MBTI according to Lenore


defective wisdom
INFJ again

my view

Lenore describes the behavior of every function according to their positionin your personality type: dominant, secondary, tertiare and inferior. Every position has its own purpose and influence on how a function behaves.
So the dominant function is your main function and it is oriented inwards (introverted) or outwards (extraverted)
when your ominant function has pushed you to far out of balance in an extraverted or introverted way, the opposite or inferior function comes in with motives and dissatisfactions that have no place in the dominant sense of self. The callings of the inferior function cannot be satisfied directly becuase they are too far opposed to a person's current investments. trying to steer through life by your inferior function does lead to a sacrifice of self: dishonorable, out-of-control, even infantile behavior.

when you get stuck in life that way, solutions come quickly when you turn to your secondary function. The secondary function calls you to broaden and extend your very sense of who you are and what is important and it will satisfy your inferior function. Your secundary function is oposite to your dominant function in orientation (introverted <-> extraverted). For an introverted dominant, the secundary function opens the person up for the world while for an extraverted dominant, the secondary function stimutates a person to get more depth and grounding. So your secondary function leads you to unknown regions of your potential as a human being - unknown but accessible

when we are pressured from our inferior function we should turn to our secondary function for help. There seems to be a distrust towards our secondary function because it pushes us into unknown directions. Therefore we turn to our tertiary function which is in any way the oposite of the secondary. The tertiary function is our defense system and it provides justification for maintaining the same approach since it has the same orientation as the dominant function.

for example:
Tertiary Si (INxP): "I can't possibly go along with this, I don't have any reliable concepts or map to anchor myself with: it's all arbitrary and untrustworthy and meaningless. I'd be diving in without any orientation; I'd be tripped up or harmed from any random direction, and my efforts wouldn't be cumulative. I just won't budge. I'll build myself some barricades and wait for the storm to blow over." The Secondary Function (Ne) would say: "Look around, shake up the pot, see what new arises, and deal with it imaginatively; there must be better alternatives available than being stuck here." (My secondary Ne says something more in the lines of "Pay attention to your surroundings and do the thing that will have the most interesting results. Don't be dumb just because you don't have any experience.")
I can perfectly apply this on myself:

when My dominant function (Fi) is doing what it is doing best: introspect, dream, fantasize, feel etc, one day or the other my inferior function (Te) will kick in and demand that Fi is going to DO something. It is angry because I have been to disorganized for to long while important matters should have been handled with and I have been to introverted for to long and it is time to start addressing the outside world again. Te had made such a nice scedule and work methods but messy Fi has messed with it yet again.

But going from Fi to Te is to much of a challenge, the gap is to wight and I get scared. Then my tertiary function Si kicks in to protect me for the scary world of Te with barricades, stick to the known. It especially happens when Te demands me to do things I have never done before.

The only way to get out of this mess is when Ne comes in and assures me that when I step into the unknown and fall, I can always get up and start again and have learned something new in the meantime. Try to be a bit more adventures, trial and error is not a bad thing, you don't have to do it right from the first time on.

It is also clear that Ne is unmissible to me since Fi can ponder on something for centuries disregarding new imput from Ne. Without Ne opening my mind to new posibilities I can and up in the same pattern for a long time.
given the fact I'm surrounded by Te and Si users, it is pretty understandable that I'm incourage to use my tertiary and inferior function which gives me an empty fake feeling, makes me oblivious about my secondary (Ne) and makes me long for my dominant function. To bad that Fi is so much underestimated in my environement that I never seem to be aloid to be me.
when I apply it to my ENFP friend it also makes sense:

In her dominant function (Ne) she is flying from one experience to the next, always searching for new things.

But at other times she can be very conventional, sticking to what she knows, what she always has done (inferior function Si) and that completely wipes out her dominant function (Ne)

Her secondary function (Fi) sometimes kicks in and gives her Ne much more foundation which it usualy lack

Her tertiary function (Te) is really a defense mechanism to her. Organizing gives her security. It even goes so far that if she doesn't place her chair on the exact right spot, something will happen. And planning, she has to plan her whole weekend in order to have a good feeling. She would go nutes if she has an empty spot in her agenda. She becomes lonely and miserable because Fi doesn't kick in to help her with this.

how does this sound to you?
Tertiary Ti (IxFJ): "I can't possibly go along with this, because it makes no sense. It's filled with internal contradictions. It's crude and not true to the real principles of how this works. It's trying to shove an inappropriately a priori conceptual structure onto the reality. I will have to go by feel, and where it leads I can't know until I get there. I've got to trust this groove regardless of people's arbitrary expectations." The Secondary Function (Fe) would say: "You've reached the limits of what you can do alone. You can make others feel important by telling them your needs and asking for their help, and yielding some genuine control to them. See who you can find common cause with."

Yeah, it also makes sense for me.
I do agree for the reasons; it's easier to maintain inner peace than to expand one's point of view (from introverted to extraverted / vice versa) and looking from somewhere else......and then realizing we -might- be wrong.