Introverts: working independently


So, according to type descriptions, introverts, especially INXXs prefer to work independently rather than in groups or teams. Now, I always assumed this meant a social preference, based on comfort level with people. I realize this is also connected to efficiency as well. It seems that introverts may also work more efficiently and be more productive working independently on a task or project than with others. I don't think this means introverts can't work in groups or can't be productive working with someone else, but it seems, we are more efficient or productive when self directed, are more self motivated, and more likely to get things done if we do independently or at least on our own terms, than having to depend on someone else to get things done. I also find that it's easier for me to figure things out for myself than depend on someone to help me. I've found this is true for me, but how about yuz guys? :D
In planning the work it seems that groups fall somewhere between highly centralised and highly decentralised models:
1. The English democratic model, where everyone discusses the project and can field questions, proposals and objections equally.
2. The autocratic/oligarchic model, where input is sought from everyone, but the final decision and planning is left to one, or a few, individual(s).

In performing the work it seems that groups fall somewhere between non-hierarchical and hierarchical models:
1. Where everyone in the group works towards the same goal - doing the same kind of work and having similar intermediary goals.
2. Where the group works towards a goal - but everyone plays a distinct part in achieving it.

I'm INFJ and I prefer autocratic planning and highly hierarchical work relations.
Why? Probably because differences of ability are better utilised; poor planning skills are kept out of the decision making; and each individual has his/her own responsibility in the process. Responsibility means that one is either criticised, or praised for one's work; not for the work of lack thereof of others.
Pretty much exactly as you said, though I do enjoy taking in another perspective (at my own leisure) - For sensory/detail oriented tasks I don't usually ask for help, but I often feel that it might be beneficial for me to do so. In other words I'm good at figuring out concepts, systems, theorems, etc on my own - but the smaller details often escape me (not only that, they bore me).
This is part of why I think I really am an "I" far back as I can remember I didn't do well in groups. If I'm forced to work in a group, my voice is not heard since I always see things differently. I remember hiding under the teacher's desk during enrichment program projects when I'd try to work in a group. (I was one of the "smart kids" and the enrichment program was an outside of regular class opportunity.)
I typically like to work in groups and I typically like to boss the others around while shouldering major loads of the work myself. I give everyone credit as if they did as much work as I did. ISTJ - take it how you want.
I love working in groups if I can be in some form of control. I don't need to be the project leader or anything like that, I just want to organize it, make it function, make it run and just be sure that everything gets done in the most efficient manner. I like working with the direct leader who the pressure is on to have the task done. I will work as the gate keeper of sorts, assigning the proper individuals to the proper tasks. I just really dislike it when the leader assigns a task to somebody without knowing if that person can do the best job on it. I like utilizing my team to the best of their skills and making them feel like they did a great job, instead of getting at them for not knowing everything. If anything goes wrong in the chain, I will pick up the slack and complete the task or assign it to another individual capable of handling it. I would also be the one who deal the heat and consequences of mistakes because I am not the type who starts pointing fingers, so I will just take responsibility and then offer an alternative to fix the issue that has arisen. As long as the job gets done, I am happy and of course if I am properly compensated for my efforts.

As far as working alone, I am very good at that too but I don’t know everything so I have to be able to depend on my team for support. It would be a waste of my skills to be working on every aspect of the project when somebody else could do one piece of it better than I can and then another can do another piece better than I can. None of them could do it all better than me but together we can do it better than I ever could, alone. So I do work a lot alone, I was in a separate office from most of my co-workers for three years including my direct supervisor and still I was good. It is just easier though to have a team to utilize because so much more can be done in the same amount of time.
When we get group assignments I usually ask whether I can do it on my own instead. I find group goals and authoritative approaches very unappealing (amongst many other things), and prefer to pretty much do everything on my own, even if it means more work.
Although I like the idea of working in groups, I realize I'm not good at it.