Live Your Life As If Today Was Your Last Day: Good advice or not? Your thoughts?

Of course this is good. We only have the present. Not a single person is guaranteed anymore than that.
Of course this is good. We only have the present. Not a single person is guaranteed anymore than that.

but you know what they say... if today would be the last day of your life, then there would be no tomorrow, because some would be as crazy as that. :grinning:
There are no guarantees. As if is different to a definitely. Sorry to be so formal about this.
Not good advice where money is concerned.
Tomorrow may arrive and you can't pay for food.
If you can live everyday as if it were your last day. That kind of focus would filter out a lot of the crap I imagine. Things you didn't want to do, unhelpful thinking and behaviour etc. but it's very human to waste time and have frailties and to not get the most out of each day. I sometimes imagine what I'd do if I had 6 months to live or something, to get in touch with what my real priorities are. (Then I just go back to my regular life, and time wasting etc.)!
I think when your work or your life is about fulfilling a goal or a passion you have, when you are achieving or doing something you truly believe in, then you can really live more in this way.