Lead like (insert name here)


Time Lord
I seen a bunch of tests and topics on who people are like or what their leadership style resembles. But what I want to know is who do you revere most as a leader and why?
I am having a hard time answering this question...

I don't think I could ever be a follower of any one person because too many people have represented wonderful things that have been able to identify with my inner self to help me develope my own strength of character for what makes me "me".

To answer your question honestly though, I'd say it would have to be "myself".

For me it has never been an interest to be a follower or a leader, but rather a loner who maintains awareness and respect of Self and of others.

So, I guess my answer could possibly be that my leader is simply-

well let me reorganize the question, do you have a particular person who leadership style you prefer over others.

mine would be that of T. Roosevelt, there some thing about how almost movie like his life was.

I loved Robin William's charachter in the movie "Dead Poet's Society".

Whoopie Goldberg's charachter in the movie "Corina Corina".

Albus Dumbledorf,
Vincent Van-Gogh,
Father Borelli (who rescued my orphaned father and my aunts and uncles from starvation and death when they were children).
I have never met or read about anyone that I would admire as a leader. My personality, admittedly, is very adverse to being led, so this may color my perceptions.

Wait, there is one fictional character whom I admire as a leader (and this is not a joke): Cpt. Jean-Luc Picard. I think he is something close to the perfect leader.
I am a fan of emotional leadership styles. A fictional character who I think embodies this is Deanna Troi from "Star Trek: Next Generation"

For anyone interested, here is good website on emotional leadership.


I have a leadership style closest to the visionary leader.

The Visionary Leader

The Visionary Leader moves people towards a shared vision, telling them where to go but not how to get there - thus motivating them to struggle forwards. They openly share information, hence giving knowledge power to others.
I have never met or read about anyone that I would admire as a leader. My personality, admittedly, is very adverse to being led, so this may color my perceptions.

Wait, there is one fictional character whom I admire as a leader (and this is not a joke): Cpt. Jean-Luc Picard. I think he is something close to the perfect leader.

I can lead INTPs and other ENTPs.

The trick is not to lead like you're driving sheep, but to lead, like you're herding goats. Goats are independent and have their own ideas, a goatherd has to allow them that, and just rescue them from when they go wrong, or move them when it's time for shelter or milking.
I can lead INTPs and other ENTPs.

The trick is not to lead like you're driving sheep, but to lead, like you're herding goats. Goats are independent and have their own ideas, a goatherd has to allow them that, and just rescue them from when they go wrong, or move them when it's time for shelter or milking.

can you lead other types too, or just INTP's and ENTP's?
ENTJs and INTJs.

I can't give emotional leadership.

Probably ISTJs and ESTJs as well.
Me? I'm going to shock everyone and say Jesus Christ.

He cared for his people, his causes, and was willing to be put to death rather than turn his back.

How would you describe his style?
Giving, dedicated, challenging, intense.. He showed compassion to the downtrodden and challenged the comfortable leaders' views of society and religion. He preached a peace that also didn't accept the status quo.

Nice descrip.
Well after thinking about it a sec I am gonna have say Abraham Lincoln.
Giving, dedicated, challenging, intense.. He showed compassion to the downtrodden and challenged the comfortable leaders' views of society and religion. He preached a peace that also didn't accept the status quo.

Far from strange, He had a great many followers for a reason. he said and did things unlike any Jew before him.

Samuel was quite like Jesus.
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Wait, there is one fictional character whom I admire as a leader (and this is not a joke): Cpt. Jean-Luc Picard. I think he is something close to the perfect leader.

My tought exactly:)!
Or Bailey from Grey's anatomy:)
Let's see. Martin Luther King Jr. had the courage to follow his beliefs and make the tough choices to keep the movement going and inspire many people to not be afraid and stand up to opression and persecution. Ghandi led an enormous in India. Both were arrested for their beliefs and led with compassion and incredible strength. Daisaku Ikeda who is the current President of the Soka Gakkai International. He has such appreciation for the members of the organization. He has had dialogues with Rosa Parks, Nelson Mandela, and Mikael Gorbachov to name a few. George Washington was an incredible patriot who left power for the good of the country. He could have easily been a King. I think he is the only world leader to do this.