make it rain


Permanent Fixture
been looking around the www

finding some info about cloud busting

just wanting to use this space to learn

help a brother out

you know who you are
i'm guessing this has something to do with energy

energy accessed through meditation

this gets into chakras

as far as i can tell

i know it all ties together, and i'd appreciate any help from the mystics

i seek education

to know myself

to help others

links, explanations, testimonies, questions, it's all welcome

lets figure this out
I will say a 50% chance of rain. It might it might not.
How I describe what I do to bring on the rain would really depend on how much you know about magic, so I'm going to assume y'all know nothing.

So, the basis of magic, from my POV, is that every event has an associated probability of it happening or not at any given moment. What I seek to do with magic is manipulate that probability. The probability that the object in front of me will random float in a manner that I wish it to is remarkably low, so there's very little I can do about it. however, if the day is nice and over cast, or if its a rather humid day, the probability that it will rain. Also, if I'm casting the spell so that it will manifest at some time in the further future, the spell can bring about the potential, and then the certainty. So any rain spell I cast is meant to make the potential into more of a certainty.

Causing anything to happen takes energy, and in this case I use metaphysical energy (how to define this energy, if only I knew... all I know is how to use it). Therefore, I must first collect, then direct and send out this energy. To do this, I use a lot of visualization, and use it to do all three (because I like efficiency). If the potential is there and I want it to rain now, I imagine reaching my arms all the way into the clouds (or if its just humid, I start by reaching into the air to gather the moisture into clouds, then continue), collect the moisture and grab hold of it. Then I imagine pulling it all the way to the ground. Lately, with this technique, I've been able to get it to rain at least a little within a minute or two. If I'm gathering the potential, I have a little personal chant (that I don't feel like sharing) to ask the faeries (read: nature spirits) of the sky to gather the clouds and bring on a storm,of course imagining myself successful in my request.