May not be INFJ


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Soo… quickly. I may not be an INFJ. My cousin is a jungian analyst..physiologist? Anyyway, we had been talking recently, I try not to over burden him with stuff because I can really go off into never ending rabbit holes. I came across a test on the internet one day that indicated it could tell you what your personality was. I took it, did some research on the results to find out if the personality matched (it did eerily and surprising so) and also found this forum in the process.

My cousin stated he thought I would have tested as an INTJ before I told him what the test indicated about me. Regardless as I have said the stories I have come across here mirror my own so this is why I linger.
The fact that this topic is important to you makes me think that you are probably infj.
In the end it really doesn't matter what you're type casted as, as long as you know who you are.
In the end it really doesn't matter what you're type casted as, as long as you know who you are.
True enough. I suppose my concern here is that I may lack the understanding to successfully communicate with others in a way that does not alienate them. Meaning that when I ask a question where I am honestly interested in an answer, it is instead seen as criticism or that I am making fun of a view point.
Verifying personality type is tricky business made near impossible because of the ambiguity contained within Jung's original writings. If interconnection is what troubles you, try refashioning how you communicate. Others' perception often lies in how things are said instead of what is said. Nonverbal cues like body language and emotional tones comprise the majority (~60%) of communication; accordingly, observing and changing them seems like the most logical first step towards effective communication. Picking up a few books on the matter may smooth things over. Smiling lightly during conversation, for example, helps disarm tension and affirm positive intent.

Look for trends in how people respond to your actions, what those actions were, and what responses may indicate about either others' worldviews or your presentation. Misunderstandings can come from something as simple as cultural differences concerning eye contact or as complex as vicious psychological experiences. Mindfulness and clarity are key when dealing with other people.

In short: know your audience.
Best of luck =)
The fact that this topic is important to you makes me think that you are probably infj.

I don't know, I've known a few INFPs who couldn't decide what type they were, dwelled on possibilities, and called themselves multiple different types before returning to INFJ - in a near-cyclic manner. They were pretty invested in figuring it out, and especially invested in their indecision. Then again, I've also known one INFP who was certain he was an INFJ and who clung to the definition based on just a few type descriptions (not the wealth of more comprehensive and precise info on type functions).

INTJ and INFJ tend to present themselves very similarly, especially males. I'd ask your cousin what made him think of you as an INTJ before you had talked to him about the test typing you as INFJ. Personally I would have typed you as a P, but I won't get into that here unless you want me to.
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I don't know, I've known a few INFPs who couldn't decide what type they were, dwelled on possibilities, and called themselves multiple different types before returning to INFJ - in a near-cyclic manner. They were pretty invested in figuring it out, and especially invested in their indecision. Then again, I've also known one INFP who was certain he was an INFJ and who clung to the definition based on just a few type descriptions (not the wealth of more comprehensive and precise info on type functions).

INTJ and INFJ tend to present themselves very similarly, especially males. I'd ask your cousin what made him think of you as an INTJ before you had talked to him about the test typing you as INFJ. Personally I would have typed you as a P, but I won't get into that here unless you want me to.

Fair enough. Personally, knowing what I know now, I would have thought INTJ as well. Do you believe that from my comments here you can label me? Interesting.
Fair enough. Personally, knowing what I know now, I would have thought INTJ as well. Do you believe that from my comments here you can label me? Interesting.

I think you're INTJ as well. I didn't think you were INFJ ever since i met you(forum wise) :)

Your dilemmas seem more focused on ideas than on feelings.
I think you're INTJ as well. I didn't think you were INFJ ever since i met you(forum wise) :)

Your dilemmas seem more focused on ideas than on feelings.

I have to agree. Odd that a test would have said differently dont you think?
I have to agree. Odd that a test would have said differently dont you think?

There are many different MBTI tests out there. Others would have probably said you are INTJ, and maybe not. You are probably more in touch with your feelings than most INTJs.

But that's cool, i'm more in touch with my logic than most INFJs :D
If I had to choose between INFJ and INTJ for you, I would go with INFJ. A lot of the language you use has to do with people and relationships, in spite of the fact that you are very much an idea-oriented person as well.

Soo… quickly. I may not be an INFJ. My cousin is a jungian analyst..physiologist? Anyyway, we had been talking recently, I try not to over burden him with stuff because I can really go off into never ending rabbit holes. I came across a test on the internet one day that indicated it could tell you what your personality was. I took it, did some research on the results to find out if the personality matched (it did eerily and surprising so) and also found this forum in the process.

My cousin stated he thought I would have tested as an INTJ before I told him what the test indicated about me. Regardless as I have said the stories I have come across here mirror my own so this is why I linger.

I have been on a variety of MBTI forums consistently throughout the past 6 years, since I was 13, and I have never seen an INTJ who sounds like you.
Honestly I think you may over think this topic a little bit too much. Personality is very dynamic and your type ,obviously, may have changed.
In the end it really doesn't matter what you're type casted as, as long as you know who you are.

this a million times over. It's four letters. It doesn't matter. It doesn't define you. You are who you are, and worrying about type is not going to change that.
this a million times over. It's four letters. It doesn't matter. It doesn't define you. You are who you are, and worrying about type is not going to change that.

Well part of discovery is about asking other people how they see things. You are right it doesnt matter but...then again it does. Until I found this forum, I never knew anyone who thought even close to the way I do about things. So clearly, the four letters DO mean something, are accurate at least in some respect.

Anyway as you say its not a big deal and I wasnt trying to make it sound as if it was. Just asking questions.
INTJ and INFJ are notorious for mixups due to misconceptions of what Thinking and Feeling actually stand for in the system.

Both have a somewhat logical bent to them as INTJ uses Te auxiliary and INFJ uses Ti tertiary. An INFJ with developed Ti can come across as INTJish, but they do so for different internal reasons.