Is there really an adulthood begins at thirty generation? | INFJ Forum

Is there really an adulthood begins at thirty generation?


Rothchildian Agent
May 9, 2011
Do you think the present generation is an adulthood begins at thirty generation? Does that mean the sixties sloganeering of not trusting anyone over thirty has been reversed to dont employ anyone under thirty? If this is changing with each generation when will the later onset of adulthood and more protracted adolescence take things?
Where do you think it will take us?
One might consider that adulthood takes place when they are cast into the world with no safety net. If so, adulthood can happen at different times. I think that in America the vast majority of people could be said to be lacking adulthood until their 30s at least. Its very easy to have a different perception of what is important and what is not given what you are required to do daily to survive.
One might consider that adulthood takes place when they are cast into the world with no safety net. If so, adulthood can happen at different times. I think that in America the vast majority of people could be said to be lacking adulthood until their 30s at least. Its very easy to have a different perception of what is important and what is not given what you are required to do daily to survive.

Is it the casting out into the world without a safety net that makes someone an adult or is it the changes that occur in a person as a result of that?

Because not all that are cast out thrive...some drown

So what is adulthood in modern western society?

In previous civilisations it was marked by rites of passage

Nowadays could it be said to be the point where a person is able to stand on their own feet in every sense?

If so then what implications does the housing bubble and the pricing out of first time buyers from the market have on the ability of young adults to stand on their own two feet in economic terms?

Previous generations also had a 'job for life' but nowadays young people live a more insecure life of 'portfolio careers' where they jump from one job to the next often competing with cheap foreing labour for jobs (here in the UK highly skilled workers have piled in from countries whose economies have been ruined or don't offer great oppotunities like spain, poland, italy etc)

The decline in the purchasing power of the currency also threatens the ability of young folk to pay their own way in the world

Because the politicians have raided the pensions pot to give tax breaks to their rich buddies the young now look at a future where they will not be given a pension and will have to work until they are brown bread (the 'age of austerity')
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Is it the casting out into the world without a safety net that makes someone an adult or is it the changes that occur in a person as a result of that?

Because not all that are cast out thrive...some drown

So what is adulthood in modern western society?

In previous civilisations it was marked by rites of passage

Nowadays could it be said to be the point where a person is able to stand on their own feet in every sense?

If so then what implications does the housing bubble and the pricing out of first time buyers from the market have on the ability of young adults to stand on their own two feet in economic terms?

Previous generations also had a 'job for life' but nowadays young people live a more insecure life of 'portfolio careers' where they jump from one job to the next

The decline in the purchasing power of the currency also threatens the ability of young folk to pay their own way in the world

Good points.
Who defines what adulthood is?
Good points.
Who defines what adulthood is?

Yeah also there are many 'adults' who are behaving incredibly irresponsibly and yet have high up positions in government and other asssociated services

So do you need to be behaving responsibly to be an adult?
Yeah also there are many 'adults' who are behaving incredibly irresponsibly and yet have high up positions in government and other asssociated services

So do you need to be behaving responsibly to be an adult?

Who defines what responsible is? :)
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Who defines what responsible is? :)

Indeed! :)

I'm using it in this sense to mean doing no harm

I am a libertarian (not right wing) so i think people should be able to do whatever they want to do as long as they are not hurting others

So responsibility is going through life without doing harm (excessive harm because we all occaisionally slip up and cause offence or break someones heart or whatever but we don't all do something very damaging)

So perhaps an adult could be said to be someone who is financially, emotionally and intellectually self reliant and a responsible adult could be said to be one who does no harm to others

Sound reasonable?
In my experience, this is true. The job economy is one thing, but the culture is another. Most people don't seem to take life as seriously until age 28 - 32; they're still partying, still floundering around trying to figure out what to do with their lives with the idealistic bent that they will find their 'passion' and not looking for any serious relationships. For most part, they haven't felt compelled to put down the major roots the generations of adults before us have. It isn't until they hit that '30' wall that they realize 'oh shit, I've got a decade left until I hit middle age and I've got a ten year window before my body and mind start going to set myself up with a base to actually do something with my life.'

Fear based society

Unfortunately it underpins a lot of things in our society

I wish we could all move past it to a more organic flowing way of living but people are investing heavily in the fear based software

Its going to take more than a few bugs in the system to get people to upgrade...its going to need full system failure
Who defines what responsible is? :)


This is like that other thread in which I think you'd asked who defines riff raff, its not all some wicked overlord putting their values on everyone else, most of these terms you're asking for definitions of are in common parlance and pretty with pretty self-evidentry meanings.
The day I put down 'roots' will be the day I off myself.
What about having two kids and a house vs being a nomadic goat herder? Cause I'd totally be a nomadic goat herder. In fact I think there needs a DIY nomadic goat herding starter kit.

But as for the nice house, two kids and a dog.... no. I'll impale myself on the white picket fence.
Just because a lot of twenty-somethings don't want to act like adults doesn't mean they aren't adults, it just means they are immature adults. If you can vote, serve in the army, drink, gamble, sign for your own health care, borrow money, get married, be legally responsible for your're an adult.
Well when are you elderly? This might be an important benchmark to determine other major life changing events.
I think we're losing our manners. As a society, we are losing them. It is so easy to be rude over the phone, through an email, with an immature note on someones door. Arrogance becomes cocky, and therefor attractive in their minds. Mass communication making the embarrassment unbearable. Gotta defend. Continue. I see how technology has played a role. We treat each other less like humans, more like a customer service rep (and do you know how rude you are to them? I've done that job.)
I put my hand up and plead guilty. But not to the note. That is on my neighbors door right now. They wrote it themselves. It says something to the effect of "You're tasteless. You have no class. Disrespectful." Not addressing anyone. So anyone walking by can just wonder if it's meant for them? WTF? What is wrong with people these days??
Fear based society

Unfortunately it underpins a lot of things in our society

I wish we could all move past it to a more organic flowing way of living but people are investing heavily in the fear based software

Its going to take more than a few bugs in the system to get people to upgrade...its going to need full system failure

HEY, how can we get them to upgrade? I mean unplug by that. But seriously, what will it take? I would love to help shove.
There's legal adulthood, which is defined by the individual governments of every nation/state. Then there's cultural as defined by previous generations (parents who tell their kids when they're adults) and general society (media giving a general definition of adulthood).

In my opinion it is perceived that maturity comes with age but I've found the alternate to be true: maturity comes with discipline and self-governance/awareness. Many of the newer generations in America lack discipline and that's why you have all these ass-hats running around acting so, despite their age. You may even be employed by one!
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