

Permanent Fixture
Dario Nardi describes Ni as:

[table="width: 400"]
[td]Introverted Inuiting
"Transforming with a meta-perspective"

Withdraw from the world and focus your mind to receive an insight or realization. Check whether synergy results. Try out a realization to transform yourself.[/td]

What does this mean to you? Please share any examples that you have experienced in your life about using meta-perspective.
  1. (psychology) The perspective that one believes another person to attribute to him or her. 
This is going to be full of mumbo jumbo..

For me, meta-perspective is looking at the...well, perspective in the meta way. As in, one level 'above' the perspective itself.

Not particularly the content itself. Think of content (the topic; work? family issues? romance? science?) as beans filling a cup.
Meta perspective is thinking about the cup; the shape of it, the way it's arranged, whether there are holes in it..

More specifically, I tend to obsess over the direction, what it's creating..whether there are weird or false logic working.
I also try to notice what's building the perspective itself; am I predisposed to look in a certain way / angle?

One example about that is yes; my meta perspective sees that I often sees myself as the victim; judgment nonwithstanding, that is going to affect how I see things.

As far as the content goes, I may apply something completely unrelated (via analogy and/or metaphor). Often times it's by those I can actually understand the topic in question..

And I can even crosscheck!

For example:
Thinking about family issues >> using war analogy >> thinking about what happened during wars, what may happen >> applying it back to my original problem.
I consider Intution the abilty to "guess well". It is like gambling in a way. Some people gamble willy nilly, place a bet and use "luck" to win. Others are aware of the odds of various games and have strategy that increase those odds.