Moral Foundations Test by Johnathan Haidt: interesting test that claims to reveal aspects of one's character


This test is based on moral foundations theory, a psychological theory that claims to explain pollitical differences. I've no real opinion on how accurate or useful it is, but I'm interested in hearing the results of y'all, especially since all of you are interested in psychology and share similar personalities. Take the test here here.

These are the six 'foundations' of morality that purportedly determine one's pollitics.

These were my results:


No surprise, really. I continue to be who I am.


I have my doubts about this test because many of the questions need you to make assumptions about context, with the answer very unstable depending on it - I found it quite possible with some of them to quite validly answer the opposite to what I chose. For example between a religious v an atheistic society - I couldn't care less between Stalin's Soviet Union and the Ayatollahs' Iran and am only thankful I was born into neither, but I'd choose an atheistic Wester democracy over either of them any day.
high in care and fairness,
mid liberty,
low in in-group, purity, and authority.

Hmmm. The wording on this test milks certain responses and seems to have a target audience.
high in care and fairness

Hmmm. The wording on this test milks certain responses and seems to have a target audience.

Asa, one of the many things I like about you is our similarities regarding how to answer a question with only choices. Multiple choices guide to specific categories. I often do not agree with theories, though I do embrace a mind wishing to reach out and try to help others. I rather question theories because of what they are. Thank you for allowing me to not feel alone.
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Your results:​

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The CARE foundation is defined by a desire to minimize the suffering of others and protect the weak.
Those who score highly in it are more likely to value kindness, tolerance, pacifism, mercy, and public welfare.
Ideologically, Care is one of the more commonly held foundations, but happens to be particularly strong among Social Progressives and Cosmpolitans.
Culturally, Western European societies tend to place the greatest emphasis on Care.

The FAIRNESS foundation is defined by a desire for people to be held accountable for their actions in an equal playing field.
Those who score highly in it are more likely to value equality of opportunity, justice, reciprocity, integrity, and honesty.
Ideologically, Fairness is the most omnipresent foundation, with the vast majority of people scoring highly in it, but happens to be particularly strong among Socialists and Left Liberals (Social Democrats).
Culturally, developed societies where most citizens are literate/educated all tend to place a strong emphasis on Fairness.

The LIBERTY foundation is defined by a desire for people to have agency over their lives without outside coercion from a central authority.
Those who score highly in it are more likely to value bodily autonomy, privacy, free speech, voluntarism, and democracy.
Ideologically, Anarchists, Libertarians and Classic Liberals tend to score highest in Liberty.
Culturally, English-speaking societies, namely the United States, tend to place the greatest emphasis on Liberty.

The IN-GROUP LOYALTY foundation is defined by a desire for members of one's "natural" ingroups (such as their family, tribe, or nation) to forego their personal aspirations and sympathies towards external causes in order to benefit the group. Those who score more highly in it are more likely to value self-sacrifice, national sovereignty, natalism, preservation of culture, and patriotism.
Ideologically, Nationalists and Identitarians tend to score highest in In-Group Loyalty.
Culturally, Eastern European societies tend to place the greatest emphasis on In-Group Loyalty.

The PURITY foundation is defined by a desire to uphold a standard of "high society" and avoid behavior that is percieved as contaminating, primitive, degenerate, or spiritually degrading.
Those who score highly in it are more likely to value cleanliness, beauty, etiquette, abstinence, chastity, frugality, and spirituality.
Ideologically, Social Conservatives tend to score highest in Purity.
Culturally, societies with a strong religious prescence such as Romania, Myanmar, Japan, Turkey, and India tend to place the greatest emphasis on Purity.

The AUTHORITY foundation, perhaps more suitably called the "order" foundation, is defined by a desire to achieve stability through a structured social order, and deference to the rules, authorities, and institutions within said order.
Those who score highly in it are more likely to value duty, rule of law, discipline, assertive leadership, and meritocracy.
Ideologically, Social Conservatives tend to score highest on Authority/Order.
Culturally, East Asian societies tend to place the greatest emphasis on Authority/Order.

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