (but aren't good friends) are surprised to find out that I really don't like being around other people. Practice is a good idea. Not being afraid to speak up and out. Not being afraid to be the center of attention or have people looking at you. Realizing that most people aren't as harsh a judge about you and your actions as you are. I dunno. It is hard to explain. I can be super extroverted and it just sorta flows until I reach critical mass of "leave me alone now".

Teach me, why-did-you-change-your-username, the secrets of mimicking extroverted behaviour. My last extroverted cycle was seventeen years ago. I still have not recovered.
I dunno. I am a very mecurial person. After college was over I was basically comotose for about a year--from 22 to about 23. I am beginning a greater extroverted cycle right now. I get tired of being in the background. People look toward me for answers and to be a leader at work and that brings out my extroverted side. I think dissatisfaction plays a role in wanting to be more extroverted too. I reach a point where I crave change. Sometimes that is negative. I could either change my username or ask to be banned. I chose change my username. When I feel stuck in a rut, I make drastic changes in my appearance and my life. I have learned to temper this a bit now that I am in my 40's. I recommend change--oh and gum, lots of gum.
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I did theatre to develop my extroversion. I go thru cycles of being very extroverted and then so exhausted I need to hide. Most people who know me irl (but aren't good friends) are surprised to find out that I really don't like being around other people. Practice is a good idea. Not being afraid to speak up and out. Not being afraid to be the center of attention or have people looking at you. Realizing that most people aren't as harsh a judge about you and your actions as you are. I dunno. It is hard to explain. I can be super extroverted and it just sorta flows until I reach critical mass of "leave me alone now".

I do theatre as well, and that's something that's bothering me. I'm horrendous at improv, because most people just go off on tangents and leave the main premise behind, catching my Ti totally off guard (I mean, Lady Gaga from Star wars? Really?). I'm actually hoping to get in to Cappilano University in North Vancouver.

With no more meds, I'm noting increased confidence in my behaviour, able to assert authority and carry conversations. It's very nice, actually. I'll experiment some more and see if I find something else.
Teach me, why-did-you-change-your-username, the secrets of mimicking extroverted behaviour. My last extroverted cycle was seventeen years ago. I still have not recovered.
I would also concur, including the why-did-you-change-your-username part.

As per OP's post. I think you've got to, more or less, let yourself out to the world more. Participate, immerse, observe. The best way to train Extroverted function is to engage with the world.
@Trifoilum; and @kiu;
Sorry for the off post comment. I changed my username to distance my truer self from this forum. Like I said, change is my middle name. I felt the need to withdraw. Who knows perhaps it is the first step in leaving permanately, I don't know.

As for extroversion. I was reading a book on Jung and it said something to the effect (if I interpreted and remember correctly) that the hidden cost of extroversion was the denial of self. I think true extroversion relies heavily on the letting go of self. As introverts we judge the world according to ourselves rather than the object. Being extroverted in a way is incredibly freeing. As for improv, never had problems with it but then I was always a bit fearless in not giving a crap if people laughted at me. I used to improv characters all the time. I think it has to do with Ne a bit, I dunno.
I don't think you have undeveloped Ne at all, a particularly strong T preference tends to be notable in how text is laid out and why.

Be careful when melding cognitive extroversion with social extroversion.

If you feel you would like to explore new experiences then go for it and this 'development' you seek will follow.