Language and MBTI


Rothchildian Agent
Does language as it is understood or discussed by philosophers not effect MBTI in a big way?

Language was used by early conservatives as a fundamental proof against individualism, particuarly as professed by political liberals and early political economists, that is that no one individual possesses their own private language, it would be useless, if not actually impossible as how could you use it if no one else understood it or could comprehend it. Language in this instance is something which has emerged with the spontaneous order and possesses intrinsic meanings which are transmitted intergenerationally through the family and other informal, societal and often intangible institutions, even unconsciously or memetically.

There is the other school of thought that the meaning of language is subject to constant reinvention and it is mercurial, words with particular meanings or connotations are rejected, adopted, invalidated or validated over time, place and context, for instance the use of words like gentleman, once meaning title, proprietorship and rank and at another time meaning manners etc.

I think that there's relative merit in each position and their validity depends upon other things, each have very different and opposing theories of change and that is the crux of the matter, however it clearly has a real implication for any theory which uses language descriptively and prescriptively, including MBTI.

I can think of a lot of instances of this, people using words like perception, thinking, judging to mean something different from MBTI cognitive preferences one moment and then in the MBTI sense in the next. Like if someone is discussing Fallout, the video game, one minute which uses the word perception as a skill trait to be developed then crosses over into another discussion on cognitive functions or MBTI and means it in a different way.