Journal impact factor 'distorts science'


i know nothing
Journal impact factor 'distorts science'-
Dani Cooper

An international declaration by more than 150 leading scientists and 75 scientific organisations is demanding a rethink of the role 'journal impact factor' plays in the evaluation of research.

The Declaration on Research Assessment, released today, contains 18 recommendations for change and is signed by a coalition of scientists, journal editors, publishers and scientific and funding bodies.

The statement was released to coincide with editorials in scientific journals around the world.

More than 10 of Australia's pre-eminent researchers and leading science organisations have signed the declaration, which highlights growing concern at the obsession in world science for publication in journals with a high impact factor.

The most influential citation ranking system is the Journal Impact Factor (JIF) that appears annually as part of the Thomson Reuters Web of Knowledge.

This ranking reflects the average number of times a journal's papers are referenced or cited by other researchers during the preceding two years. Many institutions and funding bodies rate the success of a scientist based on the number of times they publish in a highly ranked journal.

But signatories to the declaration say the system is flawed because its use of an average, rather than median number of citations per journal, means highly cited papers can artificially lift a journal's rankings.

The first paper on the sequencing of the human genome is a good example of this, says European Molecular Biology Organisationjournal head of scientific publications Dr Bernd Pulverer, a former Nature editor.

"This paper which has been cited just under 10,000 times to date, singlehandedly increased Nature's JIF for a couple of years," he says.

The "misuse of the journal impact factor is highly destructive" agrees Science, editor-in-chief Dr Bruce Alberts.

He says the current system can bias journals against publishing important papers in fields (such as social sciences and ecology) that are much less cited than others, such as biomedicine.

Alberts says however its most destructive impact is it discourages researchers "to pursue risky and potentially groundbreaking work, because it takes years to create a new approach in a new experimental context, during which time no publications should be expected".

"Such metrics further block innovation because they encourage scientists to work in areas of science that are already highly populated, as it is only in these fields that large numbers of scientists can be expected to reference one's work, no matter how outstanding," he adds.

It is a view shared by the Australian signatories.
'Common sense'

Professor Brendan Crabb, president of the Australian Medical Research Institutes Association says the declaration is a "common sense" evolution of the journal impact factor.

Although he agrees some type of assessment of scientific impact is crucial, Crabb believes the current system is "too blunt".

"What matters is the quality of the individual paper itself," he says. "Let's not get too hung up on where it is published."

Crabb, director of the Burnet Institute, says the declaration recommends research impact should be judged on the number of citations of the individual paper as well as other measures such as health outcomes, policy changes or diagnostic impact.

Comparisons should also be made within disciplines rather than comparing for example social scientists with immunologists, he says.

Under the current system, researchers working in smaller fields such as public health are at a disadvantage to those in larger fields like immunology.

"It is obvious the bigger the discipline the more citations you will receive," he says.

Institutions working in niche fields, such as the Bionics Institute are disadvantaged by the current approach, says its deputy director (research) Professor Hugh McDermott.

The Bionics Institute embraces researchers across disciplines as diverse as engineering, which has low impact publications, to biomedical research, a field of high impact factor journals.

"Those two levels of impact factor are not representative [and] as an institution we are concerned to make sure all our research outputs are properly assessed," McDermott says.
Generational change

The declaration is an idea, McDermott suggests, whose time has come.

He says in Australia the peak medical research funding body, the NHMRC, has already publicly argued JIF should not be used as a way of assessing research output.

This is a position many groups internationally and within Australia have also taken. Crabb agrees and says at the Burnet Institute "no one would get promoted just on impact factor".

While Crabb admits the system is embedded and change will take time, McDermott believes generational change will be the driver of an overhaul of the system.

McDermott says younger researchers seem less hung up on being published in traditional journals and are more comfortable with seeking out specific audiences online via open access publications.

"These new journals often don't have any impact factor at all," he says, adding this will automatically force a rethink of the current system. "People have to realise there is a lot more to scientific output than publication."

"The pressure for conformity is enormous. I have experienced it in editors’ rejection of submitted papers, based on venomous criticism of anonymous referees. The replacement of impartial reviewing by censorship will be the death of science.”

-Julian Schwinger