It's.....Monty Python's Flying Thread!


Regular Poster
Are there any other Monty Python fans around there? I think that certain personality types appreciate their brand of humor more than others. My ISTP father and brother love them as much as I do, but my ESFJ mother thinks Monty Python is the stupidest thing she's ever seen.

So...what are your favorite sketches? Favorite Pythons? I've always had a thing for Terry Jones. And finally, what types do think they are?
I love Monty Python!
My favourite is Michael Palin.
As for favourite skit, i'd have to say the philosophers drinking song.
"There will be no stoning of anybody, even... and I want to make this absolutly clear...even if the DO say Jehovah!" *promptly gets stoned*
lol....Lurker - love it!

Always a great mood lifter hearing it - even better watching it.

My favourite scene, also from The Life of Brian....

(A line of prisoners files past a jailer.)

Jailer: Crucifixion?

Prisoner Yes.

Jailer: Good. Out of the door, line on the left, one cross each. (Next prisoner.) Crucifixion?

Prisoner 2: Er, no, freedom actually.

Jailer: What?

Prisoner 2: Yeah, they said I hadn't done anything and I could go and live on an island somewhere.

Jailer: Oh I say, that's very nice. Well, off you go then.

Prisoner 2: No, I'm just pulling your leg, it's crucifixion really.

Jailer:(laughing) Oh yes, very good. Well...

Prisoner 2: Yes I know, out of the door, one cross each, line on the left.
Life of Brian is such an awesome movie. They actually re-released it a few years back, in response to Mel Gibson's Passion of the Christ, so I got to see it on the big screen! :D

It contains one of my favorite bits ever:

Brian [to a worshipful crowd]: You're all different!

Crowd: Yes, we're all different!

Lone voice: I'm not.
Elizabeth said:
Life of Brian is such an awesome movie. They actually re-released it a few years back, in response to Mel Gibson's Passion of the Christ, so I got to see it on the big screen! :D

It contains one of my favorite bits ever:

Brian [to a worshipful crowd]: You're all different!

Crowd: Yes, we're all different!

Lone voice: I'm not.
He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy!
That "crucifixion" bit reminds me of Eddie Izzards "cake or death?" routine.

I have three favorites:
Ministry of Silly Walks, the hermit sketch, The Funniest Joke in the World, and....
Four...I have four favorites:
Ministry of Silly Walks, the hermit sketch, The Funniest Joke in the World, and the Life of Mollusks, and....
Five....five favorites:
Ministry of Silly Walks, the hermit sketch, The Funniest Joke in the World, and the Life of Mollusks, and....The Spanish Inquisition!!

Oh yes....and there is the documentary on Johann Gambolputty de von Ausfern- schplenden- schlitter- crasscrenbon- fried- digger- dingle- dangle- dongle- dungle- burstein- von- knacker- thrasher- apple- banger- horowitz- ticolensic- grander- knotty- spelltinkle- grandlich- grumblemeyer- spelterwasser- kurstlich- himbleeisen- bahnwagen- gutenabend- bitte- ein- nürnburger- bratwustle- gerspurten- mitz- weimache- luber- hundsfut- gumberaber- shönedanker- kalbsfleisch- mittler- aucher von Hautkopft of Ulm.
gokartride said:
That "crucifixion" bit reminds me of Eddie Izzards "cake or death?" routine.

I have three favorites:
Ministry of Silly Walks, the hermit sketch, The Funniest Joke in the World, and....
Four...I have four favorites:
Ministry of Silly Walks, the hermit sketch, The Funniest Joke in the World, and the Life of Mollusks, and....
Five....five favorites:
Ministry of Silly Walks, the hermit sketch, The Funniest Joke in the World, and the Life of Mollusks, and....The Spanish Inquisition!!

Oh yes....and there is the documentary on Johann Gambolputty de von Ausfern- schplenden- schlitter- crasscrenbon- fried- digger- dingle- dangle- dongle- dungle- burstein- von- knacker- thrasher- apple- banger- horowitz- ticolensic- grander- knotty- spelltinkle- grandlich- grumblemeyer- spelterwasser- kurstlich- himbleeisen- bahnwagen- gutenabend- bitte- ein- nürnburger- bratwustle- gerspurten- mitz- weimache- luber- hundsfut- gumberaber- shönedanker- kalbsfleisch- mittler- aucher von Hautkopft of Ulm.
Hello Bruce. Bruce, Bruce, Bruce...
My ESFJ fiance absolutely hates it.

I serenade her with "Always look on the bright side of life *whistle*!" on long road trips... :twisted:
Stone said:
My ESFJ fiance absolutely hates it.

I serenade her with "Always look on the bright side of life *whistle*!" on long road trips... :twisted:
What the HELL is a "long" road trip in NZ? 3 hours?
Hah, we have mountains to drive over it takes a wee while compared to driving across long, flat, dusty, nothingness... ;)