Life lessons


life is good
What have been some of your major life lessons? (If you feel like sharing/to whatever degree you'd like to share)

Do you think certain life lessons are fairly universal, perhaps only varying in depth/intensity among people?

Are most lessons actually a few central lessons that repeatedly take on different forms?

Are there lessons you witness others struggle with that you haven't had to deal with? (I'm thinking along the lines of inherently possessing a certain attribute or skill)
Humility has been the main one so far.
"Gotta bust a few eggs to make an omelet."

"Nothing to fear, but fear itself."

"Our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are, but we are responsible for who we become."
In this physical domain you are responsible for your own actions and how you interpret the actions of others.

Act accordingly. :)
Make sure there is toilet paper before you sit down.

Don't piss on the seat, other people want to use the public toilet too.

Bootline, beltline, neckline, armholes. Spray these areas with bugspray if you are going to spend any amount of time in the woods.

A walking stick or shovel can save you a sprained ankle or much, much worse. Beware of those camouflaged pits!

If it seems too good to be true, it more than likely is.

If the shoes hurt your feet now, chances are you'll feel crippled in a few days.

With work boots you get what you pay for.

A shovel is not a pry bar, it is a shovel so use it to dig, if you need leverage get a pry bar.

If someone is on the water in a boat asking you to throw them the boat keys, do a float test on the keys before you throw them.
You have to create your own chances sometimes. You can not wait for fate to bring you what you desire to your door.

Cherish the ones who love you and care about you. Forget about the ones who abonedoned you and hurt you. Each has made his own choice.

Not eveything that glitters is gold.

An angry man is ,most likely, a sad man.

Wisodm is to know when to give up and try a new path.

Be honest with yourself. Always! Lying is a waste of effort.

You are responsible for your own happiness.

If you want to care for others, then do so without expecting anything in return.

In the end, you are who you choose to be.
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My lessons

Recent lessons learned:
You don't have to be a product of your past/past environments.
Only those who want to be helped can be.

Hardest lesson to be learned:
As much as you love someone, you can't always save them or salvage the relationship.
Your intuition is almost always right. Listen to it more.

To answer some of the @OP questions:
I believe that yes, there are some lessons that are the same for everyone, varying in degrees and in different forms. They are shaped and reiterated by personal experience.
Cherish the ones who love you and care about you. Forget about the ones who abonedoned you and hurt you. Each has made his own choice.

An angry man is ,most likely, a sad man.

Wisodm is to know when to give up and try a new path.

Very nice. Altho #1 is a bit iffy for me because those who love you can hurt you too. And plus, I am very easily hurt.
My life lesson is learning how to not be an asshole.

Also, realizing that I will die before too long, really acknowledging that it's going to happen helps me relax and take things less seriously. Life is short :) It's like 80 or 90 years tops, not 300. I'm already done 25 of it....... 1/3 dead.... and after the 2/3 point my body starts to deteriorate..... i start to slowly die at that point
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It takes years to build up trust, and only seconds to destroy it.​

Prepare for the worse case scenario, and hope for the best.

The last nut, bolt, or screw will be the one that either rounds off or breaks.

If you drop a coin in front of a vending machine, it will roll under it just outside of your reach.

A proud person can be taught humility, but they will be proud of what they learned.

Frame every so-called disaster with these words:
What have been some of your major life lessons? (If you feel like sharing/to whatever degree you'd like to share)

In the end, all you've got to live your life is yourself.
Sympathy is given, not asked.
Learn to make peace with solitude.
Be responsible to yourself, but don't blame yourself. And forgive yourself.
and this is a quote; the opposite of love isn't hate; it's indifference.
We'll get through all this.
another quote : Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.

Do you think certain life lessons are fairly universal, perhaps only varying in depth/intensity among people?
Yeah! but the amount we receive and learn, and the way we apply it in our lives, are surely going to be different.

Are most lessons actually a few central lessons that repeatedly take on different forms?
Not necessarily. That'd be generalizing on several levels, D:

Are there lessons you witness others struggle with that you haven't had to deal with? (I'm thinking along the lines of inherently possessing a certain attribute or skill)
Yeap. To do something at ANY cost. To love someone or something truely. Altruism. Empathy. A broken heart.
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90% of all problems are subjective, not objective.

If you can master yourself, you can be happy in any situation whatsoever.

If you decide to want what you don't have prepare for trouble - if you want to have peace learn to be happy with your lot in life.

It almost never helps at all to tell people how you are actually feeling. In fact it's counter-producive most of the time.

Never let something important depend on one person, no matter what.

99.8% of people are completely selfish - to presume otherwise will almost inevitably precipitate them getting offended at something you say/do/ask/etc.
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Mother Teresa said:
People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered. Forgive them anyway.

If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Be kind anyway.

If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies. Succeed anyway.

If you are honest and sincere people may deceive you. Be honest and sincere anyway.

What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight. Create anyway.

If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous. Be happy anyway.

The good you do today, will often be forgotten. Do good anyway.

Give the best you have, and it will never be enough. Give your best anyway.

In the final analysis, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway.

I had a different version of this quote (which i find ironic) that i liked better but this ones good as well. The basic message: fuck what everyone else thinks, just be the best you can be.

you can't beat that.
90% of all problems are subjective, not objective.

If you can master yourself, you can be happy in any situation whatsoever.

If you decide to want what you don't have prepare for trouble - if you want to have peace learn to be happy with your lot in life.

It almost never helps at all to tell people how you are actually feeling. In fact it's counter-producive most of the time.

Never let something important depend on one person, no matter what.

99.8% of people are completely selfish - to presume otherwise will almost inevitably precipitate them getting offended at something you say/do/ask/etc.

No joke. I've learned this one the several times the hard way. And I'll probably learn it again in the future. Oh well. Read my quote above.
"Give people the benefit of a doubt" has helped me more times than it's hurt me.
If you don't plan your future, you get the one that shows up

There is no such thing as failing, only practicing to succeed

If you focus on negative things, you will experience negative things

If you focus on positive things, you will experience positive things

Having choices is almost always better than not having choices

If you live your life by other peoples standards then you will fail by your own

Forgiveness and acceptance is key. Even if someone doesn't deserve to be forgiven, you deserve to forgive.

People may try and bring you down with insults and lies but you choose whether or not to let their words influence you. "If someone offers you a gift, and you don't accept that gift. To whom does the gift belong?"