[INFJ] Lump in the throat after lying / being ashamed


Sup my fellow INFJs, I just recently remembered something, I always have a weird feeling in my throat after lying or being ashamed of myself for something I did. I was wondering if you all had some similar experiences.
I was researching a lot on the web but couldn't find any info on it. And yes, I have reflux because of stress but its less now and I don't think that's the reason.
This is one of those few things I'll go out of my way to avoid doing especially in person because how dirty it feels. If I end up having to I keep it small as humanly possible and even then feel some guilt over.
I usually only lie to ease people’s pain or prevent their feelings from being hurt. So I rarely get a negative physical reaction when I lie.
Not that I recall, though personally deceiving others doesn't feel right. It's not a physiological response.
Why do you suppose it feels that way for you?
always have a weird feeling in my throat after lying or being ashamed of myself for something I did. I was wondering if you all had some similar experiences.
It's called guilt, and is a natural response to actions which can/have impacted our relations with others or gone against our individual ethics.
Everyone feels it to a certain degree, unless you're a psychopath.
Sup my fellow INFJs, I just recently remembered something, I always have a weird feeling in my throat after lying or being ashamed of myself for something I did. I was wondering if you all had some similar experiences.
I was researching a lot on the web but couldn't find any info on it. And yes, I have reflux because of stress but its less now and I don't think that's the reason.

Yes. I have.
Doing a forgiveness practice for your self while making loving statements for self ...out loud....help move the Guilt energy out of the body. What you're literally feeling is your Body needing to express itself. When you clamp down on your self expressions it bottles up in the various energy centers of the body. The old teachings called these chakras.

An excellent Forgiveness Practice is very simple....yet takes Courage to do.

Say out loud these statements intending to speak to your Self. This is all about You. This is all For you.

I am sorry.
Please forgive me.
I love you.
Thank you.

Just pause between the statements. Feel your emotions as they arise. Forgive your self for not being able to rise to the truth in that moment. No matter the reasons...or the Thinking. Let that go. It's most important to get to the Feelings at this point.
Then love .... just let love flow through your heart.
Then say Thank you.
and let whatever comes up....come up.

It's incredibly empowering to do this.
May your Throat be Free.
I doubt that's an infj response. I've heard others say they get a similar feeling and cannot hide their lies due to it.

I get a very painful lump below my tonsils as I grieve. Probably an involuntary a muscle response and I'm betting it's similar to your pain.
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It's called guilt, and is a natural response to actions which can/have impacted our relations with others or gone against our individual ethics.
Everyone feels it to a certain degree, unless you're a psychopath.
What Ritalin said. There may be other cases where guilt is diminished.
When you were younger, did you feel you held a lot in? or otherwise didn't speak your mind about many things?
(if this is too personal a question just ignore me ^_^ )
At this point I just go with the truth love it or hate it. I wouldn't want someone to lie to me so I don't lie to others. I can't think of any scenario where it's beneficial for anyone. I have enough on my hands I'm not trying to add to the list lol