It's the end of the world as we know it... what would you listen to?


Community Member
Let's say the end of the world were to be starting right now. You have an hour till everything's gone.

What song/album would you put on to accompany the end of the world?

Unacceptable answers: "It's The End Of The World As We Know It" by REM, "How Far We've Come" by Matchbox 20, any other songs about the end of the world. Be original, gosh darnit!
none, if we only had one hour left i wouldn't waste my time listening to music

You have to. The robot overlords that are the cause of the end of the world command that everyone stays home listening to music. :tongue:
I will be optimistic and say this song:

[ame=""]YouTube - Matt Maher - Hold us together with lyrics[/ame]

My Pessimistic side says this:

[ame=""]YouTube - Linkin Park - In The End (Video)[/ame]

HOW could I forget this song (Listen [MENTION=2434]Sloe Djinn[/MENTION] ^^)
[ame=""]YouTube - The Band Perry - If I Die Young[/ame]
I would finally give modern country a chance.

That or Invasion of the Gabber Robots on an endless loop. For great justice of course.
Coldplay: A Rush of Blood to the Head. No question.
Boadicea by Enya

I was gonna say this, but then I thought I'd start blubbering and spend the last hour of my life with a sinus headache....

As the World Falls Down by Bowie comes to mind,
but if that was nixed, probably tunes from Steal This Album! by SOAD
[ame=""]YouTube - Styx come sail away[/ame]

Then I'd go on a Styx binge probably and

[ame=""]YouTube - Styx - Renegade[/ame]

[ame=""]YouTube - Mr Roboto - Styx[/ame]

[ame=""]YouTube - Styx - Grand Illusion[/ame]

[ame=""]YouTube - Styx - Castle Walls[/ame]

[ame=""]YouTube - Styx - Lonely Child[/ame]

This topic has made me start one now xD
I think I would listen to nothing, since end of the world is deserving attention more than anything else. Not to mention listening to last sounds of radio ever.
I'd bring out my old dusty, nihilistic 80s albums...

[ame=""]YouTube - Major Tom by Peter Schilling[/ame]

[ame=""]YouTube - 99 red ballons - Nena[/ame]

[ame=""]YouTube - Genesis - Land Of Confusion [Official Music Video][/ame]
Oh c'mon. Am I the only on who'd give Stairway to Heaven just one last listen to before we all die?
It's hard to choose....


Or possibly the more esoteric option.

Placebo, The Rolling Stones, The Projidy, Goreckhi, DeVotchka

Running up that hill, Gimme Shelter, No Good, Lamb, You Already Know How This Will End
And finally:

[ame=""]YouTube - Johnny Cash Hurt[/ame]