Is this intuition?


Community Member
This morning, I had the feeling I had forgotten my dentist appointment. I didn't remember what day it was, but I thought it was Monday. When I found the appointment card (in the bottom of a stack of papers), I saw the appointment was Monday. I had only looked at the card when I got it a month ago. Is that intuition, or just a good memory, or both?
are you a wizard?

And to stay on track, plausibly. I have a hard time discerning intuition other simply knowing something that I shouldn't know off hand.
I think that is your Ni just working with the way it works with memory. We simply know something is there, and feel it is right, yet do not know the details of it until we later confirm it. Once it is confirmed though back-processing of all that happened will sometimes remind us of where something came from.
Hmmm..... I'm thinking it's more of a faded memory. Like you've almost forgotten when the appointment date was, but when the day came... idk what I'm saying... Like... lol. Ummm. Sometimes if I know I cannot miss an appointment etc, I will just remember it's life or death for that day, and then I'll never forget the significance of that date. Perhaps that is what happened.
For me intuition can work both on the micro or macro scale. Sometimes it relates to conversations, people, tasks...but just as often it relates to entire arcs of history and human understanding. The former happen as momentary occurances within my day. The latter permeates every second, and every part of, my existance.
Yeah, that sounds like Ni.

Having a tertiary Si, I have similar experiences, only I know whether it's coming or going (though sometimes I feel the need to double check anyway), and have completely missed such events several times.
This morning, I had the feeling I had forgotten my dentist appointment. I didn't remember what day it was, but I thought it was Monday. When I found the appointment card (in the bottom of a stack of papers), I saw the appointment was Monday. I had only looked at the card when I got it a month ago. Is that intuition, or just a good memory, or both?

There you go.