Ne + Te = We are the Borg. Resistance as you know it is over. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own.
Ni + Ti + critique : "ew. (that sucks, the idea is wtf-inducing, and the quality isn't on par, and why do everyone say it's good? WTF?)"
Ti + Ni / Si : Genre Savviness.
Ni + Fe (good) : empath
Fe + Ni : consoler
Ni + Fe (bad) : emotional radar
Fe (bad) + Ni : bully
Ni + Fe (UGLY), partnered with Fe (UGLY) + Ni : quick road to emotional breakdown (of other people)
Ni + Se : "I want to eat this. I'll go now."
Fe + Ti : "okay, stop. *cue detailed reason of why shouldn't one do that*"
Te + Ni : "Hmm, what would we do about this? is it good?"
Ne + Se + Fe : random acts of randomness.
Ni + Fe + Se : random acts of kindness
Ni + Fe + Se (evil) : random acts of jerkassitude
Ni (bad) + anything : "I AM RIGHT. YOU ARE NOT. DIE."
...most of it are direct observations. >_>; SO apologize for the subjective value.