- Enneagram
- Four
Help working out what he wants here, please! ie, why isn't he asking me out again, but texts daily??
Background info -
Casual off/on hookup relationship few yrs ago. Me recently single, we flirt online, then meet for a hot hookup (at my prompting). During which we also talk a lot and in depth, and get on great. He says frequently how much he's into my intellectualism and how my mind works, and how essential that is for his attraction.
He also mentions that he's been wanting a girlfriend. Then later, says that "we should do the social thing some time". Afterward, texts about how it was fun.
Then after 2 days of silence, i msg that i actually like him and am interested in hanging out again, in case he got disinterested vibes. He replies that he likes me and would like to hang out soon, though work is very busy atm (that is true). That weekend i am away on holiday.
Now it's the weekend again, 2 weeks after the hookup - last night while we were flirt-texting i say i'd like to hang out again, and am free this weekend. He says yes. It's now Saturday, and still no offer of plans from him.
On the flip side, he texts me *every* day (sometimes more than once), telling me little mundane or interesting details about his day. He comments on almost all my facebook posts.
So what's going on here? Some possibilities..:
*He wants to explore a relship with me, but -
- it's just a bad time now due to work, is waiting for the first good window to hang out again. The texts are to reassure me of his continued interest...
- is playing it careful and slow and thinking about it thoroughly first, holding back to do so. The texts are to reassure me of his continued interest in the meantime.. Thus giving off hot/cold signals inadvertently.
- is feeling too insecure to make the actual invitation... even though i've told him of my interest already, and basically already asked him out for this weekend?!
- is playing some mind game.
*He's not interested in dating me (as opposed to continued casual hooking up), but -
- thinks these texts are necessary to keep me warm for casual hookups (the pattern of our hookup relationship from the past does not support this conclusion).
- also feels a bit lonely, and likes to have someone to just send these mundane daily texts to.
**Which do you think it is, please?
Personally I'm inclined to think it's - 1b - the "taking time to ponder it" option.
I can think of many reasons he might be hesitant about going ahead:
- he had his heart massively broken in January
- i left my marriage a year ago, seem like a risky proposition
- i have a young child (i parent on alternate nights)
- i'm a foot shorter than him. or, 12 years younger (we're 31 and 43)
**Also.... what do you think I should do? As i'm oscillating between any of these 3 options right now!
- invite myself over this weekend, just make the moves, and during the date make my interest clear.
- just play it cool and let him make the moves. see what happens. call it off if he doesn't ask me out after another week or two, and decide he's just not interested enough.
- ask him directly what's going on.
Your help is verry welcome, thanks!
Background info -
Casual off/on hookup relationship few yrs ago. Me recently single, we flirt online, then meet for a hot hookup (at my prompting). During which we also talk a lot and in depth, and get on great. He says frequently how much he's into my intellectualism and how my mind works, and how essential that is for his attraction.
He also mentions that he's been wanting a girlfriend. Then later, says that "we should do the social thing some time". Afterward, texts about how it was fun.
Then after 2 days of silence, i msg that i actually like him and am interested in hanging out again, in case he got disinterested vibes. He replies that he likes me and would like to hang out soon, though work is very busy atm (that is true). That weekend i am away on holiday.
Now it's the weekend again, 2 weeks after the hookup - last night while we were flirt-texting i say i'd like to hang out again, and am free this weekend. He says yes. It's now Saturday, and still no offer of plans from him.
On the flip side, he texts me *every* day (sometimes more than once), telling me little mundane or interesting details about his day. He comments on almost all my facebook posts.
So what's going on here? Some possibilities..:
*He wants to explore a relship with me, but -
- it's just a bad time now due to work, is waiting for the first good window to hang out again. The texts are to reassure me of his continued interest...
- is playing it careful and slow and thinking about it thoroughly first, holding back to do so. The texts are to reassure me of his continued interest in the meantime.. Thus giving off hot/cold signals inadvertently.
- is feeling too insecure to make the actual invitation... even though i've told him of my interest already, and basically already asked him out for this weekend?!
- is playing some mind game.
*He's not interested in dating me (as opposed to continued casual hooking up), but -
- thinks these texts are necessary to keep me warm for casual hookups (the pattern of our hookup relationship from the past does not support this conclusion).
- also feels a bit lonely, and likes to have someone to just send these mundane daily texts to.
**Which do you think it is, please?
Personally I'm inclined to think it's - 1b - the "taking time to ponder it" option.
I can think of many reasons he might be hesitant about going ahead:
- he had his heart massively broken in January
- i left my marriage a year ago, seem like a risky proposition
- i have a young child (i parent on alternate nights)
- i'm a foot shorter than him. or, 12 years younger (we're 31 and 43)
**Also.... what do you think I should do? As i'm oscillating between any of these 3 options right now!
- invite myself over this weekend, just make the moves, and during the date make my interest clear.
- just play it cool and let him make the moves. see what happens. call it off if he doesn't ask me out after another week or two, and decide he's just not interested enough.
- ask him directly what's going on.
Your help is verry welcome, thanks!