Literature to film adaptations


So, much is made of poor film or tv adaptations of beloved novels, short stories, graphic novels, or other texts. Why? They are both two different mediums and address different audiences in som cases.

What would make a good novel to film adaptation? Refer to good and bad examples of adaptions you've seen if it helps.
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Hee. I've done this before, professionally (book to graphic novel adaptation). The good adaptations must be aware of the new format; you can't expect everything to make sense if you change formats.

For example (and this one of my personal biases) there were many, many problems with Spiderman 3 (the movie) but one of my biggest pet peeves was the way "Venom" was created. Venom as a space creature works for Marvel comics. He does not work in Spider-man Movieverse because there is not set up for outerspace creatures. What makes Spider-man work in the movies is he's an ordinary guy in our times who just happened to get bitten by a genetically altered spider (it's far fetched, but not impossible to see that happening in the "real world."). Space creatures, however, takes that real world feeling right out. There's no basis for it happening, and there was no set up for it happening in the movies (no previous mention of space creatures existed).

Each adaptation must understand both the new medium, and the old medium. The best adaptations "tweak" things just enough so it's believable (and enjoyable) for the new medium without losing too much of the true story.
For me a classic example would be "Blade Runner" which is an adaptation of Philp K. Dicks "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?" This is a groundbreaking and highly influential SF movie. While not exactly like the book (they never are), it's true to the spirit of it, which is what you want to see in a movie. You can NEVER get as detailed as the book. The Lord of the Rings Trilogy is another great example. The purists will always find something to knock on it. But Peter Jackson and Co. did what most thought was impossible. If you like fantasy and don't like his adaptation...well, you're probably possesed by the ONE RING!


Time for a "Skin Job"!!


Something I would LOVE to seen made into a (Series) of movies is the Dark Tower Series. So awsome. I'm sure we will see it at some point. It IS Steven King after all!! Probably my favorite series of all time.

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Great responses. Interested to see what others think.

Unfortunately, i was exposed to the film first and the literature later on, so i tend to see the films on their own, and not in relation to the original text. And it's usually harder to go from film to text, since a picture is already created in your mind of how the story should be and unfold.
I think that without any doubt my favourite adaptation is Lord of the rings. I always have feeling that characters got more layers in movie. They became more human from flash and blood than they are in book. Usually characters loose something in adaptation. But not this time. My favourite example is Eowyn. Tolkien is not so good with female characters, so she became real only in movie.
I like novel, but this time movie won my admiration and my faster heartbeats.
I think that without any doubt my favourite adaptation is Lord of the rings. I always have feeling that characters got more layers in movie. They became more human from flash and blood than they are in book. Usually characters loose something in adaptation. But not this time. My favourite example is Eowyn. Tolkien is not so good with female characters, so she became real only in movie.
I like novel, but this time movie won my admiration and my faster heartbeats.

Yes, they actually gave Eowyn and Arwin bigger roles in the movie. Some of that was just sex appeal, but both actresses did a great job! Liv Tyler was already famous, so they expanded her role to appeal to a greater audience. I love her though. She is so honest in whatever she does. And she's using a frikkin' Samuri sword!!

Yes, they actually gave Eowyn and Arwin bigger roles in the movie.

I agree, and it's not just about bigger roles, it about quality. Golum also got more deepness. In my opinion Tolkine is great storryteller, but sometimes has problems with characters. For example, I was very happy whe I found out that they cut out Tom Bomadil episode from movie, because I always felt that it was unnecessary digression.
And she's using a frikkin' Samuri sword!!

Men:) are so strange, they are dreamimg about women with Samuri sword, but they are usually also confused when woman ask them out instead of they asking woman. Well, maybe I came across wrong ones:):)
Sorry, Poet this was not about you, I just make generalizations (it's that time of year:)
Question, which book would you like to be made into a film?
Good question. You probably never heard of that author because she is Croatian, but history novels of Marija Juric Zagorka would be interesting movies. With clever casting and directing.
Men:) are so strange, they are dreamimg about women with Samuri sword, but they are usually also confused when woman ask them out instead of they asking woman. Well, maybe I came across wrong ones:):)
Sorry, Poet this was not about you, I just make generalizations (it's that time of year:)

It's ok. It's not really that it's a women (elf) using a Samuri Sword, its just the sword in general. I read too much fantasy as a youngster! I get visions of Stormbringer and Mournblade! And Katana's look so cool!

Elric the once and future hero.

One badass Katana!
It's ok. It's not really that it's a women (elf) using a Samuri Sword, its just the sword in general.

:) But, I would like to meet someone who won't have problem with not so conventional woman type. But, now I am way to off the topic, sorry, mods, I will stop.
Btw, I like Prinz Valliant. It would be good movie, but I saw only some bad adaptation.
Btw2, Arleta and Valliant also have unconventional relationship.
I was pissed about that. Where the fuck did the hobbits swords come from? They left the shire with none, showed up at the town with some. Bombadils role was to give stability in an ever changing world.
I believe that Batman would make a good Novel/Comic to film adaption. There hasn't been one done yet, but perhaps in another decade there might be. I would like to see "Batman: Year One" by Frank Miller turned into a movie. However, Batman: No Mans Land would make a good made for television miniseries.

Constantine would make a good movie too. Come in halfway through the series and turn a story arc into a movie. The best "to movie" adaption though that I'd like to see would be Garth Ennis's "MAX Punisher".
I was pissed about that. Where the fuck did the hobbits swords come from? They left the shire with none, showed up at the town with some. Bombadils role was to give stability in an ever changing world.

Maybe, but in my case, he makes me "what's that???" from the first page with him. Of course, I am not so specialist in other Tolkien's texts where is he explained better.
I believe that Batman would make a good Novel/Comic to film adaption. There hasn't been one done yet, but perhaps in another decade there might be. I would like to see "Batman: Year One" by Frank Miller turned into a movie. However, Batman: No Mans Land would make a good made for television miniseries.

Constantine would make a good movie too. Come in halfway through the series and turn a story arc into a movie. The best "to movie" adaption though that I'd like to see would be Garth Ennis's "MAX Punisher".

Yeah, if only . . .
My casting for The Punisher: Bob Cicherillo



He already has the necessary physique. He's already a member of the Screen Actors Guild (Doesn't need to be the best actor anyway), get Garth Ennis to write a Max Punisher script as a screenplay, and you're 70% there.
:m083: Hmmm.... books that would make good films?

Well I'll tell you the ones that I have in mind that I would like to do.

The Cay (Hopefully I can start work on this one after I obtain my degree at film school)

Emma (A popular Japanese manga series that would work well as a film unlike that horrible Dragon Ball E movie)

A Series of Unfortunate Events (Already been done but would work much better as a animation TV series rather than films, I hope to work with Daniel Handler in the future. Me and him have already established contact)
My casting for The Punisher: Bob Cicherillo



He already has the necessary physique. He's already a member of the Screen Actors Guild (Doesn't need to be the best actor anyway), get Garth Ennis to write a Max Punisher script as a screenplay, and you're 70% there.

Great choice. :m177:

This would be my ideal choice for Superman;

The one and only Lee Priest.
