James Cameron's AVATAR


Captain Obvious
Retired Staff
Type me.
Opening Friday, December 18th


^Watch the trailer if you haven't already (keeping in mind that all that is going to be in 3-D).

I've been following this movie closely, and this morning I read about in the Wall Street Journal, which reported on the tracking of interest leading up to the release. Apparently the volume of buzz is nothing spectacular compared to earlier, moderately successful movies (as blockbusters go).

A bit of background for those unfamiliar with all this: James Cameron (the guy who made Aliens, Titanic and the first two Terminator movies, among other major hits) has been working on Avatar for a decade, and it is to be his big return to the blockbuster industry after a while waiting for the technology to catch up with his vision. In short, by all measures of filmic reasoning, this should be one of the biggest movies ever.
But when it comes to dollars, it could be in trouble. $450 million is a very impressive sum for a movie to make in its entire run, and Avatar needs that just to break even. Unsurprisingly, its demographic will be a sort of return to normal for Cameron's career, which had a unique spot with Titanic: the highest-grossing film to date was driven mainly by female audiences returning again and again to the theaters. Avatar, by contrast, has generated mostly male interest. While male audiences tend to support the summer blockbusters that grow out of the likes of Comic Con, currently female audiences have the more impressive track record, holding both the third-highest-ever box office gross for an opening weekend (New Moon, to my amazement) and the highest-ever for an entire run (Titanic, or Gone with the Wind when adjusted for inflation).

I consider the success of Avatar especially important because it is meant to pave the way for future films of its kind, and I do want more of them. 3-D films have been making a gradual comeback, expected to greatly accelerate. They have fared well at the box office, but nothing truly spectacular has come up; generally they are viewed as having the 3-D label as their main selling point. But Avatar is supposed to combine ground-breaking special effects with a story that would suffice for a good blockbuster even if relegated to the standard 2-D format. The more successful it is, the more of its kind we can expect in the near future. But if it turns out to be a flop (which it could be even while making more than the average summer hit), then we might very well see producers increasingly turning to emo vampires for their income. No offense to all the female moviegoers, but as a big-budget-film enthusiast, I really want more like Avatar (even though I haven't seen it yet).
Oh I'm really looking forward to seeing this movie as well. Can you please post the progress of it as it comes out? I mean I know you're busy. I can do it too, if you can't. Now knowing more about it, I think I will follow it closely as well.

It's kind of funny that you say this is geared more towards the male population because in my family I'm the one interested in it, and my husband is not...

Although, it kind of goes like that with us. I'm the one into video games, and he's not... and so on and so forth.

:D Thanks for posting by the way. I can't wait.
Oh I'm really looking forward to seeing this movie as well. Can you please post the progress of it as it comes out? I mean I know you're busy. I can do it too, if you can't. Now knowing more about it, I think I will follow it closely as well.

Do you mean the totals of opening night, day, weekend, etc.? Sure, I follow those, so it would be no trouble to update them here.

It's kind of funny that you say this is geared more towards the male population because in my family I'm the one interested in it, and my husband is not...

Although, it kind of goes like that with us. I'm the one into video games, and he's not... and so on and so forth.

Yeah, I'm only speaking in terms of statistics. It's similar in my family: my mother is enthused by special effects, while my father doesn't see the point. But in overall audiences, the divide is quite significant (for example, New Moon was propelled to the top by an audience that was 80% female).
Do you mean the totals of opening night, day, weekend, etc.? Sure, I follow those, so it would be no trouble to update them here.

I do.. and thank you. :)

Yeah, I'm only speaking in terms of statistics. It's similar in my family: my mother is enthused by special effects, while my father doesn't see the point. But in overall audiences, the divide is quite significant (for example, New Moon was propelled to the top by an audience that was 80% female).

Well, I get what you're saying then. So when are going to see this? Opening night?

My best friend went opening day to see New Moon, and then went back the next day. Lol.. But we're the kind of girls who love to watch movies, so we watch just about everything. It's only the ones we really like we'll watch back to back. Like I saw The Dark Knight 3x at the Imax in 2 different cities. :D
So when are going to see this? Opening night?

I'd like to... heck, I'd like to go to the midnight showing. But in all likelihood it'll be a week or two before I actually see it, because going out to a movie requires some careful scheduling in my household. In the meantime, I pore over spoiler-free reviews. :nerd:
James needs to find himself an original title. :m141:
I'd like to... heck, I'd like to go to the midnight showing. But in all likelihood it'll be a week or two before I actually see it, because going out to a movie requires some careful scheduling in my household. In the meantime, I pore over spoiler-free reviews. :nerd:

Ah see.. this is another area in which I am extremely weird! I love spoilers! I always hear people say they don't want to give away the movie, but I love movies. It doesn't matter to me, because even if you tell me exactly what happens I'm still gonna want to see it. In fact it may even make me want to see it more, just to find out how the story teller (director) made it all come to life.

Most people don't understand that.
Ah see.. this is another area in which I am extremely weird! I love spoilers! I always hear people say they don't want to give away the movie, but I love movies. It doesn't matter to me, because even if you tell me exactly what happens I'm still gonna want to see it. In fact it may even make me want to see it more, just to find out how the story teller (director) made it all come to life.

Most people don't understand that.

Haha, my mother is the same way! I'm also probably more open to spoilers than most, but I value suspense too much to want to know the major details of the conclusion. If I already know what's going to happen, it's still interesting to see precisely how it plays out, but it takes something away from the curiosity.

EDIT: But I'd say "half-spoilers" can be very well played for added effect. Although I never really followed the Harry Potter series closely, I was impressed by Rowling's strategy of mentioning that a major character would die, thereby rousing up a frenzy among fans over who the unlucky one would be.

^Watch the trailer if you haven't already (keeping in mind that all that is going to be in 3-D).

I've been following this movie closely, and this morning I read about in the Wall Street Journal, which reported on the tracking of interest leading up to the release. Apparently the volume of buzz is nothing spectacular compared to earlier, moderately successful movies (as blockbusters go).

A bit of background for those unfamiliar with all this: James Cameron (the guy who made Aliens, Titanic and the first two Terminator movies, among other major hits) has been working on Avatar for a decade, and it is to be his big return to the blockbuster industry after a while waiting for the technology to catch up with his vision. In short, by all measures of filmic reasoning, this should be one of the biggest movies ever.
But when it comes to dollars, it could be in trouble. $450 million is a very impressive sum for a movie to make in its entire run, and Avatar needs that just to break even. Unsurprisingly, its demographic will be a sort of return to normal for Cameron's career, which had a unique spot with Titanic: the highest-grossing film to date was driven mainly by female audiences returning again and again to the theaters. Avatar, by contrast, has generated mostly male interest. While male audiences tend to support the summer blockbusters that grow out of the likes of Comic Con, currently female audiences have the more impressive track record, holding the highest-ever box office grosses for both opening weekend (New Moon, to my amazement) and entire run (Titanic, or Gone with the Wind when adjusted for inflation).

I consider the success of Avatar especially important because it is meant to pave the way for future films of its kind, and I do want more of them. 3-D films have been making a gradual comeback, expected to greatly accelerate. They have fared well at the box office, but nothing truly spectacular has come up; generally they are viewed as having the 3-D label as their main selling point. But Avatar is supposed to combine ground-breaking special effects with a story that would suffice for a good blockbuster even if relegated to the standard 2-D format. The more successful it is, the more of its kind we can expect in the near future. But if it turns out to be a flop (which it could be even while making more than the average summer hit), then we might very well see producers increasingly turning to emo vampires for their income. No offense to all the female moviegoers, but as a big-budget-film enthusiast, I really want more like Avatar (even though I haven't seen it yet).

I am a female and I want to see this. I was planning on going to the theater. I dont do that unless I have really interest.
Haha, my mother is the same way! I'm also probably more open to spoilers than most, but I value suspense too much to want to know the major details of the conclusion. If I already know what's going to happen, it's still interesting to see precisely how it plays out, but it takes something away from the curiosity.

Yeah, that makes sense.

And I must say your mom seems pretty awesome. :wink:

EDIT: But I'd say "half-spoilers" can be very well played for added effect. Although I never really followed the Harry Potter series closely, I was impressed by Rowling's strategy of mentioning that a major character would die, thereby rousing up a frenzy among fans over who the unlucky one would be.

I know! That is quite the tactic. I'm a Harry Potter fan. Now if they would just not take so freaking long to come out. :D But I digress....

The problem I have about going to see movies is I have a hard time getting anyone to go with me. Jesse, my husband, just isn't into movies like I am. He really only likes comedies, or has to be in a certain mood to watch. So I have to pretty much watch what I want alone, and I always feel bad going to the movies and leaving him back with the kids. So... yeah.. don't get to go nearly as often as I like.. and the worst part is I live like a block away from the theater. :( Oh well.
He probably had it chosen before the TV series even started. Keep in mind how long he's been waiting for this.

Nick should have fought harder for the rights. Regardless.

As for the movie I don't know I'm not sure about it. I think I'll wait a bit to see how things pan out.
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The problem I have about going to see movies is I have a hard time getting anyone to go with me.

I actually prefer seeing movies alone, but it is indeed awkward leaving other people behind and knowing that they might feel "left out."

As for the movie I don't know I'm not sure about it. I think I'll wait a bit to see how things pan out.

Fortunately the early reviews sound positive.
Ben Stiller was on Conan last night promoting this movie, and he has absolutely nothing to do with the film LOL. It was funny.

My friend and I were discussing this film. The only way it will be truly awesome is if all the blue folk die.
I've been wanting to see this movie so incredibly bad, for so incredibly long.
They're definitely trying to generate some mad hype about it. Last week's Bones episode featured some of the cast-members waiting out in line for Avatar tickets and waxing geekier than usual for a bunch of forensic "squints"

I'm... not excited. I don't excited about movies in theatres anymore. Any time I get excited, I walk away grossly disappointed.

And a decent Sci-Fi flick is one in a million by Hollywood's shitty standards nowadays.

I want to be presently surprised when this comes out on DVD/Blu-Ray (because I admit, I am somewhat curious).
I thought they were doing a movie about the TV series before I saw the trailers. now I have mixed feelings about it :mtap:
I hope this movie blows records out of the box office. Could pave the way for movies based on some of the better sci-fi and fantasy bookseries out there.

I've been interested since I first saw the trailer. I told the husband I am going to see it, and he can join me or not.
I've been interested since I first saw the trailer. I told the husband I am going to see it, and he can join me or not.

Lol! I like your style. :D