Michael Jackson

I would like to believe he was an INFJ, because he is my ultimate hero and idol. However, I'm thinking with my emotions too much, even though he does display various INFJ tendencies.

I've heard he was an ISFP or an INFP.

What are your opinions?

Rest in peace to the sweetest, most incredible being to walk to Earth.
I think as a controversial figure who had a troubled childhood or family life and had some issues, and constantly under the media spotlight, it would be difficult to type him. Knowing a media personality's true personality is a bit more difficult because they put on many different personas for the world and the cameras. So, their true selves are not always visible. They may say and do things to please or entertain the public.

He was an extremely sensitive man which leads me to think INFP is a strong possibility but ISFP could be likely because he was a talented artist/musician. He lead a very eclectic lifestyle which was not mainstream, so it's doubtful he is a XXTJ. INFJ is still a possibility I guess but I am not sure it fits. He was pretty public about his personal life and INFJs don't seem to be types who like to share too much about their personal lives with anyone unless they know them pretty well.

Although, I think he was an introvert.
I think as a controversial figure who had a troubled childhood or family life and had some issues, and constantly under the media spotlight, it would be difficult to type him. Knowing a media personality's true personality is a bit more difficult because they put on many different personas for the world and the cameras. So, their true selves are not always visible. They may say and do things to please or entertain the public.

He was an extremely sensitive man which leads me to think INFP is a strong possibility but ISFP could be likely because he was a talented artist/musician. He lead a very eclectic lifestyle which was not mainstream, so it's doubtful he is a XXTJ. INFJ is still a possibility I guess but I am not sure it fits. He was pretty public about his personal life and INFJs don't seem to be types who like to share too much about their personal lives with anyone unless they know them pretty well.

Although, I think he was an introvert.

Yes definitely, I think everyone agrees he was introverted :) it's just the others that aren't so easy to define, however, and for that very reason (being difficult to type) I think he was an INFJ.

I don't know, just a suggestion (hope).

ESFP for sure.
A few years ago I was obsessed with Michael Jackson. I was very curious about him as a person and not as a musician. Just because I felt like I could relate to him personality-wise. I've read a great amount of material based on his character and I don't think he's an INFJ. He didn't have it in him to judge others, regardless of what the judging was about, he always tried seeing the good in everything.

I believe he is an INFP.
in my opinion, michael jackson was a beautiful person. his capacity for love was very misunderstood and twisted into something ugly by those who could not accept it.
I'm sorry, I don't think he was INFJ. I agree with [MENTION=1669]Ame[/MENTION]. He was too 'scattered' and eclectic to be a judger, and he lived in his own little fantasy land. Regardless what the Fi-dominants who mistake themselves for INFJs might say, those are not INFJ traits in the slightest.

That aside, his obviously past-oriented-focus would strongly indicate an introverted perceiving feeler. I think ISFP is a pretty good guess.
Oh no you don't [MENTION=1360]TheDaringHatTrick[/MENTION] ! Trying to lump him in with us....
Id say ISFP or INFP. Seems that a lot of talented artists are IXFP. I think he was a deeply beautiful, vulnerable, emotional and artistic person that was very misunderstood by a hateful media and culture
i think he's an infp. when he's not performing, he's naturally shy and soft
spoken, he kept to himself, he said so in many interviews
ISFP, trust me. I've seen many and they are so naturally talented for the performing arts.
To start, he's definitely an I. He seemed too creative, resourceful, and forward-thinking about the future of society to be an S. He wore colorful outfits and designed the Neverland Ranch... so that seems like an "N." He was definitely F. So that leaves us with INF(?)... Finally, I think he liked cleanliness, order, and timeliness. To keep up his concert schedule, I would imagine that he could have been a J. Plus, this is a man who bleached his skin white, so that all of it would look one uniform color after he was diagnosed with Vitiligo. I doubt a "P" would have done that! I think Michael was an INFJ. Also, dreamers tend to be INFPs, whereas INFJs are both dreamers and doers.

I've done a lot of research on this and reviewed some artwork that MJ had drawn in his younger years to try to get into his mind... My conclusions were that he was very "against the war machine." I believe that he was also asexual (not a pedophile). I discovered on my own that he bears a striking resemblance to the life of Frida Kahlo, who also died around the same age of a physician-assisted suicide. They both had chronic pain, abusive parents (I believe they were physically and sexually abused by their fathers), both had pet monkeys, both had more than 50 unnecessary surgeries, both had high IQ, and both had gender dysphoria. Kahlo was a woman who dressed like a man (and penciled in a unibrow for herself), whereas MJ was a man who identified at times with longer hair and more feminine features. I predicted MJ's death before it happened, since I saw the similarities between these two people. I don't know if that analysis helps, but those were my findings-- I really liked MJ, and think we should count him among us.
ESFP for sure.

A few years ago I was obsessed with Michael Jackson. I was very curious about him as a person and not as a musician. Just because I felt like I could relate to him personality-wise. I've read a great amount of material based on his character and I don't think he's an INFJ. He didn't have it in him to judge others, regardless of what the judging was about, he always tried seeing the good in everything.

I believe he is an INFP.

i think he's an infp. when he's not performing, he's naturally shy and soft
spoken, he kept to himself, he said so in many interviews

To start, he's definitely an I. He seemed too creative, resourceful, and forward-thinking about the future of society to be an S. He wore colorful outfits and designed the Neverland Ranch... so that seems like an "N." He was definitely F. So that leaves us with INF(?)... Finally, I think he liked cleanliness, order, and timeliness. To keep up his concert schedule, I would imagine that he could have been a J. Plus, this is a man who bleached his skin white, so that all of it would look one uniform color after he was diagnosed with Vitiligo. I doubt a "P" would have done that! I think Michael was an INFJ. Also, dreamers tend to be INFPs, whereas INFJs are both dreamers and doers.

I've done a lot of research on this and reviewed some artwork that MJ had drawn in his younger years to try to get into his mind... My conclusions were that he was very "against the war machine." I believe that he was also asexual (not a pedophile). I discovered on my own that he bears a striking resemblance to the life of Frida Kahlo, who also died around the same age of a physician-assisted suicide. They both had chronic pain, abusive parents (I believe they were physically and sexually abused by their fathers), both had pet monkeys, both had more than 50 unnecessary surgeries, both had high IQ, and both had gender dysphoria. Kahlo was a woman who dressed like a man (and penciled in a unibrow for herself), whereas MJ was a man who identified at times with longer hair and more feminine features. I predicted MJ's death before it happened, since I saw the similarities between these two people. I don't know if that analysis helps, but those were my findings-- I really liked MJ, and think we should count him among us.

Seriously ya'll, WTF.

He was an ISFP.
Really didn't have anywhere else to post this but the video does provide some answers to questions others may have wondered on and off over the years.
