MBTI and Close Friends


Regular Poster
6: The Loyalist
If you could guess your closest friends/family MBTI types, what would they be?
Here goes! I'll begin...

Best Friend: ISFP
Previous Boyfriend: ENTP

I get along with NT's very well and as far as NF's go, have had no real, close connections with any yet :)
Interestingly enough, my close friends have taken the MB test, so that leaves out [some] of the guessing work. We all have different types mashed in there!
Friends are as follows: INTJ, INxJ, and a ISFJ.
My boyfriend is a IXTJ.

Older brother: ISTJ
Younger brother: ExFP (N/S usually tests as close, though leans more towards ENFP)
Oldest Sister: ENFJ
Older Sister: INFx (consistently tests as INFJ but has quite a bit of Pness and sometimes tests INFP [high Fi/Ne] when only cognitive functions are concerned)
Father: INTP was likely for him, but with rather developed Fe and strong J tendencies. I'm not sure that I can describe him through MBTI... only that he was a tenderhearted, hard-working, giving, science (and science fiction), music, and people-loving person who made a lot of mistakes and had a lot of regrets. Personality, like mother, affected by an onslaught of mental illness (paranoid schizophrenia, bipolar, and Borderline PD) and persistent drug abuse.
Mother: ESFP, though her true personality is often clouded by her anxiety disorder and ever present, almost debilitating paranoia

Not sure about friends.
Eldest sister - ENFJ
Her husband - ESTP (an immature one compared to my best friend)
Brother - ISFP
Other sister - ISTJ
I'm not entirely sure about my parents because I don't see them enough to know what they're like (the only time they're home from work is when I'm asleep/at college)

Best friend 1 - ESTP
Best friend 2 - ESFJ (I don't get along with her as much as I do, my ESTP)
Good Lord, both of my best friends are extroverts. O.O My emotional distance now makes sense!

A relatively new very good friend of mine - INTJ
Surprisingly, I'm actually closer to him on an emotional than I am to my best friends. I've only know him for about 8/9 weeks, whereas I've known my bf's for almost 6 years! (We established our best friendship 3 years ago!) And the funny thing is, he's more emotionally open to me than I am to him!

A crazy, psychotic aunt of mine - an unhealthy INFJ. She's as unhealthy as we come.

Two of my favourite teachers, EVER - ENTJ
Both in different schools. The male one was my tutor for five years, a Maths teacher. The female is my current English teacher.