I learned to play guitar from one, and I sung in his bad for some time.
ENTJs are not by any means "bad". In fact they can be shy and sensitive, as "solid" as they may appear outwardly.
I don't think you're concentrating on the right cognitive type, if you really want some drama. How about ESTPs?
Those guys are indeed dangerous if they really want to be, yet they aren't.
So there is ESTJs, ENTJs, ESTPs, and ISTPs...the "tough" types. ESTPs are by far superior in "toughness", more so than any type, even ESTJs.
So if there is a natural "marshall", that is ESTP alone, and his introverted brother, ISTP.
ENTJs...nah. I can't worry about ENTJs because I know them, and they are not even closely as these articles makes them to be.
Except the people you think are ENTJ's probably aren't because you have been misstyping everyone; everything i read disagrees with you EVERYTIME probably because you are using socionics
For example i've read that the socionics INFj corresponds to the MBTI INFP so i think a lot of the time you are confusing MBTI INFJ's with INFP's
God knows what else you are confusing between the two systems but a lot of what you say doesn't make any sense when viewed through an MBTI lens
Are you aware that the socionics system you keep using was created in the USSR as a way to help control the population which is why the authorities gave an award to the creator of the socionics system?
Stalin who led the USSR for a while WAS an ENTJ!!! It was an ENTJ system
Now you have tried to push the blame onto the sensors but i have to disagree with you
As the study below shows the BOSSES of the corporations are ENTJ's with their sub managers (supervisors) being the ESTJ's who operate as the underlings or 'yes men' of the ENTJ's who use their intuition to stay one step ahead of others in their power games
The ENTJ's it describes as the 'directors' and the ESTJ's as the 'managers'
I'm sure anyone who has worked in a company has seen this dynamic of a boss and their underling who does their bidding
This Is How Much Money You’ll Make Based on Your Personality
Surprise, surprise: the more self-motivated and driven you are, the more money you'll make.
If you spent a lot of time on the Internet as a teen, you’ve taken approximately a bajillion personality tests. At least one was probably the hugely popular
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, which sorts people into 16 different groups with 4-letter names.
The test, based off of Jungian psychiatry and developed by mother-daughter author duo Katharine Cooks Briggs and Isabelle Myers Briggs in 1962, is supposed to tell you if you are introverted or extraverted, intuitive or sensing, thinking or feeling and perceptive or judgmental. Each combination–INFJ or ESTP, for example–is representative of different characteristics, behaviors and preferences.
The types can then be divided into four groups: artisans, guardians, idealists and rationalists.

Web Talent, careerassessmentsite.com
Career Assessment Site, maintained by Jonathan Bollag, recently published an in-depth infographic that shows exactly how much money different personality types will likely make in their lives.

Web Talent, careerassessmentsite.com
Unsurprisingly it’s ENTJs, who are known to be outgoing, self-motivated, driven and competitive, who earn the highest household income by a landslide, averaging over $80,000 per household. Meanwhile the artistic crowd, like shy and emotional INFPs, are the lowest earners, averaging around $60,000.
You can see the full Myers-Briggs infographic
Correction: The link to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test has been modified to link to mbticomplete.com.