

Permanent Fixture
So I'm stretching things a bit by calling him famous, but he's got a decent youtube following and has said in the past that he's tested INxx on MBTI, so I want to see what people think of this guy's type--I lean towards INFP, personally, but he could be something else. He's most well known for his satirical "anti-centrism" videos, but he also has done stuff on depression, modern life generally, and youtubers (well actually it's all on youtubers but I digress :p ). He's also talked about himself, and done a Q&A, and though some of the answers are lies, you can kind of tell which are lies I think.

Just the whole channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/Jregory/videos
Anti-Centrism: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGALsgF3LJjyWV2j4Jmy5SJmtgTCzifSV

He's also got a separate channel where he does less ironic spoken word poems. I haven't really watched this one, though. That's here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsVZeladiSTL94kgcKTwOJg/videos

Discussing his motivations:

I guess you could argue that prioritizing the job for so long until there was a material chance he could make it in the art world is Se and maybe an Se-Te loop? Plus he's "out there" in ways that match the ESFP stereotype.

Do you think an ISFP would have done the starving artist thing sooner, or been more content with stuff?
Do you think an ISFP would have done the starving artist thing sooner, or been more content with stuff?

I just think an ISFP wouldn't be as deeply fame seeking. They just create art that is separate from themselves and have little interest in designing themselves into art.
I have no idea what his type is really, but I do think he's an extrovert who misidentifies himself as an introvert.
designing themselves into art.
This is a bit tangential, but it's interesting to me.

Do you make a distinction between art as self-reflection (a mirror of the self) and making yourself 'into' a kind of art-object (or a 'brand' even), and how does that break down in terms of personality?

In terms of what you said about ISFPs - will they be inclined to make art that is 'about themselves' but still 'outside themselves'?
This is a bit tangential, but it's interesting to me.

Do you make a distinction between art as self-reflection (a mirror of the self) and making yourself 'into' a kind of art-object (or a 'brand' even), and how does that break down in terms of personality?

In terms of what you said about ISFPs - will they be inclined to make art that is 'about themselves' but still 'outside themselves'?

It's not that deep bruh. Making a pot is just different from making/wearing a clown mask. That's all I was sayin/thinkin.

But to your specific question: I think all art of any medium is a reflection of self on some level, or a reflection of how we interpret what we observe,
which is kind of a self reflection still
It's not that deep bruh. Making a pot is just different from making/wearing a clown mask. That's all I was sayin/thinkin.

But to your specific question: I think all art of any medium is a reflection of self on some level, or a reflection of how we interpret what we observe,
which is kind of a self reflection still

I should specify that what I was thinking about originally was that what jreg does is creates personas that he embodies.
So his "art" is himself, literally. Which is different from creating something externally.
I don't know this guy but in case this is helpful: https://www.personality-database.co...-political-commentators-mbti-personality-type

The internet community seems predominantly to type him as ENTP, but based on his persona. The comments indicate that he could be INxP in person.

I buy ENTP for his persona. Maybe not for him though. He seems much more zeroed in on his own personal "narrative" than I think an NTP would be, though maybe I'm wrong about that. Plus his really fixed idea of what he wants, although he may or may not have imagined youtube was how to get there.

I've heard it said that Se-Ni or Ni-Se=fixed idea of what you want, and Ne-Si/Si-Ne=fluid idea of what you want. Would you agree?

As far as enneagram goes actual jreg is definitely 4w3, not 5w4.
I've heard it said that Se-Ni or Ni-Se=fixed idea of what you want, and Ne-Si/Si-Ne=fluid idea of what you want. Would you agree?

This is true for me. I can't speak for the entire community of Ni-Se users though.

As far as enneagram goes actual jreg is definitely 4w3, not 5w4.

To be honest I did get a bit of a 4w3 vibe even from watching just a couple videos, so it makes sense!
I sampled a few videos - these are my thoughts:
  • Really doubting INTP. Dom Ti/Inf Fe tends to obstruct communication in certain ways. For example, Dominant Ti tends to make speakers hesitate while processing information, and Inferior Fe makes speakers more self-conscious. In general, INTPs tend to seem meek, cautious, or slow when speaking. Jreg has a lot of uninhibited, almost manic confidence.
  • His videos seem to poke fun at pure Fi-like notions and personal beliefs in general. You can tell he has a lot of pride in his objectivity (although his videos are dripping with satire). Because of this, I would doubt xNFP.
  • He seems to enjoy debating/discussing for the sake of... debating/discussing. It comes off as wayward and pointless to me, but from what I understand, this is a common Ne-Ti stereotype. His entire channel is just poking fun at the absurdity of human belief and politics, and the energy of that idea is very Ne, while the "This is logically absurd!" undercurrent is definitely Ti.

    Based on this, I would guess ENTP.
tbh I was going to say ENTP but I wanted to incite some discussion with a wilder statement
tbh I was going to say ENTP but I wanted to incite some discussion with a wilder statement
