Majority of Americans now support Gay Relationships


C'est la vie
Retired Staff
What wonderful news this is. I wish a majority of Americans supported same sex marriage, but to know that attitudes are changing so that the love of two people of the same sex can be respected and considered morally acceptable is a great accomplishment. This is something for which Americans can be proud. I'm finally beginning to feel America is moving forward, albeit slowly. I know there are those on the forum who disagree with me on the morality of homosexuality, but I feel that we can at least agree on the value of love and relationships.
I was happy to read this. It's good to know that attitudes are changing for the better overall. :)
good news!

to me this is much a result of the bravery of glbt people coming out in the past decades. it's easier to hate something if you feel like you don't know anyone personally "like that". when i was young i thought i didn't know any gay people (there were gay people in my life but all deeply in the closet).

the younger generations don't have that experience. now it turns out that most people have an "out" family member or friend that comes to mind when others might start haranguing about gay people. and they know that the person they care about isn't a stereotype but a real person with real relationships.

now i would really like to see the repeal of don't ask don't tell. there are already (and always have been) glbt people in the military, just doing their job. i hate that they have the threat of losing their job and their honor just because of their orientation.
I think of the term marriage as being a religious term, and I doubt the churches are ever going to be in favor of it. Though the here in MN a Lesbian pastor officially was recently recognized by the ELCA.
Which as someone brought up as Lutheran, I think is great.

But I digress.

Aside from that, what is the resistance of the Gay & Lesbian community of having it called a civil union, if it means they are afforded all the rights and privileges of a married heterosexual couple?
What difference does it make what the union is called if they are then treated equally in the eyes of the law?

I think it is a shame that a gay or lesbian couple don't have rights such as if one dies, the other has no legal rights as to executing the affairs of the departed.
did you know I cried when that boy tried to convince me to convert to Christianity and I told him that I never would because they're a monster towards gays?


I cried for you.

Suck it.
good news!
Now i would really like to see the repeal of don't ask don't tell. there are already (and always have been) glbt people in the military, just doing their job. i hate that they have the threat of losing their job and their honor just because of their orientation.

Agreed! I've spent a fair amount of time conveying a certain type of image to the world that wasn't authentic. It reeked havoc on my self esteem. But I did so of my own accord. Can you imagine how damaging it would be to have it mandated that you could not be true to yourself?

What difference does it make what the union is called if they are then treated equally in the eyes of the law?

I like this as long as the term is the same for everybody. Then whoever seeks to have something beyond a legal document can seek what ever type of ceremony they desire, spiritual or otherwise.
Agreed! I've spent a fair amount of time conveying a certain type of image to the world that wasn't authentic. It reeked havoc on my self esteem. But I did so of my own accord. Can you imagine how damaging it would be to have it mandated that you could not be true to yourself?

I like this as long as the term is the same for everybody. Then whoever seeks to have something beyond a legal document can seek what ever type of ceremony they desire, spiritual or otherwise.

How many fingers do you have?
Everyone is supposed to have equal rights as a citizen of this country. Sexual orientation should have no bearing on any of this. Keep the church out of government.
I'm pleasantly surprised.

I thought America, or large areas of it still remained under the cloak of long dead (and often nonsensical) religious nuances.

Ah, a bisexual, female, atheist president is just round the corner!

*Bursts into a fit of giggles*

If only:<
Orientation isn't protected by law.

Shouldn't have to be, common sense should tell anyone if they are a citizen of the US then they have the same rights as any other citizen. Some religious person with too much time on their hands got it in their head that the entire country has to bend to gods will, thus oppressing homosexuals and turning them into second class citizens. Its nothing but hypocritical bullshit.

Agh this subject always gets me bent out of shape.
I'm surprised that only 52% of people surveyed think it's okay. Am wondering if their sample was skewed? If you surveyed 100 people I personally know, then I'd guess more than 52 would have said that homosexuality is not morally wrong. Probably more like 80-90, and the 10 who had a problem with it would be quite frankly the oldest (no offense) and most conservative.

But oh, well, I suppose the folks at Gallup know what they are doing. And 52% is pretty good!
"I stand against gay marriage for one single reason......Gay marriage will ultimately lead to gay divorce and THAT will be bitchy" :P

Honestly I don't particularly care either way, if they want to get married then fine, good for them : )

I guess it would cut down the prejudice a little bit, I mean being able to marry would also be a symbol of social acceptance as well as what a normal marriage symbolizes.
Shouldn't have to be, common sense should tell anyone if they are a citizen of the US then they have the same rights as any other citizen. Some religious person with too much time on their hands got it in their head that the entire country has to bend to gods will, thus oppressing homosexuals and turning them into second class citizens. Its nothing but hypocritical bullshit.

Agh this subject always gets me bent out of shape.

Religion can't be the only reason that certain orientations are repressed.
Religion is more of a set of socially acceptable rules for people to have to follow to fit in to the group so really whats acceptable by a religion could be seen as more of a summary of the groups opinions, saying religion is the reason why is kinda like saying we don't think this is acceptable because the majority deems it as such, of course it doesn't include everything just like any group's rules doesn't account for everything for example generic engineering genetic engineering wasn't around during the early days.

"Wisdom of repugnance" seems a little.....misanthropic, if you let everyones opinions get to you all that will happen is that you'll turn into something that they can easily outcast making something like your sexual orientation into your personal identity, for example don't be out spoken about if your gay or not but just use it as a passing everyday comment like if someone asks you "breasts or arse" say "pec's" if they seem to sneer or what ever just say "well, you asked" and shrug, if you can stand out with something that is seen as skillful, socially, people will come around and become more accepting to something that is frowned upon, look at Freddie Mercury for example, homosexual but an incredible performer and singer he became respected for his musical talent and the fact that he was gay was more of a side note, this made gay people not seem as bad, it counter acts the religious or social demonization.
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