The Visionary Leader
The Visionary Leader moves people towards a shared vision, telling them where to go but not how to get there - thus motivating them to struggle forwards. They openly share information, hence giving knowledge power to others.
I have never met or read about anyone that I would admire as a leader. My personality, admittedly, is very adverse to being led, so this may color my perceptions.
Wait, there is one fictional character whom I admire as a leader (and this is not a joke): Cpt. Jean-Luc Picard. I think he is something close to the perfect leader.
I can lead INTPs and other ENTPs.
The trick is not to lead like you're driving sheep, but to lead, like you're herding goats. Goats are independent and have their own ideas, a goatherd has to allow them that, and just rescue them from when they go wrong, or move them when it's time for shelter or milking.
Me? I'm going to shock everyone and say Jesus Christ.
He cared for his people, his causes, and was willing to be put to death rather than turn his back.
Giving, dedicated, challenging, intense.. He showed compassion to the downtrodden and challenged the comfortable leaders' views of society and religion. He preached a peace that also didn't accept the status quo.How would you describe his style?
Giving, dedicated, challenging, intense.. He showed compassion to the downtrodden and challenged the comfortable leaders' views of society and religion. He preached a peace that also didn't accept the status quo.
Giving, dedicated, challenging, intense.. He showed compassion to the downtrodden and challenged the comfortable leaders' views of society and religion. He preached a peace that also didn't accept the status quo.
Wait, there is one fictional character whom I admire as a leader (and this is not a joke): Cpt. Jean-Luc Picard. I think he is something close to the perfect leader.
Samuel was quite like Jesus.