Learning to "shut the world out" :)


Permanent Fixture
Hello :)

I used to be really afraid of going out especially if the place is crowded like... malls, churches (this is an exception :)) LOL) parties and all those places. I have to prepare myself before going out. I usually do this by talking to myself :) hehehe and telling myself that I can do this blah blah.... and now, well I still don't like going out that much but I can "shut the world out". I'm used to feeling people's emotions and that's why I hate going out. Sometimes I feel extremely happy or sad depending on the crowd but it's overwhelming and I know they're not my feelings because it's too many :)). But now, I don't feel them at all or not as intense I did. When I look at someone crying, I used to cry right away but now I force myself to look away and I don't feel their emotions anymore. I don't know why I do this hehehe :)

Have you experienced this? :)
i feel the same way matter of fact I was just at a party tonight. i was there for like 30 mins and had to leave and it always never seems to fail im always around couples and i turn out to be the 5th wheel i think way to much when im around big groups
Yea, to some degree. I was more uncomfortable or annoyed than overwhelmed by emotions. My response is still to isolate myself which is more about walking away from the world than shutting it out. But, because we're social creatures, I've adapted. I imagine emotional maturity and experience have much to do with it. When one is confident in one's emotional state it's easier to be among others and enjoy their company.

Unless they're idiots or some such, in which case fuck 'em.
Be careful, that mechanism can lead to apathy. Not the greatest state to be in, if I may say.

I would recommend to become non-attached, as opposed to detached. The former is still an active participation in the world while still recognizing that you cannot change the world and the people in it. The latter is a complete devoid of any emotion and relation to the outside world, which leads to states of apathy and lack of compassion.

I myself have been in the latter one(and perhaps I still am) and let me tell you, it works for a while, but then it just sucks the life out of you.

My two cents.
yes, i do that. i can't take on everyone's emotions, it's too draining, and i need my sense of self to be strong in order to get anything done.
you could definitely try googling "overactive empathy". i think some people here were posting links that came up as popular results, about how to keep a sense of feeling about the world without losing yourself in it.