Mental fallacies?


find wisdom, build hope.
I don't really know how to say this; it's something that passed through my mind. Maybe people will get this or maybe people won't.

I guess it's a sort of like logical fallacies, only it's not on the levels of (spoken) opinion;
nay, it's on the level of thoughts. Patterns, shortcuts, cop outs, dissonances, assumptions.

Like for instance, just now there was a moment caught;
'it's humane, therefore it's permissible.' Which, it isn't. self.

Another thing is something that came out as a word of wisdom;
'just because some things are understandable does not mean it is justifiable.'

What about you? Do you have any? Can you identify them?
I lie to myself all the time. The biggest one is usually, it is alright or I'm alright.
I would think a fallacy of the mind would be were one's mind was flawed, on a level of a manic depressive schizophrenic
I would think a fallacy of the mind would be were one's mind was flawed, on a level of a manic depressive schizophrenic
Oh yes, certainly. I just thought it fits some parts of logical I'm just drawing a quick conclusion. :P If we're using the word completely true to its root, I guess it would be just as you said.

Indeed, the things I'm describing were humane and somewhat normal. But in the eyes of certain types of people / beliefs that humans got to be COMPLETELY rational and objective, I guess these are equally fallacious the way logical fallacies are..?