Life Lessons


The Romantic Scientist
So guys, from your past mistakes and/or experiences, what have you learned from them? I dare you to make your OWN commandments as to what lessons life has given you and mistakes that you have promised not to make anymore.

Here are mine....

  1. Be humble. Remember of the little things in life that are really important.
  2. Stay away from people that don't bring me happiness and keep close those people that do.
  3. Don't take life that all seriously and if you make a mistake, don't worry, people won't think less of you if you do.
  4. If I promise to do something, make sure that I do it right and that I'm there when I promised. Promises make and break a person.
  5. When life presents me with 1000 reasons for me to cry, I can give life 1001 reasons for me to smile.
  6. Don't Lie. If I lie, I lose and it really never helps anyone even though it might feel the other person feel better by saying a "white lie".
  7. Don't hurt the people I love. Treat them with care and respect and they should love you back. Life is about that, the amount of love you give.
  8. Don't ruin a persons day by spilling over my own misery onto them. What right do I have to make them feel bad. Therefore, I shall only say nice things to peple regardless if I'm having an awful day.
  9. Learn from conflict. If it's an unevitable thing might as well get something from it.
  10. Fight back when you've been attacked, not through physical abuse but kill your opponent with nice words and through non-violent actions.
  11. Respect nature. Thanks to it I'm here.

So far this have been mine. More to come as life continues.
1. No one gains anything from hate.
2. Modesty is good, but it's also good to be able to appreciate your strengths and the strengths of others. Celebrate yourself occasionally.
3. Don't blame others for your own pain, especially when they didn't have any real part in it. Get to the heart of the matter and find out the true reasons for your problems.
4. Know who is worth holding on to, and who it's okay to let go of. Sometimes parting is necessary, and sometimes bonds aren't as strong as you thought they were.
5. Have fun. There's really not much point to life beyond finding your joy (and helping others find theirs).
6. Love is painful, but it's also one of the most rewarding things.
7. Respect others, listen to them, and, as always, do onto them as you would have them do to you.
8. Don't be afraid of being wrong or changing opinions. It happens to the best of us.
9. Love and respect yourself. Know yourself.
I've been in the doldrums lately... so I probably shouldn't post, but I'm sleep deprived enough to impetuously do it anyway. x.x

- through suffering comes awareness
- lies and distraction beget happiness
- the path to the truth is a sado-masochistic journey
- in the end we can never truly know a person, ergo, never truly trust a person

methinks I need a pill. :P
1. The fact that people don't understand you doesn't mean that they don't love you.
2. Have respect for all that lives.
3. We have the full responsibility in making ourselves happy. No one else can.
4. I've learned that nothing is perfect, or exactly the way you want it to be.
5. Learn from your mistakes, and don't be afraid to make them. You won't win if you won't try.
6. I've learned to forgive myself for the mistakes I made.
7. Try to focus on what's positive in your life.
8. Have faith in yourself. Treat yourself as you would treat your best friend. You deserve it.
9. Don't be resentful, it leads nowhere.
10. Never ever give up on what you want to achieve.
This is more of a ten commandments for myself kind of thing, which is a mix of what I've learnt and what I should be doing!

1. Be honest, even if it means you'll put yourself in worse position
2. Be yourself, know yourself and carve your own identity.
3. Have integrity- say what you mean, do what you say.
4. Be modest and keep learning, seek knowledge and experience
5. Fight for everything- Your beliefs, convictions and choices
6. Don't be resentful, it leads nowhere. (Thanks Nela!)
7. Move on from pain and USE IT to improve and develop
8. Put other's before yourself
9. Take action even when it's hard or scary
10. Seek to make real and healthy relationships and maintain them
It wasn't stealing! It was the mutual appreciation for our shared values.
1. Where there is a will, there is a way. Never, ever, ever give up on yourself. Even though things might look bleak, the situation might seem hopeless, and all the exits are blocked, remember that you're only a loser if you have the power to change the tide but choose to walk away just because things look difficult. If they throw you out the door, climb in through the window. No matter what, persevere.

2. Don't let fear rule your life. Take a reality check, and realize that cowardice and avoidance behaviour only feeds the monster. Face your fears head on. It is no coincidence that the greatest weapons and greatest warriors are forged in the heat of battle.

3. Be patient. It's the deadliest of weapons. If you put in the work, you will see the result.

4. Accept those things that are out of your power, or that you are unable to change. That includes trying to either read or change a person's mind. If you've done all you can, you've done all you can.

5. Respect yourself. It's nice to go out of your way for people sometimes, but don't let yourself become a doormat. Say "no" once in a while. Put your priorities first.

6. Give people the benefit of a doubt. People aren't out to get you, and they won't take advantage of you unless you let them. Don't be so vain to think that you're so special that you need to be knocked down a few pegs, or that people are consciously plotting against you. They have their own problems. In the meantime, it's always innocent until proven guilty.

7. Friendship is reciprical. Don't be afraid to occasionally be the one who asks for help, or who needs a shoulder to cry on. You don't have to be strong all the time, and your real friends will always support you. Overall, don't isolate yourself from friends or family.

8. Aim High, Plan ahead, and Keep Yourself Busy. Best medicine to keep yourself from the blues. Always have some project on the side and do everything in your power to do your best. It does wonders for your self esteem.

9. The Time Is Always Now; Your Life Is Happening Now. Don't procrastinate. Appreciate the little things. The busier you are, the more fulfilling your life.

10. Keep In Shape and Look Your Best. We don't have to be movie-stars, but keeping trim and healthy, and nicely dressed boosts confidence.

11. Put Yourself Out There. Try new things, meet new people, explore the world. Even if its just noticing one oddity about your every day environment, or talking to a person you don't usually interact with. Take a moment to appreciate it.

12. Love Wholly and Completely. Hate, resentment, depression are manipulative. They skew your vision of the world. Love, true genuine love, recognizes both strengths and weaknesses, and pulls your strength as a person into the equation. It does not require you to compromise yourself or others.
Oh here's more for my collection:

12.Weeds will flourish, though we hate them and wish them gone; flowers will fall, though we love them and long for them to remain

13.Do one thing every day that scares you.

14.Don't be reckless with other people's hearts, don't put up with people who are reckless with yours.

15. Don't waste your time on jealousy; sometimes you're ahead, sometimes you're behind. The race is long, and in the end, it's only with yourself.

16. Don't feel guilty if you don't know what you want to do with your life. The most interesting people I know didn't know at 22 what they wanted to do with their lives, some of the most interesting 40 year olds I know still don't.

17.Read the directions, even if you don't follow them.

18.Live in New York City once, but leave before it makes you hard; live in Northern California once, but leave before it makes you soft.

19.Be careful whose advice you buy, but, be patient with those who supply it. Advice is a form of nostalgia, dispensing it is a way of fishing the past from the disposal, wiping it off, painting over the ugly parts and recycling it for more than it's worth.

Some of these are from one of my friend's quote list on facebook but I guess they could've been written from me lol
1) Accept that things are not always what they seem. They're usually worse but may come with a hint of hope.
2) Don't expect from anyone anything they truly can't give.
3) Don't look at life as simply a bed of roses, cuz when you're finally pricked by those thorns, it really hurts.
4) Experiences teaches you to dislike those who didn't have to go through what you did just to learn that valuable lesson.
5) Don't idealize what other people have, because if you get it, you may wish you never had it in the first place.
6) Never let people in too quickly. Leave a little mystery for yourself, if not for anyone else.
7) Learn when to speak and when to listen. Extremely important.
8) Live in the moment, but remember that the future will have to pay or make up for it someday.
9) Believe your life has a purpose, and realize that you may not know what it is. Doesn't mean you can't accomplish great and wonderful things.
10) Don't self-hate too much for not being what or how you should be. You can learn, grow, and improve. Give yourself the encouragement, space, and time to do so (even if others don't).

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1) Accept that things are not always what they seem. They're usually worse but may come with a hint of hope.
2) Don't expect from anyone anything they truly can't give.
3) Don't look at life as simply a bed of roses, cuz when you're finally pricked by those thorns, it really hurts.
4) Experiences teaches you to dislike those who didn't have to go through what you did just to learn that valuable lesson.
5) Don't idealize what other people have, because if you get it, you may wish you never had it in the first place.
6) Never let people in too quickly. Leave a little mystery for yourself, if no one else.
7) Learn when to speak and when to listen. Extremely important.
8) Live in the moment, but remember that the future will have to pay or make up for it someday.
9) Believe your life has a purpose, and realize that you may not know what it is. Doesn't mean you can't accomplish great and wonderful things.
10) Don't self-hate too much for not being what or how you should be. You can learn, grow, and improve. Give yourself the encouragement, space, and time to do so.


Awesome list Parcel!

That is all very idealistic.

Is that a bad thing? :S
Life Lesson # 13: Be an optimist. Most of the time, you really do get what you expect out of life.
I have yet to truly learn from most of my mistakes. I guess that kind of makes me an immature person. But taking that as the biggest obstacle in life I think I'll say this.

1) Never ever ever give up. I may take a step in each direction before I find the right one. And I might fail and give up but I should always get back up again.

Basically keep trying and trying again, don't loose hope. If I keep picking my self up after I fell eventually I will get to wherever I am going.
I have yet to truly learn from most of my mistakes. I guess that kind of makes me an immature person. But taking that as the biggest obstacle in life I think I'll say this.

1) Never ever ever give up. I may take a step in each direction before I find the right one. And I might fail and give up but I should always get back up again.

Basically keep trying and trying again, don't loose hope. If I keep picking my self up after I fell eventually I will get to wherever I am going.


You can do it, Luci! Don't let the setbacks eat you alive. Fight back.
Some of these seem to be taken from lists, not directly from members--which does not make them bad in any way. I'll try and list a few of mine, there may be repeats from the ones above.

1) Always have forgiveness in your heart--for others and especially for yourself.

2) Keep laughter and joy in your life in whatever way you can. It will help sustain you and keep you from becoming stale and bitter.

3) Don't be a second rate someone else, be a first rate you. Be yourself with no apologies and people will notice.

4) Don't ever be afraid to take a chance on love. It not everything, its the only thing.

5) In the end, we only regret the things we didn't do, not the things we tried to do. Take some chances and live!

6) Cherish and nurture your family ties. Friends come and go, but family is forever. If you don't have family, find some and make them so!

7) Just because we are born and die alone, does not mean we have to feel lonely and disconnected. It's only though our connections with others that we truly live.
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1. Screw what they say, go your own way
2. Forgive yourself
3. Never grow up completely